Source code for

"""This file is part of DINGO, the DIstribution Network GeneratOr.
DINGO is a tool to generate synthetic medium and low voltage power
distribution grids based on open data.

It is developed in the project open_eGo:

DING0 lives at github:
The documentation is available on RTD:"""

__copyright__  = "Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH"
__license__    = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__url__        = ""
__author__     = "nesnoj, gplssm"

import pickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
import os
import re

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from import db
from ding0.core import NetworkDing0
from ding0.core import GeneratorDing0
from ding0.core import LVCableDistributorDing0, MVCableDistributorDing0
from ding0.core import MVStationDing0, LVStationDing0
from ding0.core import CircuitBreakerDing0
from import LVLoadDing0
from ding0.core import LVLoadAreaCentreDing0

from pyproj import Transformer

from geoalchemy2.shape import from_shape
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
import multiprocessing as mp

from math import floor, pi

from ding0.flexopt.check_tech_constraints import get_critical_line_loading, \
from import config as cfg_ding0

import networkx as nx

if not 'READTHEDOCS' in os.environ:
    from shapely.ops import transform
    from shapely.geometry import LineString
    from shapely.wkt import dumps as wkt_dumps


[docs]def lv_grid_generators_bus_bar(nd): """ Calculate statistics about generators at bus bar in LV grids Parameters ---------- nd : ding0.NetworkDing0 Network container object Returns ------- lv_stats : dict Dict with keys of LV grid repr() on first level. Each of the grids has a set of statistical information about its topology """ lv_stats = {} for la in nd._mv_grid_districts[0].lv_load_areas(): for lvgd in la.lv_grid_districts(): station_neighbors = list(lvgd.lv_grid.graph[ lvgd.lv_grid._station].keys()) # check if nodes of a statio are members of list generators station_generators = [x for x in station_neighbors if x in lvgd.lv_grid.generators()] lv_stats[repr(lvgd.lv_grid._station)] = station_generators return lv_stats
[docs]def save_nd_to_pickle(nd, path='', filename=None): """Use pickle to save the whole nd-object to disc The network instance is entirely pickled to a file. Parameters ---------- nd : NetworkDing0 Ding0 grid container object path : :obj:`str` Absolute or relative path where pickle should be saved. Default is '' which means pickle is save to PWD """ abs_path = os.path.abspath(path) if len(nd._mv_grid_districts) > 1: name_extension = '_{number}-{number2}'.format( number=nd._mv_grid_districts[0].id_db, number2=nd._mv_grid_districts[-1].id_db) else: name_extension = '_{number}'.format(number=nd._mv_grid_districts[0].id_db) if filename is None: filename = "ding0_grids_{ext}.pkl".format( ext=name_extension) # delete attributes of `nd` in order to make pickling work # del nd._config del nd._orm pickle.dump(nd, open(os.path.join(abs_path, filename), "wb"))
[docs]def load_nd_from_pickle(filename=None, path=''): """ Use pickle to save the whole nd-object to disc Parameters ---------- filename : :obj:`str` Filename of nd pickle path : :obj:`str` Absolute or relative path where pickle should be saved. Default is '' which means pickle is save to PWD Returns ------- nd : NetworkDing0 Ding0 grid container object """ abs_path = os.path.abspath(path) if filename is None: raise NotImplementedError return pickle.load(open(os.path.join(abs_path, filename), "rb"))
[docs]def plot_cable_length(stats, plotpath): """ Cable length per MV grid district """ # cable and line kilometer distribution f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex=True) stats.hist(column=['Length of MV overhead lines'], bins=5, alpha=0.5, ax=axarr[0, 0]) stats.hist(column=['Length of MV underground cables'], bins=5, alpha=0.5, ax=axarr[0, 1]) stats.hist(column=['Length of LV overhead lines'], bins=5, alpha=0.5, ax=axarr[1, 0]) stats.hist(column=['Length of LV underground cables'], bins=5, alpha=0.5, ax=axarr[1, 1]) plt.savefig(os.path.join(plotpath, 'Histogram_cable_line_length.pdf'))
[docs]def plot_generation_over_load(stats, plotpath): """ Plot of generation over load """ # Generation capacity vs. peak load sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1.1) sns.set_style("ticks") # reformat to MW gen_cap_indexes = ["Gen. Cap. of MV at v_level 4", "Gen. Cap. of MV at v_level 5", "Gen. Cap. of LV at v_level 6", "Gen. Cap. of LV at v_level 7"] peak_load_index = ["LA Total LV Peak Load total"] stats['generation_capacity'] = stats[gen_cap_indexes].sum(axis=1) / 1e3 stats['peak_load'] = stats[peak_load_index] / 1e3 sns.lmplot('generation_capacity', 'peak_load', data=stats, fit_reg=False, # hue='v_nom', # hue='Voltage level', scatter_kws={"marker": "D", "s": 100}, aspect=2) plt.title('Peak load vs. generation capacity') plt.xlabel('Generation capacity in MW') plt.ylabel('Peak load in MW') plt.savefig(os.path.join(plotpath, 'Scatter_generation_load.pdf'))
[docs]def plot_km_cable_vs_line(stats, plotpath): """ :param stats: :param plotpath: :return: """ # Cable vs. line kilometer scatter sns.lmplot('km_cable', 'km_line', data=stats, fit_reg=False, hue='v_nom', # hue='Voltage level', scatter_kws={"marker": "D", "s": 100}, aspect=2) plt.title('Kilometer of cable/line') plt.xlabel('Km of cables') plt.ylabel('Km of overhead lines') plt.savefig(os.path.join(plotpath, 'Scatter_cables_lines.pdf'))
[docs]def concat_nd_pickles(self, mv_grid_districts): """ Read multiple pickles, join nd objects and save to file Parameters ---------- mv_grid_districts : :obj:`list` Ints describing MV grid districts """ pickle_name = cfg_ding0.get('output', 'nd_pickle') # self.nd = self.read_pickles_from_files(pickle_name) # TODO: instead of passing a list of mvgd's, pass list of filenames plus optionally a basth_path for mvgd in mv_grid_districts[1:]: filename = os.path.join( self.base_path, 'results', pickle_name.format(mvgd)) if os.path.isfile(filename): mvgd_pickle = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb')) if mvgd_pickle._mv_grid_districts: mvgd.add_mv_grid_district(mvgd_pickle._mv_grid_districts[0]) # save to concatenated pickle pickle.dump(mvgd, open(os.path.join( self.base_path, 'results', "ding0_grids_{0}-{1}.pkl".format( mv_grid_districts[0], mv_grid_districts[-1])), "wb")) # save stats (edges and nodes data) to csv nodes, edges = mvgd.to_dataframe() nodes.to_csv(os.path.join( self.base_path, 'results', 'mvgd_nodes_stats_{0}-{1}.csv'.format( mv_grid_districts[0], mv_grid_districts[-1])), index=False) edges.to_csv(os.path.join( self.base_path, 'results', 'mvgd_edges_stats_{0}-{1}.csv'.format( mv_grid_districts[0], mv_grid_districts[-1])), index=False)
[docs]def calculate_lvgd_stats(nw): """ LV Statistics for an arbitrary network Parameters ---------- nw: :obj:`list` of NetworkDing0 The MV grid(s) to be studied Returns ------- lvgd_stats : :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` Dataframe containing several statistical numbers about the LVGD """ ############################## # ETRS (equidistant) to WGS84 (conformal) projection proj = Transformer.from_crs("epsg:4326", "epsg:3035", always_xy=True).transform ############################## # close circuit breakers nw.control_circuit_breakers(mode='close') ############################## lv_dist_idx = 0 lv_dist_dict = {} lv_gen_idx = 0 lv_gen_dict = {} lv_load_idx = 0 lv_load_dict = {} branch_idx = 0 branches_dict = {} trafos_idx = 0 trafos_dict = {} for mv_district in nw.mv_grid_districts(): for LA in mv_district.lv_load_areas(): for lv_district in LA.lv_grid_districts(): lv_dist_idx += 1 branches_from_station = len(lv_district.lv_grid.graph_branches_from_node(lv_district.lv_grid.station())) lv_dist_dict[lv_dist_idx] = { 'MV_grid_id': mv_district.mv_grid.id_db, 'LV_grid_id': lv_district.lv_grid.id_db, 'Load Area ID': LA.id_db, 'Population': lv_district.population, 'Peak Load Residential': lv_district.peak_load_residential, 'Peak Load Retail': lv_district.peak_load_retail, 'Peak Load Industrial': lv_district.peak_load_industrial, 'Peak Load Agricultural': lv_district.peak_load_agricultural, 