Source code for

import os
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
from pyproj import Proj, transform
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger('ding0')
from import get_default_home_dir
from import MVGridDing0

use_gpd = False
use_ctx = False

if 'READTHEDOCS' not in os.environ:
    use_gpd = True
        import geopandas as gpd
        use_gpd = False

    use_ctx = True
        import contextily as ctx
        use_ctx = False

[docs]def plot_mv_topology(grid, subtitle='', filename=None, testcase='load', line_color=None, node_color='type', limits_cb_lines=None, limits_cb_nodes=None, background_map=True): """ Draws MV grid graph using networkx Parameters ---------- grid : :obj:`MVGridDing0` MV grid to plot. subtitle : :obj:`str` Extend plot's title by this string. filename : :obj:`str` If provided, the figure will be saved and not displayed (default path: ~/.ding0/). A prefix is added to the file name. testcase : :obj:`str` Defines which case is to be used. Refer to config_calc.cfg to see further assumptions for the cases. Possible options are: * 'load' (default) Heavy-load-flow case * 'feedin' Feedin-case line_color : :obj:`str` Defines whereby to choose line colors. Possible options are: * 'loading' Line color is set according to loading of the line in heavy load case. You can use parameter `limits_cb_lines` to adjust the color range. * None (default) Lines are plotted in black. Is also the fallback option in case of wrong input. node_color : :obj:`str` Defines whereby to choose node colors. Possible options are: * 'type' (default) Node color as well as size is set according to type of node (generator, MV station, etc.). Is also the fallback option in case of wrong input. * 'voltage' Node color is set according to voltage deviation from 1 p.u.. You can use parameter `limits_cb_nodes` to adjust the color range. limits_cb_lines : :obj:`tuple` Tuple with limits for colorbar of line color. First entry is the minimum and second entry the maximum value. E.g. pass (0, 1) to adjust the colorbar to 0..100% loading. Default: None (min and max loading are used). limits_cb_nodes : :obj:`tuple` Tuple with limits for colorbar of nodes. First entry is the minimum and second entry the maximum value. E.g. pass (0.9, 1) to adjust the colorbar to 90%..100% voltage. Default: None (min and max loading are used). background_map : bool, optional If True, a background map is plotted (default: stamen toner light). The additional package `contextily` is needed for this functionality. Default: True Note ----- WGS84 pseudo mercator (epsg:3857) is used as coordinate reference system (CRS). Therefore, the drawn graph representation may be falsified! """ def set_nodes_style_and_position(nodes): # TODO: MOVE settings to config # node types (name of classes) node_types = ['MVStationDing0', 'LVStationDing0', 'LVLoadAreaCentreDing0', 'MVCableDistributorDing0', 'GeneratorDing0', 'GeneratorFluctuatingDing0', 'CircuitBreakerDing0', 'n/a'] # node styles colors_dict = {'MVStationDing0': '#f2ae00', 'LVStationDing0': 'grey', 'LVLoadAreaCentreDing0': '#fffc3d', 'MVCableDistributorDing0': '#000000', 'GeneratorDing0': '#00b023', 'GeneratorFluctuatingDing0': '#0078b0', 'CircuitBreakerDing0': '#c20000', 'n/a': 'orange'} sizes_dict = {'MVStationDing0': 120, 'LVStationDing0': 7, 'LVLoadAreaCentreDing0': 30, 'MVCableDistributorDing0': 5, 'GeneratorDing0': 50, 'GeneratorFluctuatingDing0': 50, 'CircuitBreakerDing0': 50, 'n/a': 5} zindex_by_type = {'MVStationDing0': 16, 'LVStationDing0': 12, 'LVLoadAreaCentreDing0': 11, 'MVCableDistributorDing0': 13, 'GeneratorDing0': 14, 'GeneratorFluctuatingDing0': 14, 'CircuitBreakerDing0': 15, 'n/a': 10} # dict of node class names: list of nodes nodes_by_type = {_: [] for _ in node_types} # dict of node class names: list of node-individual color node_colors_by_type = {_: [] for _ in node_types} # dict of node class names: list of node-individual size node_sizes_by_type = {_: [] for _ in node_types} node_sizes_by_type['all'] = [] # dict of nodes:node-individual positions nodes_pos = {} for n in nodes: if type(n).