'Number of Sector Residential': lv_district.sector_count_residential, 'Number of Sector Retail': lv_district.sector_count_retail, 'Number of Sector Industrial': lv_district.sector_count_industrial, 'Number of Sector Agricultural': lv_district.sector_count_agricultural, 'Accum. Consumption Residential': lv_district.sector_consumption_residential, 'Accum. Consumption Retail': lv_district.sector_consumption_retail, 'Accum. Consumption Industrial': lv_district.sector_consumption_industrial, 'Accum. Consumption Agricultural': lv_district.sector_consumption_agricultural, 'Number of branches from LV Station': branches_from_station, 'Load Area is Aggregated': LA.is_aggregated, 'Load Area is Satellite': LA.is_satellite, } # generation capacity for g in lv_district.lv_grid.generators(): lv_gen_idx += 1 subtype = g.subtype if subtype == None: subtype = 'other' type = g.type if type == None: type = 'other' lv_gen_dict[lv_gen_idx] = { 'LV_grid_id': lv_district.lv_grid.id_db, 'v_level': g.v_level, 'subtype': type + '/' + subtype, 'GenCap': g.capacity, } # nodes bzw. LV loads for node in lv_district.lv_grid.graph_nodes_sorted(): if isinstance(node, LVLoadDing0): lv_load_idx += 1 if 'agricultural' in node.consumption: tipo = 'agricultural' elif 'industrial' in node.consumption: tipo = 'ind_ret' elif 'residential' in node.consumption: tipo = 'residential' else: tipo = 'none' lv_load_dict[lv_load_idx] = { 'LV_grid_id': lv_district.lv_grid.id_db, 'load_type': tipo, } # branches for branch in lv_district.lv_grid.graph_edges(): branch_idx += 1 branches_dict[branch_idx] = { 'LV_grid_id': lv_district.lv_grid.id_db, 'length': branch['branch'].length / 1e3, 'type_name': branch['branch'].type.to_frame().columns[0], 'type_kind': branch['branch'].kind, } # Transformers for trafo in lv_district.lv_grid.station().transformers(): trafos_idx += 1 trafos_dict[trafos_idx] = { 'LV_grid_id': lv_district.lv_grid.id_db, 's_max_a': trafo.s_max_a, } # geographic district_geo = transform(proj, lv_district.geo_data) lv_dist_dict[lv_dist_idx].update({'Area': district_geo.area}) lvgd_stats = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lv_dist_dict, orient='index').set_index('LV_grid_id') # generate partial dataframes gen_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lv_gen_dict, orient='index') load_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lv_load_dict, orient='index') branch_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(branches_dict, orient='index') trafos_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(trafos_dict, orient='index') # resque desired data if not gen_df.empty: # generation by voltage level lv_generation = gen_df.groupby(['LV_grid_id', 'v_level'])['GenCap'].sum().to_frame().unstack(level=-1) lv_generation.columns = ['Gen. Cap. v_level ' + str(_[1]) if isinstance(_, tuple) else str(_) for _ in lv_generation.columns] lvgd_stats = pd.concat([lvgd_stats, lv_generation], axis=1) # generation by type/subtype lv_generation = gen_df.groupby(['LV_grid_id', 'subtype'])['GenCap'].sum().to_frame().unstack(level=-1) lv_generation.columns = ['Gen. Cap. type ' + str(_[1]) if isinstance(_, tuple) else str(_) for _ in lv_generation.columns] lvgd_stats = pd.concat([lvgd_stats, lv_generation], axis=1) if not load_df.empty: # number of residential loads lv_loads = load_df[load_df['load_type'] == 'residential'].groupby(['LV_grid_id'])[ 'load_type'].count().to_frame() # .unstack(level=-1) lv_loads.columns = ['Number of loads residential'] lvgd_stats = pd.concat([lvgd_stats, lv_loads], axis=1) # number of agricultural loads lv_loads = load_df[load_df['load_type'] == 'agricultural'].groupby(['LV_grid_id'])[ 'load_type'].count().to_frame() # .unstack(level=-1) lv_loads.columns = ['Number of loads agricultural'] lvgd_stats = pd.concat([lvgd_stats, lv_loads], axis=1) # number of mixed industrial / retail loads lv_loads = load_df[load_df['load_type'] == 'ind_ret'].groupby(['LV_grid_id'])[ 'load_type'].count().to_frame() # .unstack(level=-1) lv_loads.columns = ['Number of loads mixed industrial/retail'] lvgd_stats = pd.concat([lvgd_stats, lv_loads], axis=1) if not branch_df.empty: # branches by type name lv_branches = branch_df.groupby(['LV_grid_id', 'type_name'])['length'].sum().to_frame().unstack(level=-1) lv_branches.columns = ['Length Type ' + _[1] if isinstance(_, tuple) else _ for _ in lv_branches.columns] lvgd_stats = pd.concat([lvgd_stats, lv_branches], axis=1) # branches by kind lv_branches = branch_df[branch_df['type_kind'] == 'line'].groupby(['LV_grid_id'])['length'].sum().to_frame() lv_branches.columns = ['Length of overhead lines'] lvgd_stats = pd.concat([lvgd_stats, lv_branches], axis=1) lv_branches = branch_df[branch_df['type_kind'] == 'cable'].groupby(['LV_grid_id'])['length'].sum().to_frame() lv_branches.columns = ['Length of underground cables'] lvgd_stats = pd.concat([lvgd_stats, lv_branches], axis=1) # N°of branches lv_branches = branch_df.groupby(['LV_grid_id', 'type_name'])['length'].count().to_frame().unstack(level=-1) lv_branches.columns = ['Number of branches Type ' + _[1] if isinstance(_, tuple) else _ for _ in lv_branches.columns] lvgd_stats = pd.concat([lvgd_stats, lv_branches], axis=1) lv_branches = branch_df[branch_df['type_kind'] == 'line'].groupby(['LV_grid_id'])['length'].count().to_frame() lv_branches.columns = ['Number of branches overhead lines'] lvgd_stats = pd.concat([lvgd_stats, lv_branches], axis=1) lv_branches = branch_df[branch_df['type_kind'] == 'cable'].groupby(['LV_grid_id'])['length'].count().to_frame() lv_branches.columns = ['Number of branches underground cables'] lvgd_stats = pd.concat([lvgd_stats, lv_branches], axis=1) if not trafos_df.empty: # N of trafos lv_trafos = trafos_df.groupby(['LV_grid_id'])['s_max_a'].count().to_frame() lv_trafos.columns = ['Number of MV/LV Trafos'] lvgd_stats = pd.concat([lvgd_stats, lv_trafos], axis=1) # Capacity of trafos lv_trafos = trafos_df.groupby(['LV_grid_id'])['s_max_a'].sum().to_frame() lv_trafos.columns = ['Accumulated s_max_a in MVLV trafos'] lvgd_stats = pd.concat([lvgd_stats, lv_trafos], axis=1) lvgd_stats = lvgd_stats.fillna(0) lvgd_stats = lvgd_stats[sorted(lvgd_stats.columns.tolist())] return lvgd_stats
[docs]def calculate_mvgd_stats(nw): """ MV Statistics for an arbitrary network Parameters ---------- nw: :obj:`list` of NetworkDing0 The MV grid(s) to be studied Returns ------- mvgd_stats : :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` Dataframe containing several statistical numbers about the MVGD """ ############################## freq = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'frequency') omega = 2 * pi * freq # close circuit breakers nw.control_circuit_breakers(mode='close') ############################## # Collect info from nw into dataframes # define dictionaries for collection trafos_dict = {} generators_dict = {} branches_dict = {} ring_dict = {} LA_dict = {} other_nodes_dict = {} lv_branches_dict = {} # initiate indexes trafos_idx = 0 gen_idx = 0 branch_idx = 0 ring_idx = 0 LA_idx = 0 lv_branches_idx = 0 # loop over MV grid districts for district in nw.mv_grid_districts(): # node of MV station root = district.mv_grid.station() ################################### # get impedance of path to each terminal node # and get thermal capacity of first segment of path to each terminal node # store properties of terminal nodes in dictionaries # properties are e.g. impedance of path, length of path, thermal limit of first segment of path mv_impedances = {} mvlv_impedances = {} mv_path_lengths = {} mvlv_path_lengths = {} mv_thermal_limits = {} # I_max of first segment on MV for each MV path lv_thermal_limits = {} # I_max of first segment on LV for each LV path mvlv_thermal_limits = {} # I_max of first segment on MV for each MVLV path n_outgoing_LV = 0 n_stations_LV = 0 n_outgoing_MV = 0 G = district.mv_grid.graph for node in G.nodes(): if isinstance(node, MVStationDing0): n_outgoing_MV += len(list(G.neighbors(node))) continue mv_impedance = 0 mv_path_length = 0 if not isinstance(node, MVCableDistributorDing0) and not isinstance(node, CircuitBreakerDing0): if not nx.has_path(G, root, node): continue #print(node, node.lv_load_area.is_aggregated) # only