__name__ in node_types: nodes_by_type[type(n).__name__].append(n) node_colors_by_type[type(n).__name__].append(colors_dict[type(n).__name__]) node_sizes_by_type[type(n).__name__].append(sizes_dict[type(n).__name__]) node_sizes_by_type['all'].append(sizes_dict[type(n).__name__]) else: nodes_by_type['n/a'].append(n) node_colors_by_type['n/a'].append(colors_dict['n/a']) node_sizes_by_type['n/a'].append(sizes_dict['n/a']) node_sizes_by_type['all'].append(sizes_dict['n/a']) nodes_pos[n] = (n.geo_data.x, n.geo_data.y) return node_types, nodes_by_type, node_colors_by_type,\ node_sizes_by_type, zindex_by_type, nodes_pos def reproject_nodes(nodes_pos, model_proj='4326'): inProj = Proj(init='epsg:{srid}'.format(srid=model_proj)) outProj = Proj(init='epsg:3857') nodes_pos2 = {} for k, v in nodes_pos.items(): x2, y2 = transform(inProj, outProj, v[0], v[1]) nodes_pos2[k] = (x2, y2) return nodes_pos2 def plot_background_map(ax): url = ctx.sources.ST_TONER_LITE xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = ax.axis() basemap, extent = ctx.bounds2img(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, zoom=12, url=url) ax.imshow(basemap, extent=extent, interpolation='bilinear', zorder=0) ax.axis((xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)) def plot_region_data(ax): # get geoms of MV grid district, load areas and LV grid districts mv_grid_district = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': grid.grid_district.geo_data}, crs={'init': 'epsg:{srid}'.format(srid=model_proj)}) load_areas = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': [la.geo_area for la in grid.grid_district.lv_load_areas()]}, crs={'init': 'epsg:{srid}'.format(srid=model_proj)}) lv_grid_districts = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': [lvgd.geo_data for la in grid.grid_district.lv_load_areas() for lvgd in la.lv_grid_districts()]}, crs={'init': 'epsg:{srid}'.format(srid=model_proj)}) # reproject to WGS84 pseudo mercator mv_grid_district = mv_grid_district.to_crs(epsg=3857) load_areas = load_areas.to_crs(epsg=3857) lv_grid_districts = lv_grid_districts.to_crs(epsg=3857) # plot mv_grid_district.plot(ax=ax, color='#ffffff', alpha=0.2, edgecolor='k', linewidth=2, zorder=2) load_areas.plot(ax=ax, color='#fffea3', alpha=0.1, edgecolor='k', linewidth=0.5, zorder=3) lv_grid_districts.plot(ax=ax, color='#ffffff', alpha=0.05, edgecolor='k', linewidth=0.5, zorder=4) if not isinstance(grid, MVGridDing0): logger.warning('Sorry, but plotting is currently only available for MV grids but you did not pass an' 'instance of MVGridDing0. Plotting is skipped.') return g = grid.graph model_proj =['geo']['srid'] if testcase == 'feedin': case_idx = 1 else: case_idx = 0 nodes_types, nodes_by_type, node_colors_by_type, node_sizes_by_type, zindex_by_type, nodes_pos =\ set_nodes_style_and_position(g.nodes()) # reproject to WGS84 pseudo mercator nodes_pos = reproject_nodes(nodes_pos, model_proj=model_proj) plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6)) ax = plt.gca() if line_color == 'loading': edges_color = [] for n1, n2 in g.edges(): edge = g.adj[n1][n2] if hasattr(edge['branch'], 's_res'): edges_color.append(edge['branch'].s_res[case_idx] * 1e3 / (3 ** 0.5 * edge['branch'].type['U_n'] * edge['branch'].type['I_max_th'])) else: edges_color.append(0) edges_cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') #edges_cmap.set_over('#952eff') else: edges_color = ['black'] * len(list(grid.graph_edges())) edges_cmap = None # plot nodes by voltage if node_color == 'voltage': voltage_station = grid._station.voltage_res[case_idx] nodes_color = [] for n in g.nodes(): if hasattr(n, 'voltage_res'): nodes_color.append(n.voltage_res[case_idx]) else: nodes_color.append(voltage_station) if testcase == 'feedin': nodes_cmap = plt.get_cmap('Reds') nodes_vmax = voltage_station + float( ['mv_routing_tech_constraints'] ['mv_max_v_level_fc_diff_normal']) nodes_vmin = voltage_station else: nodes_cmap = plt.get_cmap('Reds_r') nodes_vmin = voltage_station - float( ['mv_routing_tech_constraints'] ['mv_max_v_level_lc_diff_normal']) nodes_vmax = voltage_station nodes = nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos=nodes_pos, node_color=nodes_color, # node_shape='o', # TODO: Add additional symbols here cmap=nodes_cmap, vmin=nodes_vmin, vmax=nodes_vmax, node_size=node_sizes_by_type['all'], linewidths=0.25, ax=ax) nodes.set_zorder(10) nodes.set_edgecolor('k') # colorbar nodes if limits_cb_nodes is None: limits_cb_nodes = (math.floor(min(nodes_color)*100)/100, math.ceil(max(nodes_color)*100)/100) v_range = np.linspace(limits_cb_nodes[0], limits_cb_nodes[1], 101) cb_voltage = plt.colorbar(nodes, boundaries=v_range, ticks=v_range[0:101:10], fraction=0.04, pad=0.1) cb_voltage.set_clim(vmin=limits_cb_nodes[0], vmax=limits_cb_nodes[1]) cb_voltage.set_label('Node voltage deviation in %', size='smaller')'smaller') # plot nodes by type else: for node_type in nodes_types: if len(nodes_by_type[node_type]) != 0: nodes = nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, nodelist=nodes_by_type[node_type], pos=nodes_pos, # node_shape='o', # TODO: Add additional symbols here node_color=node_colors_by_type[node_type], cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, node_size=node_sizes_by_type[node_type], linewidths=0.25, label=node_type, ax=ax) nodes.set_zorder(zindex_by_type[node_type]) nodes.set_edgecolor('k') edges = nx.draw_networkx_edges(g, pos=nodes_pos, edge_color=edges_color, edge_cmap=edges_cmap, edge_vmin=0, edge_vmax=1, #width=1, ax=ax) edges.set_zorder(5) if line_color == 'loading': # colorbar edges if limits_cb_lines is None: limits_cb_lines = (math.floor(min(edges_color)*100)/100, math.ceil(max(edges_color)*100)/100) loading_range = np.linspace(limits_cb_lines[0], limits_cb_lines[1], 101) cb_loading = plt.colorbar(edges, boundaries=loading_range, ticks=loading_range[0:101:10], fraction=0.04, pad=0.04) cb_loading.set_clim(vmin=limits_cb_lines[0], vmax=limits_cb_lines[1]) cb_loading.set_label('Line loading in % of nominal capacity', size='smaller')'smaller') if use_ctx and background_map: plot_background_map(ax=ax) if use_gpd: plot_region_data(ax=ax) plt.legend(fontsize=7) plt.title('MV Grid District {id} - {st}'.format(id=grid.id_db, st=subtitle)) # hide axes labels (coords) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if filename is None: plt.tight_layout() else: path = os.path.join(get_default_home_dir(), 'ding0_grid_{id}_{filename}'.format(id=str(grid.id_db), filename=filename)) plt.savefig(path, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()'==> Figure saved to {path}'.format(path=path))