debug else: path = nx.shortest_path(G, root, node) for i in range(len(path) - 1): mv_impedance += (G.adj[path[i]][path[i + 1]]['branch'].type[ 'L_per_km'] * 1e-3 * omega * \ G.adj[path[i]][path[i + 1]][ 'branch'].length) *1j + \ (G.adj[path[i]][path[i + 1]]['branch'].type[ 'R_per_km'] * \ G.adj[path[i]][path[i + 1]][ 'branch'].length) mv_path_length += G.adj[path[i]][path[i + 1]][ 'branch'].length mv_impedances[node] = abs(mv_impedance) mv_path_lengths[node] = mv_path_length mv_thermal_limit = G.adj[path[0]][path[1]]['branch'].type['I_max_th'] mv_thermal_limits[node] = mv_thermal_limit if isinstance(node, LVStationDing0): # add impedance of transformers in LV station lvstation_impedance = 0. for trafo in node.transformers(): lvstation_impedance += 1. / trafo.z() # transformers operating in parallel if lvstation_impedance > 0.: # avoid dividing by zero lvstation_impedance = 1. / lvstation_impedance else: lvstation_impedance = 0. # identify LV nodes belonging to LV station G_lv = node.grid._graph # loop over all LV terminal nodes belonging to LV station for lv_node in G_lv.nodes(): if isinstance(lv_node, GeneratorDing0) or isinstance(lv_node, LVLoadDing0): lv_path = nx.shortest_path(G_lv, node, lv_node) lv_impedance = lvstation_impedance lv_path_length = 0. for i in range(len(lv_path)-1): lv_impedance += (G_lv.adj[lv_path[i]][lv_path[i+1]]['branch'].type['L_per_km'] * 1e-3 * omega * \ G_lv.adj[lv_path[i]][lv_path[i+1]]['branch'].length) *1j + \ (G_lv.adj[lv_path[i]][lv_path[i+1]]['branch'].type['R_per_km'] * \ G_lv.adj[lv_path[i]][lv_path[i+1]]['branch'].length) lv_path_length += G_lv.adj[lv_path[i]][lv_path[i+1]]['branch'].length lv_thermal_limit = G_lv.adj[lv_path[0]][lv_path[1]]['branch'].type['I_max_th'] mvlv_impedances[lv_node] = abs( mv_impedance + lv_impedance ) mvlv_path_lengths[lv_node] = mv_path_length + lv_path_length lv_thermal_limits[lv_node] = lv_thermal_limit mvlv_thermal_limits[lv_node] = mv_thermal_limit elif isinstance(lv_node, LVStationDing0): n_outgoing_LV += len(list(G_lv.neighbors(lv_node))) n_stations_LV += 1 # compute mean values by looping over terminal nodes sum_impedances = 0. sum_thermal_limits = 0. sum_path_lengths = 0. n_terminal_nodes_MV = 0 # terminal nodes on MV for terminal_node in mv_impedances.keys(): # neglect LVStations here because already part of MVLV paths below if not isinstance(terminal_node, LVStationDing0) and not isinstance(terminal_node, MVStationDing0): sum_impedances += mv_impedances[terminal_node] sum_thermal_limits += mv_thermal_limits[terminal_node] sum_path_lengths += mv_path_lengths[terminal_node] n_terminal_nodes_MV += 1 sum_thermal_limits_LV = 0. n_terminal_nodes_LV = 0 # terminal nodes on LV for terminal_node in mvlv_impedances.keys(): sum_impedances += mvlv_impedances[terminal_node] sum_thermal_limits += mvlv_thermal_limits[terminal_node] sum_thermal_limits_LV += lv_thermal_limits[terminal_node] sum_path_lengths += mvlv_path_lengths[terminal_node] n_terminal_nodes_LV += 1 n_terminal_nodes = n_terminal_nodes_MV + n_terminal_nodes_LV if n_terminal_nodes < 1: mean_impedance = np.nan mean_thermal_limit = np.nan mean_path_length = np.nan else: mean_impedance = sum_impedances / n_terminal_nodes mean_thermal_limit = sum_thermal_limits / n_terminal_nodes mean_path_length = sum_path_lengths / n_terminal_nodes if n_terminal_nodes_LV < 1: mean_thermal_limit_LV = np.nan else: mean_thermal_limit_LV = sum_thermal_limits_LV / n_terminal_nodes_LV number_outgoing_LV = n_outgoing_LV # / n_stations_LV number_outgoing_MV = n_outgoing_MV ################################### # compute path lengths (written by Miguel) max_mv_path = 0 max_mvlv_path = 0 # rings nodes_in_rings = [] branches_in_rings = [] for ring in district.mv_grid.rings_full_data(): ring_idx += 1 # generation cap ring_gen = 0 for node in ring[2]: nodes_in_rings.append(node) if isinstance(node, GeneratorDing0): ring_gen += node.capacity # length ring_length = 0 for branch in ring[1]: branches_in_rings.append(branch) ring_length += branch.length / 1e3 ring_dict[ring_idx] = { 'grid_id': district.mv_grid.id_db, 'ring_length': ring_length, 'ring_capacity': ring_gen, } # transformers in main station for trafo in district.mv_grid.station().transformers(): trafos_idx += 1 trafos_dict[trafos_idx] = { 'grid_id': district.mv_grid.id_db, 's_max_a': trafo.s_max_a} # Generators and other MV special nodes cd_count = 0 LVs_count = 0 cb_count = 0 lv_trafo_count = 0 lv_trafo_cap = 0 for node in district.mv_grid.graph.nodes(): mv_path_length = 0 mvlv_path_length = 0 if isinstance(node, GeneratorDing0): gen_idx += 1 isolation = not node in nodes_in_rings subtype = node.subtype if subtype == None: subtype = 'other' generators_dict[gen_idx] = { 'grid_id': district.mv_grid.id_db, 'type': node.type, 'sub_type': node.type + '/' + subtype, 'gen_cap': node.capacity, 'v_level': node.v_level, 'isolation': isolation, } mv_path_length = district.mv_grid.graph_path_length( node_source=root, node_target=node) elif isinstance(node, MVCableDistributorDing0): cd_count += 1 elif isinstance(node, LVStationDing0): LVs_count += 1 lv_trafo_count += len([trafo for trafo in node.transformers()]) lv_trafo_cap += np.sum([trafo.s_max_a for trafo in node.transformers()]) if not node.lv_load_area.is_aggregated: mv_path_length = district.mv_grid.graph_path_length( node_source=root, node_target=node) max_lv_path = 0 for lv_LA in district.lv_load_areas(): for lv_dist in lv_LA.lv_grid_districts(): if lv_dist.lv_grid._station == node: for lv_node in lv_dist.lv_grid.graph.nodes(): lv_path_length = lv_dist.lv_grid.graph_path_length( node_source=node, node_target=lv_node) max_lv_path = max(max_lv_path, lv_path_length) mvlv_path_length = mv_path_length + max_lv_path elif isinstance(node, CircuitBreakerDing0): cb_count += 1 max_mv_path = max(max_mv_path, mv_path_length / 1e3) max_mvlv_path = max(max_mvlv_path, mvlv_path_length / 1e3) other_nodes_dict[district.mv_grid.id_db] = { 'CD_count': cd_count, 'LV_count': LVs_count, 'CB_count': cb_count, 'MVLV_trafo_count': lv_trafo_count, 'MVLV_trafo_cap': lv_trafo_cap, 'max_mv_path': max_mv_path, 'max_mvlv_path': max_mvlv_path, 'mean_impedance': mean_impedance, 'mean_thermal_limit': mean_thermal_limit, 'mean_thermal_limit_LV': mean_thermal_limit_LV, 'mean_path_length': mean_path_length / 1.e3, 'number_outgoing_LV': number_outgoing_LV, 'number_outgoing_MV': number_outgoing_MV } # branches for branch in district.mv_grid.graph_edges(): branch_idx += 1 br_in_ring = branch['branch'] in branches_in_rings branches_dict[branch_idx] = { 'grid_id': district.mv_grid.id_db, 'length': branch['branch'].length / 1e3, 'type_name': branch['branch'].type['name'], 'type_kind': branch['branch'].kind, 'in_ring': br_in_ring, } # Load Areas for LA in district.lv_load_areas(): LA_idx += 1 LA_dict[LA_idx] = { 'grid_id': district.mv_grid.id_db, 'is_agg': LA.is_aggregated, 'is_sat': LA.is_satellite, # 'peak_gen':LA.peak_generation, } LA_pop = 0 residential_peak_load = 0 retail_peak_load = 0 industrial_peak_load = 0 agricultural_peak_load = 0 lv_gen_level_6 = 0 lv_gen_level_7 = 0 for lv_district in LA.lv_grid_districts(): LA_pop = + lv_district.population residential_peak_load += lv_district.peak_load_residential retail_peak_load += lv_district.peak_load_retail industrial_peak_load += lv_district.peak_load_industrial agricultural_peak_load += lv_district.peak_load_agricultural # generation capacity for g in lv_district.lv_grid.generators(): if g.v_level == 6: lv_gen_level_6 += g.capacity elif g.v_level == 7: lv_gen_level_7 += g.capacity # branches lengths for br in lv_district.lv_grid.graph_edges(): lv_branches_idx += 1 lv_branches_dict[lv_branches_idx] = { 'grid_id': district.mv_grid.id_db, 'length': br['branch'].length / 1e3, 'type_name': br['branch'].type.to_frame().columns[0], # why is it different as for MV grids? can be replaced by br['branch'] 'type_kind': br['branch'].kind, } LA_dict[LA_idx].update({ 'population': LA_pop, 'residential_peak_load': residential_peak_load, 'retail_peak_load': retail_peak_load, 'industrial_peak_load': industrial_peak_load, 'agricultural_peak_load': agricultural_peak_load, 'total_peak_load': residential_peak_load + retail_peak_load + \ industrial_peak_load + agricultural_peak_load, 'lv_generation': lv_gen_level_6 + lv_gen_level_7, 'lv_gens_lvl_6': lv_gen_level_6, 'lv_gens_lvl_7': lv_gen_level_7, }) # geographic # ETRS (equidistant) to WGS84 (conformal) projection proj = Transformer.from_crs("epsg:4326", "epsg:3035", always_xy=True).transform district_geo = transform(proj, district.geo_data) other_nodes_dict[district.mv_grid.id_db].update({'Dist_area': district_geo.area}) mvgd_stats = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({}, orient='index') ################################### # built dataframes from dictionaries trafos_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(trafos_dict, orient='index') generators_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(generators_dict, orient='index') other_nodes_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(other_nodes_dict, orient='index') branches_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(branches_dict, orient='index') lv_branches_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lv_branches_dict, orient='index') ring_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(ring_dict, orient='index') LA_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(LA_dict, orient='index') ################################### # Aggregated data HV/MV Trafos if not trafos_df.empty: mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, trafos_df.groupby('grid_id').count()['s_max_a']], axis=1) mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, trafos_df.groupby('grid_id').sum()[['s_max_a']]], axis=1) mvgd_stats.columns = ['Number of HV/MV Trafos', 'Trafos HV/MV Acc s_max_a'] ################################### # Aggregated data Generators if not generators_df.empty: # MV generation per sub_type mv_generation = generators_df.groupby(['grid_id', 'sub_type'])['gen_cap'].sum().to_frame().unstack(level=-1) mv_generation.columns = ['Gen. Cap. of MV ' + _[1] if isinstance(_, tuple) else _ for _ in mv_generation.columns] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, mv_generation], axis=1) # MV generation at V levels mv_generation = generators_df.groupby( ['grid_id', 'v_level'])['gen_cap'].sum().to_frame().unstack(level=-1) mv_generation.columns = ['Gen. Cap. of MV at v_level ' + str(_[1]) if isinstance(_, tuple) else _ for _ in mv_generation.columns] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, mv_generation], axis=1) # Isolated generators mv_generation = generators_df[generators_df['isolation']].groupby( ['grid_id'])['gen_cap'].count().to_frame() # .unstack(level=-1) mv_generation.columns = ['Number of isolated MV Generators'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, mv_generation], axis=1) ################################### # Aggregated data of other nodes if not other_nodes_df.empty: # print(other_nodes_df['CD_count'].to_frame()) mvgd_stats['Number of Cable Distr'] = other_nodes_df['CD_count'].to_frame().astype(int) mvgd_stats['Number of LV Stations'] = other_nodes_df['LV_count'].to_frame().astype(int) mvgd_stats['Number of Circuit Breakers'] = other_nodes_df['CB_count'].to_frame().astype(int) mvgd_stats['District Area'] = other_nodes_df['Dist_area'].to_frame() mvgd_stats['Number of MV/LV Trafos'] = other_nodes_df['MVLV_trafo_count'].to_frame().astype(int) mvgd_stats['Trafos MV/LV Acc s_max_a'] = other_nodes_df['MVLV_trafo_cap'].to_frame() mvgd_stats['Length of MV max path'] = other_nodes_df['max_mv_path'].to_frame() mvgd_stats['Length of MVLV max path'] = other_nodes_df['max_mvlv_path'].to_frame() mvgd_stats['Impedance Z of path to terminal node (mean value)'] = \ other_nodes_df['mean_impedance'].to_frame() mvgd_stats['I_max of first segment of path from MV station to terminal node (mean value)'] = \ other_nodes_df['mean_thermal_limit'].to_frame() mvgd_stats['I_max of first segment of path from LV station to terminal node (mean value)'] = \ other_nodes_df['mean_thermal_limit_LV'].to_frame() mvgd_stats['Length of path from MV station to terminal node (mean value)'] = \ other_nodes_df['mean_path_length'].to_frame() mvgd_stats['Number of lines and cables going out from LV stations'] = \ other_nodes_df['number_outgoing_LV'].to_frame() mvgd_stats['Number of lines and cables going out from MV stations'] = \ other_nodes_df['number_outgoing_MV'].to_frame() ################################### # Aggregated data of MV Branches if not branches_df.empty: # km of underground cable branches_data = branches_df[branches_df['type_kind'] == 'cable'].groupby( ['grid_id'])['length'].sum().to_frame() branches_data.columns = ['Length of MV underground cables'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, branches_data], axis=1) # km of overhead lines branches_data = branches_df[branches_df['type_kind'] == 'line'].groupby( ['grid_id'])['length'].sum().to_frame() branches_data.columns = ['Length of MV overhead lines'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, branches_data], axis=1) # km of different wire types branches_data = branches_df.groupby( ['grid_id', 'type_name'])['length'].sum().to_frame().unstack(level=-1) branches_data.columns = ['Length of MV type ' + _[1] if isinstance(_, tuple) else _ for _ in branches_data.columns] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, branches_data], axis=1) # branches not in ring total_br = branches_df.groupby(['grid_id'])['length'].count().to_frame() ring_br = branches_df[branches_df['in_ring']].groupby( ['grid_id'])['length'].count().to_frame() branches_data = total_br - ring_br total_br.columns = ['Number of MV branches'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, total_br], axis=1) branches_data.columns = ['Number of MV branches not in a ring'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, branches_data], axis=1) ################################### # Aggregated data of LV Branches if not lv_branches_df.empty: # km of underground cable lv_branches_data = lv_branches_df[lv_branches_df['type_kind'] == 'cable'].groupby( ['grid_id'])['length'].sum().to_frame() lv_branches_data.columns = ['Length of LV underground cables'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, lv_branches_data], axis=1) # km of overhead lines lv_branches_data = lv_branches_df[lv_branches_df['type_kind'] == 'line'].groupby( ['grid_id'])['length'].sum().to_frame() lv_branches_data.columns = ['Length of LV overhead lines'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, lv_branches_data], axis=1) # km of different wire types lv_branches_data = lv_branches_df.groupby( ['grid_id', 'type_name'])['length'].sum().to_frame().unstack(level=-1) lv_branches_data.columns = ['Length of LV type ' + _[1] if isinstance(_, tuple) else _ for _ in lv_branches_data.columns] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, lv_branches_data], axis=1) # n° of branches total_lv_br = lv_branches_df.groupby(['grid_id'])['length'].count().to_frame() total_lv_br.columns = ['Number of LV branches'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, total_lv_br], axis=1) ################################### # Aggregated data of Rings if not ring_df.empty: # N° of rings ring_data = ring_df.groupby(['grid_id'])['grid_id'].count().to_frame() ring_data.columns = ['Number of MV Rings'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, ring_data], axis=1) # min,max,mean km of all rings ring_data = ring_df.groupby(['grid_id'])['ring_length'].min().to_frame() ring_data.columns = ['Length of MV Ring min'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, ring_data], axis=1) ring_data = ring_df.groupby(['grid_id'])['ring_length'].max().to_frame() ring_data.columns = ['Length of MV Ring max'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, ring_data], axis=1) ring_data = ring_df.groupby(['grid_id'])['ring_length'].mean().to_frame() ring_data.columns = ['Length of MV Ring mean'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, ring_data], axis=1) # km of all rings ring_data = ring_df.groupby(['grid_id'])['ring_length'].sum().to_frame() ring_data.columns = ['Length of MV Rings total'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, ring_data], axis=1) # km of non-ring non_ring_data = branches_df.groupby(['grid_id'])['length'].sum().to_frame() non_ring_data.columns = ['Length of MV Rings total'] ring_data = non_ring_data - ring_data ring_data.columns = ['Length of MV Non-Rings total'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, ring_data.round(1).abs()], axis=1) # rings generation capacity ring_data = ring_df.groupby(['grid_id'])['ring_capacity'].sum().to_frame() ring_data.columns = ['Gen. Cap. Connected to MV Rings'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, ring_data], axis=1) ################################### # Aggregated data of Load Areas if not LA_df.empty: LA_data = LA_df.groupby(['grid_id'])['population'].count().to_frame() LA_data.columns = ['Number of Load Areas'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, LA_data], axis=1) LA_data = LA_df.groupby(['grid_id'])[['population', 'residential_peak_load', 'retail_peak_load', 'industrial_peak_load', 'agricultural_peak_load', 'total_peak_load', 'lv_generation', 'lv_gens_lvl_6', 'lv_gens_lvl_7']].sum() LA_data.columns = ['LA Total Population', 'LA Total LV Peak Load Residential', 'LA Total LV Peak Load Retail', 'LA Total LV Peak Load Industrial', 'LA Total LV Peak Load Agricultural', 'LA Total LV Peak Load total', 'LA Total LV Gen. Cap.', 'Gen. Cap. of LV at v_level 6', 'Gen. Cap. of LV at v_level 7', ] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, LA_data], axis=1) ################################### # Aggregated data of Aggregated Load Areas if not LA_df.empty: agg_LA_data = LA_df[LA_df['is_agg']].groupby( ['grid_id'])['population'].count().to_frame() agg_LA_data.columns = ['Number of Load Areas - Aggregated'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, agg_LA_data], axis=1) sat_LA_data = LA_df[LA_df['is_sat']].groupby( ['grid_id'])['population'].count().to_frame() sat_LA_data.columns = ['Number of Load Areas - Satellite'] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, sat_LA_data], axis=1) agg_LA_data = LA_df[LA_df['is_agg']].groupby(['grid_id'])[['population', 'lv_generation', 'total_peak_load']].sum() agg_LA_data.columns = ['LA Aggregated Population', 'LA Aggregated LV Gen. Cap.', 'LA Aggregated LV Peak Load total' ] mvgd_stats = pd.concat([mvgd_stats, agg_LA_data], axis=1) ################################### mvgd_stats = mvgd_stats.fillna(0) mvgd_stats = mvgd_stats[sorted(mvgd_stats.columns.tolist())] = 'grid_id' return mvgd_stats
[docs]def calculate_mvgd_voltage_current_stats(nw): """ MV Voltage and Current Statistics for an arbitrary network Parameters ---------- nw: :obj:`list` of NetworkDing0 The MV grid(s) to be studied Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` nodes_df : Dataframe containing voltage statistics for every node in the MVGD :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` lines_df : Dataframe containing voltage statistics for every edge in the MVGD """ ############################## # close circuit breakers nw.control_circuit_breakers(mode='close') ############################## nodes_idx = 0 nodes_dict = {} branches_idx = 0 branches_dict = {} for district in nw.mv_grid_districts(): # nodes voltage for node in district.mv_grid.graph_nodes_sorted(): nodes_idx += 1 if hasattr(node, 'voltage_res'): Vres0 = node.voltage_res[0] Vres1 = node.voltage_res[1] else: Vres0 = np.NaN Vres1 = np.NaN nodes_dict[nodes_idx] = {'MV_grid_id': district.mv_grid.id_db, 'node id': node.__repr__(), 'V_res_0': Vres0, 'V_res_1': Vres1, 'V nominal': district.mv_grid.v_level} # branches currents for branch in district.mv_grid.graph_edges(): branches_idx += 1 if hasattr(branch['branch'], 's_res'): s_res0 = branch['branch'].s_res[0] s_res1 = branch['branch'].s_res[1] else: s_res0 = np.NaN s_res1 = np.NaN branches_dict[branches_idx] = { 'MV_grid_id': district.mv_grid.id_db, 'branch id': branch['branch'].__repr__(), # .id_db 's_res_0': s_res0, 's_res_1': s_res1, # 'length': branch['branch'].length / 1e3, } nodes_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(nodes_dict, orient='index') branches_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(branches_dict, orient='index') if not nodes_df.empty: nodes_df = nodes_df.set_index('node id') nodes_df = nodes_df.fillna(0) nodes_df = nodes_df[sorted(nodes_df.columns.tolist())] nodes_df.sort_index(inplace=True) if not branches_df.empty: branches_df = branches_df.set_index('branch id') branches_df = branches_df.fillna(0) branches_df = branches_df[sorted(branches_df.columns.tolist())] branches_df.sort_index(inplace=True) return (nodes_df, branches_df)
[docs]def calculate_lvgd_voltage_current_stats(nw): """ LV Voltage and Current Statistics for an arbitrary network Note ---- Aggregated Load Areas are excluded. Parameters ---------- nw: :obj:`list` of NetworkDing0 The MV grid(s) to be studied Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` nodes_df : Dataframe containing voltage, respectively current, statis for every critical node, resp. every critical station, in every LV grid in nw. :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` lines_df : Dataframe containing current statistics for every critical line, in every LV grid in nw. """ ############################## # close circuit breakers nw.control_circuit_breakers(mode='close') ############################## nodes_idx = 0 nodes_dict = {} branches_idx = 0 branches_dict = {} for mv_district in nw.mv_grid_districts(): for LA in mv_district.lv_load_areas(): if not LA.is_aggregated: for lv_district in LA.lv_grid_districts(): # nodes voltage crit_nodes = get_critical_voltage_at_nodes(lv_district.lv_grid) for node in crit_nodes: nodes_idx += 1 nodes_dict[nodes_idx] = { 'MV_grid_id': mv_district.mv_grid.id_db, 'LV_grid_id': lv_district.lv_grid.id_db, 'LA_id': LA.id_db, 'node id': node['node'].__repr__(), 'v_diff_0': node['v_diff'][0], 'v_diff_1': node['v_diff'][1], 's_max_0': 'NA', 's_max_1': 'NA', 'V nominal': lv_district.lv_grid.v_level, } # branches currents critical_branches, critical_stations = get_critical_line_loading(lv_district.lv_grid) for branch in critical_branches: branches_idx += 1 branches_dict[branches_idx] = { 'MV_grid_id': mv_district.mv_grid.id_db, 'LV_grid_id': lv_district.lv_grid.id_db, 'LA_id': LA.id_db, 'branch id': branch['branch'].__repr__(), 's_max_0': branch['s_max'][0], 's_max_1': branch['s_max'][1], } # stations for node in critical_stations: nodes_idx += 1 nodes_dict[nodes_idx] = { 'MV_grid_id': mv_district.mv_grid.id_db, 'LV_grid_id': lv_district.lv_grid.id_db, 'LA_id': LA.id_db, 'node id': node['station'].__repr__(), 's_max_0': node['s_max'][0], 's_max_1': node['s_max'][1], 'v_diff_0': 'NA', 'v_diff_1': 'NA', } nodes_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(nodes_dict, orient='index') branches_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(branches_dict, orient='index') if not nodes_df.empty: nodes_df = nodes_df.set_index('node id') nodes_df = nodes_df.fillna(0) nodes_df = nodes_df[sorted(nodes_df.columns.tolist())] nodes_df.sort_index(inplace=True) if not branches_df.empty: branches_df = branches_df.set_index('branch id') branches_df = branches_df.fillna(0) branches_df = branches_df[sorted(branches_df.columns.tolist())] branches_df.sort_index(inplace=True) return nodes_df, branches_df
[docs]def init_mv_grid(mv_grid_districts=[3545], filename='ding0_tests_grids_1.pkl'): '''Runs ding0 over the districtis selected in mv_grid_districts It also writes the result in filename. If filename = False, then the network is not saved. Parameters ---------- mv_grid_districts: :obj:`list` of :obj:`int` Districts IDs: Defaults to [3545] filename: :obj:`str` Defaults to 'ding0_tests_grids_1.pkl' If filename=False, then the network is not saved Returns ------- NetworkDing0 The created MV network. ''' print('\n########################################') print(' Running ding0 for district', mv_grid_districts) # database connection/ session engine = db.connection(readonly=True) session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)() # instantiate new ding0 network object nd = NetworkDing0(name='network') # run DINGO on selected MV Grid District nd.run_ding0(session=session, mv_grid_districts_no=mv_grid_districts) # export grid to file (pickle) if filename: print('\n########################################') print(' Saving result in ', filename) save_nd_to_pickle(nd, filename=filename) print('\n########################################') return nd
[docs]def process_stats(mv_districts, n_of_districts, source, mode, critical, filename, output): '''Generates stats dataframes for districts in mv_districts. If source=='ding0', then runned districts are saved to a pickle named filename+str(n_of_districts[0])+'_to_'+str(n_of_districts[-1])+'.pkl' Parameters ---------- districts_list: :obj:`list` of int List with all districts to be run. n_of_districts: :obj:`int` Number of districts to be run in each cluster source: :obj:`str` If 'pkl', pickle files are read. If 'ding0', ding0 is run over the districts. mode: :obj:`str` If 'MV', medium voltage stats are calculated. If 'LV', low voltage stats are calculated. If empty, medium and low voltage stats are calculated. critical: bool If True, critical nodes and branches are returned filename: :obj:`str` filename prefix for saving pickles output: outer variable where the output is stored as a tuple of 6 lists:: * mv_stats: MV stats DataFrames. If mode=='LV', then DataFrame is empty. * lv_stats: LV stats DataFrames. If mode=='MV', then DataFrame is empty. * mv_crit_nodes: MV critical nodes stats DataFrames. If mode=='LV', then DataFrame is empty. If critical==False, then DataFrame is empty. * mv_crit_edges: MV critical edges stats DataFrames. If mode=='LV', then DataFrame is empty. If critical==False, then DataFrame is empty. * lv_crit_nodes: LV critical nodes stats DataFrames. If mode=='MV', then DataFrame is empty. If critical==False, then DataFrame is empty. * lv_crit_edges: LV critical edges stats DataFrames. If mode=='MV', then DataFrame is empty. If critical==False, then DataFrame is empty. ''' ####################################################################### # decide what exactly to do with MV LV if mode == 'MV': calc_mv = True calc_lv = False elif mode == 'LV': calc_mv = False calc_lv = True else: calc_mv = True calc_lv = True ####################################################################### clusters = [mv_districts[x:x + n_of_districts] for x in range(0, len(mv_districts), n_of_districts)] mv_stats = [] lv_stats = [] mv_crit_nodes = [] mv_crit_edges = [] lv_crit_nodes = [] lv_crit_edges = [] ####################################################################### for cl in clusters: nw_name = filename + str(cl[0]) if not cl[0] == cl[-1]: nw_name = nw_name + '_to_' + str(cl[-1]) nw = NetworkDing0(name=nw_name) if source == 'pkl': print('\n########################################') print(' Reading data from pickle district', cl) print('########################################') try: nw = load_nd_from_pickle(nw_name + '.pkl') except Exception: continue else: # database connection/ session engine = db.connection(readonly=True) session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)() print('\n########################################') print(' Running ding0 for district', cl) print('########################################') try: nw.run_ding0(session=session, mv_grid_districts_no=cl) try: save_nd_to_pickle(nw, filename=nw_name + '.pkl') except Exception: continue except Exception: continue # Close database connection if calc_mv: stats = calculate_mvgd_stats(nw) mv_stats.append(stats) if calc_lv: stats = calculate_lvgd_stats(nw) lv_stats.append(stats) if critical and calc_mv: stats = calculate_mvgd_voltage_current_stats(nw) mv_crit_nodes.append(stats[0]) mv_crit_edges.append(stats[1]) if critical and calc_lv: stats = calculate_lvgd_voltage_current_stats(nw) lv_crit_nodes.append(stats[0]) lv_crit_edges.append(stats[1]) ####################################################################### salida = (mv_stats, lv_stats, mv_crit_nodes, mv_crit_edges, lv_crit_nodes, lv_crit_edges) output.put(salida)
[docs]def parallel_running_stats(districts_list, n_of_processes, n_of_districts=1, source='pkl', mode='', critical=False, save_csv=False, save_path=''): '''Organize parallel runs of ding0 to calculate stats The function take all districts in a list and divide them into n_of_processes parallel processes. For each process, the assigned districts are given to the function process_runs() with arguments n_of_districts, source, mode, and critical Parameters ---------- districts_list: :obj:`list` of int List with all districts to be run. n_of_processes: :obj:`int` Number of processes to run in parallel n_of_districts: :obj:`int` Number of districts to be run in each cluster given as argument to process_stats() source: :obj:`str` If 'pkl', pickle files are read. Otherwise, ding0 is run over the districts. mode: :obj:`str` If 'MV', medium voltage stats are calculated. If 'LV', low voltage stats are calculated. If empty, medium and low voltage stats are calculated. critical: bool If True, critical nodes and branches are returned path: :obj:`str` path to save the pkl and csv files Returns ------- DataFrame mv_stats: MV stats in a DataFrame. If mode=='LV', then DataFrame is empty. DataFrame lv_stats: LV stats in a DataFrame. If mode=='MV', then DataFrame is empty. DataFrame mv_crit_nodes: MV critical nodes stats in a DataFrame. If mode=='LV', then DataFrame is empty. If critical==False, then DataFrame is empty. DataFrame mv_crit_edges: MV critical edges stats in a DataFrame. If mode=='LV', then DataFrame is empty. If critical==False, then DataFrame is empty. DataFrame lv_crit_nodes: LV critical nodes stats in a DataFrame. If mode=='MV', then DataFrame is empty. If critical==False, then DataFrame is empty. DataFrame lv_crit_edges: LV critical edges stats in a DataFrame. If mode=='MV', then DataFrame is empty. If critical==False, then DataFrame is empty. See Also -------- process_stats ''' start = time.time() nw_name = os.path.join(save_path, 'ding0_grids__') # name of files prefix ####################################################################### # Define an output queue output_stats = mp.Queue() ####################################################################### # Setup a list of processes that we want to run max_dist = len(districts_list) threat_long = floor(max_dist / n_of_processes) if threat_long == 0: threat_long = 1 threats = [districts_list[x:x + threat_long] for x in range(0, len(districts_list), threat_long)] processes = [] for districts in threats: args = (districts, n_of_districts, source, mode, critical, nw_name, output_stats) processes.append(mp.Process(target=process_stats, args=args)) ####################################################################### # Run processes for p in processes: p.start() # Resque output_stats from processes output = [output_stats.get() for p in processes] # Exit the completed processes for p in processes: p.join() ####################################################################### # create outputs # Name of files if save_csv: nw_name = nw_name + str(districts_list[0]) if not districts_list[0] == districts_list[-1]: nw_name = nw_name + '_to_' + str(districts_list[-1]) # concatenate all dataframes try: mv_stats = pd.concat( [df for p in range(0, len(processes)) for df in output[p][0]], axis=0) except: mv_stats = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({}) try: lv_stats = pd.concat( [df for p in range(0, len(processes)) for df in output[p][1]], axis=0) except: lv_stats = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({}) try: mv_crit_nodes = pd.concat( [df for p in range(0, len(processes)) for df in output[p][2]], axis=0) except: mv_crit_nodes = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({}) try: mv_crit_edges = pd.concat( [df for p in range(0, len(processes)) for df in output[p][3]], axis=0) except: mv_crit_edges = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({}) try: lv_crit_nodes = pd.concat( [df for p in range(0, len(processes)) for df in output[p][4]], axis=0) except: lv_crit_nodes = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({}) try: lv_crit_edges = pd.concat( [df for p in range(0, len(processes)) for df in output[p][5]], axis=0) except: lv_crit_edges = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({}) # format concatenated Dataframes if not mv_stats.empty: mv_stats = mv_stats.fillna(0) mv_stats = mv_stats[sorted(mv_stats.columns.tolist())] mv_stats.sort_index(inplace=True) if save_csv: mv_stats.to_csv(nw_name + '_mv_stats.csv') if not lv_stats.empty: lv_stats = lv_stats.fillna(0) lv_stats = lv_stats[sorted(lv_stats.columns.tolist())] lv_stats.sort_index(inplace=True) if save_csv: lv_stats.to_csv(nw_name + '_lv_stats.csv') if not mv_crit_nodes.empty: mv_crit_nodes = mv_crit_nodes.fillna(0) mv_crit_nodes = mv_crit_nodes[sorted(mv_crit_nodes.columns.tolist())] mv_crit_nodes.sort_index(inplace=True) if save_csv: mv_crit_nodes.to_csv(nw_name + '_mv_crit_nodes.csv') if not mv_crit_edges.empty: mv_crit_edges = mv_crit_edges.fillna(0) mv_crit_edges = mv_crit_edges[sorted(mv_crit_edges.columns.tolist())] mv_crit_edges.sort_index(inplace=True) if save_csv: mv_crit_edges.to_csv(nw_name + '_mv_crit_edges.csv') if not lv_crit_nodes.empty: lv_crit_nodes = lv_crit_nodes.fillna(0) lv_crit_nodes = lv_crit_nodes[sorted(lv_crit_nodes.columns.tolist())] lv_crit_nodes.sort_index(inplace=True) if save_csv: lv_crit_nodes.to_csv(nw_name + '_lv_crit_nodes.csv') if not lv_crit_edges.empty: lv_crit_edges = lv_crit_edges.fillna(0) lv_crit_edges = lv_crit_edges[sorted(lv_crit_edges.columns.tolist())] lv_crit_edges.sort_index(inplace=True) if save_csv: lv_crit_edges.to_csv(nw_name + '_lv_crit_edges.csv') ####################################################################### print('\n########################################') print(' Elapsed time for', str(max_dist), 'MV grid districts (seconds): {}'.format(time.time() - start)) print('\n########################################') ####################################################################### return mv_stats, lv_stats, mv_crit_nodes, mv_crit_edges, lv_crit_nodes, lv_crit_edges
[docs]def export_network(nw, mode=''): """ Export all nodes and lines of the network nw as DataFrames Parameters ---------- nw: :obj:`list` of NetworkDing0 The MV grid(s) to be studied mode: :obj:`str` If 'MV' export only medium voltage nodes and lines If 'LV' export only low voltage nodes and lines else, exports MV and LV nodes and lines Returns ------- :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` nodes_df : Dataframe containing nodes and its attributes :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` lines_df : Dataframe containing lines and its attributes """ # close circuit breakers nw.control_circuit_breakers(mode='close') # srid srid = str(int(nw.config['geo']['srid'])) ############################## # check what to do lv_info = True mv_info = True if mode == 'LV': mv_info = False if mode == 'MV': lv_info = False ############################## # from datetime import datetime run_id = nw.metadata['run_id'] #"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") ############################## ############################# # go through the grid collecting info lvgrid_idx = 0 lv_grid_dict = {} lvloads_idx = 0 lv_loads_dict = {} mvgrid_idx = 0 mv_grid_dict = {} mvloads_idx = 0 mv_loads_dict = {} mvgen_idx = 0 mv_gen_dict = {} mvcb_idx = 0 mvcb_dict = {} mvcd_idx = 0 mv_cd_dict = {} mvstations_idx = 0 hvmv_stations_dict = {} mvtrafos_idx = 0 hvmv_trafos_dict = {} lvgen_idx = 0 lv_gen_dict = {} lvcd_idx = 0 lv_cd_dict = {} lvstations_idx = 0 mvlv_stations_dict = {} lvtrafos_idx = 0 mvlv_trafos_dict = {} areacenter_idx = 0 areacenter_dict = {} lines_idx = 0 lines_dict = {} LVMVmapping_idx = 0 mvlv_mapping_dict = {} def aggregate_generators(gen, aggr): """Aggregate generation capacity per voltage level Parameters ---------- gen: ding0.core.GeneratorDing0 Ding0 Generator object aggr: dict Aggregated generation capacity. For structure see `_determine_aggregated_nodes()`. Returns ------- """ if gen.v_level not in aggr['generation']: aggr['generation'][gen.v_level] = {} if gen.type not in aggr['generation'][gen.v_level]: aggr['generation'][gen.v_level][gen.type] = {} if gen.subtype not in aggr['generation'][gen.v_level][gen.type]: aggr['generation'][gen.v_level][gen.type].update( {gen.subtype: {'ids': [gen.id_db], 'capacity': gen.capacity}}) else: aggr['generation'][gen.v_level][gen.type][gen.subtype][ 'ids'].append(gen.id_db) aggr['generation'][gen.v_level][gen.type][gen.subtype][ 'capacity'] += gen.capacity return aggr def aggregate_loads(la_center, aggr): """Aggregate consumption in load area per sector Parameters ---------- la_center: LVLoadAreaCentreDing0 Load area center object from Ding0 Returns ------- """ for s in ['retail', 'industrial', 'agricultural', 'residential']: if s not in aggr['load']: aggr['load'][s] = {} for t in ['nominal','peak']: if t not in aggr['load'][s]: aggr['load'][s][t] = 0 aggr['load']['retail']['nominal'] += sum( [_.sector_consumption_retail for _ in la_center.lv_load_area._lv_grid_districts]) aggr['load']['industrial']['nominal'] += sum( [_.sector_consumption_industrial for _ in la_center.lv_load_area._lv_grid_districts]) aggr['load']['agricultural']['nominal'] += sum( [_.sector_consumption_agricultural for _ in la_center.lv_load_area._lv_grid_districts]) aggr['load']['residential']['nominal'] += sum( [_.sector_consumption_residential for _ in la_center.lv_load_area._lv_grid_districts]) aggr['load']['retail']['peak'] += sum( [_.peak_load_retail for _ in la_center.lv_load_area._lv_grid_districts]) aggr['load']['industrial']['peak'] += sum( [_.peak_load_industrial for _ in la_center.lv_load_area._lv_grid_districts]) aggr['load']['agricultural']['peak'] += sum( [_.peak_load_agricultural for _ in la_center.lv_load_area._lv_grid_districts]) aggr['load']['residential']['peak'] += sum( [_.peak_load_residential for _ in la_center.lv_load_area._lv_grid_districts]) return aggr for mv_district in nw.mv_grid_districts(): mv_grid_id = mv_district.mv_grid.id_db mv_grid_id_db = '_'.join( [str(mv_district.mv_grid.__class__.__name__), 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(mv_district.mv_grid.id_db)]) if mv_info: lv_grid_id = 0 # MV-grid # ToDo: geom <- Polygon mvgrid_idx += 1 mv_grid_dict[mvgrid_idx] = { 'MV_grid_id': mv_district.mv_grid.id_db, 'id_db': '_'.join([str(mv_district.mv_grid.__class__.__name__), 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(mv_district.mv_grid.id_db)]), # 'network':, 'geom': wkt_dumps(mv_district.geo_data), 'population': # None, sum([_.zensus_sum for _ in mv_district._lv_load_areas # ding0_grid.grid_district._lv_load_areas if not np.isnan(_.zensus_sum)]), 'voltage_nom': mv_district.mv_grid.v_level, # in kV 'run_id': run_id } # id_db: Classname_MV/LV_mvgridid/lvgridid_id # excemptions: class LVStations: LVStationDing0_MV_mvgridid_id(=lvgridid) # MVGrid for node in mv_district.mv_grid.graph_nodes_sorted(): geom = wkt_dumps(node.geo_data) # geom = from_shape(Point(node.geo_data), srid=srid) db_id = node.id_db # LVStation if isinstance(node, LVStationDing0): if not node.lv_load_area.is_aggregated: lvstations_idx += 1 mvlv_stations_dict[lvstations_idx] = { 'id_db': '_'.join([str(node.__class__.__name__), 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(node.id_db)]), 'LV_grid_id_db': '_'.join(['LVGridDing0', 'LV', str(node.id_db), str(node.id_db)]), 'geom': geom, 'run_id': run_id, } # LV-MV mapping LVMVmapping_idx += 1 mvlv_mapping_dict[LVMVmapping_idx] = { 'MV_grid_id': mv_grid_id, 'MV_grid_id_db': mv_grid_id_db, 'LV_grid_id': node.id_db, 'LV_grid_id_db': '_'.join(['LVGridDing0', 'LV', str(node.id_db), str(node.id_db)]), 'run_id': run_id, } # Trafos LV for t in node.transformers(): lvtrafos_idx += 1 mvlv_trafos_dict[lvtrafos_idx] = { 'id_db': '_'.join([str(t.__class__.__name__), 'LV', str(mv_grid_id), str(node.id_db)]), 'geom': geom, 'LV_grid_id_db': '_'.join(['LVGridDing0', 'LV', str(node.id_db), str(node.id_db)]), 'voltage_op': t.v_level, 'S_nom': t.s_max_a, 'x_pu': t.x_pu, 'r_pu': t.r_pu, 'run_id': run_id, } # MVStation elif isinstance(node, MVStationDing0): mvstations_idx += 1 hvmv_stations_dict[mvstations_idx] = { 'id_db': '_'.join([str(node.__class__.__name__), 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(node.id_db)]), 'MV_grid_id_db': mv_grid_id_db, 'geom': geom, 'run_id': run_id, } # Trafos MV for t in node.transformers(): mvtrafos_idx += 1 hvmv_trafos_dict[mvtrafos_idx] = { 'id_db': '_'.join([str(t.__class__.__name__), 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(node.id_db)]), 'geom': geom, 'MV_grid_id_db': mv_grid_id_db, 'voltage_op': t.v_level, 'S_nom': t.s_max_a, 'x_pu': t.x_pu, 'r_pu': t.r_pu, 'run_id': run_id, } # MVGenerator elif isinstance(node, GeneratorDing0): if node.subtype == None: subtype = 'other' else: subtype = node.subtype type = node.type mvgen_idx += 1 mv_gen_dict[mvgen_idx] = { 'id_db': '_'.join([str(node.__class__.__name__), 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(node.id_db)]), 'MV_grid_id_db': mv_grid_id_db, 'geom': geom, 'type': type, 'subtype': subtype, 'v_level': node.v_level, 'nominal_capacity': node.capacity, 'run_id': run_id, 'is_aggregated': False, } # MVBranchTees elif isinstance(node, MVCableDistributorDing0): mvcd_idx += 1 mv_cd_dict[mvcd_idx] = { 'id_db': '_'.join([str(node.__class__.__name__), 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(node.id_db)]), 'MV_grid_id_db': mv_grid_id_db, 'geom': geom, 'run_id': run_id, } # LoadAreaCentre elif isinstance(node, LVLoadAreaCentreDing0): # type = 'Load area center of aggregated load area' areacenter_idx += 1 aggr_lines = 0 aggr = {'generation': {}, 'load': {}, 'aggregates': []} # Determine aggregated generation in LV grid for lvgd in node.lv_load_area._lv_grid_districts: for aggr_gen in lvgd.lv_grid.generators(): aggr = aggregate_generators(aggr_gen, aggr) if aggr_gen.subtype == None: subtype = 'other' else: subtype = aggr_gen.subtype type = aggr_gen.type # Determine aggregated load in MV grid # -> Implement once loads in Ding0 MV grids exist # Determine aggregated load in LV grid aggr = aggregate_loads(node, aggr) # Collect metadata of aggregated load areas aggr['aggregates'] = { 'population': node.lv_load_area.zensus_sum, 'geom': node.lv_load_area.geo_area} aggr_line_type = nw._static_data['MV_cables'].iloc[ nw._static_data['MV_cables']['I_max_th'].idxmax()] geom = wkt_dumps(node.lv_load_area.geo_area) for aggr_node in aggr: if aggr_node == 'generation': mvgenaggr_idx = 0 for v_level in aggr['generation']: for type in aggr['generation'][v_level]: for subtype in aggr['generation'][v_level][type]: mvgen_idx += 1 mvgenaggr_idx += 1 mv_gen_dict[mvgen_idx] = { 'id_db': '_'.join( [str(aggr_gen.__class__.__name__), 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(aggr_gen.id_db), str(mvgenaggr_idx)]), # , str(mvgen_idx) 'MV_grid_id_db': mv_grid_id_db, 'geom': geom,#from_shape(Point(mv_district.mv_grid.station().geo_data), srid=srid),#lv_load_area.geo_area,#geom, #?? Polygon # hvmv_stations_dict[mvstations_idx]['geom'], # 'type': type, 'subtype': subtype, 'v_level': v_level, 'nominal_capacity': aggr['generation'][v_level][type][subtype]['capacity'], 'is_aggregated': True, 'run_id': run_id, } lines_idx += 1 aggr_lines += 1 lines_dict[lines_idx] = { # ToDo: Rename edge_name 'edge_name': '_'.join( [str(mv_grid_id), 'aggr', str(node.lv_load_area.id_db), str(aggr_lines)]), # , 'vlevel', str(v_level), 'subtype', str(subtype)]),#}'.format(v_level=v_level, subtype=subtype), 'grid_id_db': mv_grid_id_db, # ToDo: read type_name from aggr_line_type 'type_name': 'NA2XS2Y 3x1x500 RM/35', #, 'type_kind': 'cable', # branch['branch'].kind, 'length': 1, 'U_n': aggr_line_type.U_n, 'I_max_th': aggr_line_type.I_max_th, 'R_per_km': aggr_line_type.R_per_km, 'L_per_km': aggr_line_type.L_per_km, 'C_per_km': aggr_line_type.C_per_km, 'node1': '_'.join( [str(aggr_gen.__class__.__name__), 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(aggr_gen.id_db), str(mvgenaggr_idx)]), 'node2': '_'.join([ 'MVStationDing0', 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(mv_grid_id)]), 'run_id': run_id, } elif aggr_node == 'load': for type in aggr['load']: mvloads_idx += 1 mv_loads_dict[mvloads_idx] = { 'id_db': '_'.join( ['AggregatedLoad', 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(mvloads_idx)]), 'MV_grid_id_db': mv_grid_id_db, 'geom': geom, # from_shape(Point(mv_district.mv_grid.station().geo_data), srid=srid), 'consumption_{}'.format(type): aggr['load'][type]['nominal'], 'is_aggregated': True, 'run_id': run_id, } lines_idx += 1 aggr_lines += 1 lines_dict[lines_idx] = { # ToDo: Rename edge_name 'edge_name': '_'.join( [str(mv_grid_id), 'aggr', str(node.lv_load_area.id_db), str(aggr_lines)]), # 'edge_name': '_'.join( # ['line_aggr_load', str(node.lv_load_area), 'vlevel', str(v_level), # 'subtype', str(subtype)]), # }'.format(v_level=v_level, subtype=subtype), 'grid_id_db': mv_grid_id_db, # ToDo: read type_name from aggr_line_type 'type_name': 'NA2XS2Y 3x1x500 RM/35', #, 'type_kind': 'cable', # branch['branch'].kind, # 'type': aggr_line_type, 'length': 1e-3, # in km 'U_n': aggr_line_type.U_n, 'I_max_th': aggr_line_type.I_max_th, 'R_per_km': aggr_line_type.R_per_km, 'L_per_km': aggr_line_type.L_per_km, 'C_per_km': aggr_line_type.C_per_km, 'node1': '_'.join( ['AggregatedLoad', 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(mvloads_idx)]), 'node2': '_'.join([ 'MVStationDing0', 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(mv_grid_id)]), 'run_id': run_id, } # areacenter_dict[areacenter_idx] = { # 'id_db': '_'.join([str(node.__class__.__name__), 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(node.id_db)]),#node.id_db, # 'MV_grid_id':node.grid, # 'geom':node.geo_data, # 'lv_load_area': node.lv_load_area, # 'run_id': run_id,# # } # DisconnectingPoints elif isinstance(node, CircuitBreakerDing0): mvcb_idx += 1 mvcb_dict[mvcb_idx] = { 'id_db': '_'.join([str(node.__class__.__name__), 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(node.id_db)]), 'MV_grid_id': mv_grid_id, 'MV_grid_id_db': mv_grid_id_db, 'geom': geom, 'status': node.status, 'run_id': run_id, } else: type = 'Unknown' # MVedges for branch in mv_district.mv_grid.graph_edges(): # geom = wkt_dumps(node.geo_data) geom = from_shape(LineString([branch['adj_nodes'][0].geo_data, branch['adj_nodes'][1].geo_data]), srid=srid) if not any([isinstance(branch['adj_nodes'][0], LVLoadAreaCentreDing0), isinstance(branch['adj_nodes'][1], LVLoadAreaCentreDing0)]): lines_idx += 1 lines_dict[lines_idx] = { 'edge_name': branch['branch'].id_db, 'grid_id_db': mv_grid_id_db, 'type_name': branch['branch'].type['name'], 'type_kind': branch['branch'].kind, 'length': branch['branch'].length / 1e3, 'U_n': branch['branch'].type['U_n'], 'I_max_th': branch['branch'].type['I_max_th'], 'R_per_km': branch['branch'].type['R_per_km'], 'L_per_km': branch['branch'].type['L_per_km'], 'C_per_km': branch['branch'].type['C_per_km'], 'node1': '_'.join([str(branch['adj_nodes'][0].__class__.__name__), 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(branch['adj_nodes'][0].id_db)]), 'node2': '_'.join([str(branch['adj_nodes'][1].__class__.__name__), 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(branch['adj_nodes'][1].id_db)]), 'run_id': run_id, } if lv_info: for LA in mv_district.lv_load_areas(): for lv_district in LA.lv_grid_districts(): if not lv_district.lv_grid.grid_district.lv_load_area.is_aggregated: # ding0_grid.grid_district._lv_load_areas._lv_grid_districts _.lv_grid # LV-grid # ToDo: geom <- Polygon lvgrid_idx += 1 lv_grid_dict[lvgrid_idx] = { 'LV_grid_id': lv_district.lv_grid.id_db, 'id_db': '_'.join( [str(lv_district.lv_grid.__class__.__name__), 'LV', str(lv_district.lv_grid.id_db), str(lv_district.lv_grid.id_db)]), 'geom': wkt_dumps(lv_district.geo_data), 'population': lv_district.population, 'voltage_nom': lv_district.lv_grid.v_level / 1e3, 'run_id': run_id } lv_grid_id = lv_district.lv_grid.id_db lv_grid_id_db = '_'.join( [str(lv_district.lv_grid.__class__.__name__), 'LV', str(lv_district.lv_grid.id_db), str(lv_district.lv_grid.id_db)]) # geom = from_shape(Point(lv_district.lv_grid.station().geo_data), srid=srid) # geom = wkt_dumps(lv_district.geo_data)# lv_grid.station() #ding0_lv_grid.grid_district.geo_data for node in lv_district.lv_grid.graph_nodes_sorted(): # geom = wkt_dumps(node.geo_data) # LVGenerator if isinstance(node, GeneratorDing0): if node.subtype == None: subtype = 'other' else: subtype = node.subtype type = node.type lvgen_idx += 1 lv_gen_dict[lvgen_idx] = { 'id_db': '_'.join( [str(node.__class__.__name__), 'LV', str(lv_grid_id), str(node.id_db)]), 'LV_grid_id_db': lv_grid_id_db, 'geom': wkt_dumps(node.geo_data), 'type': type, 'subtype': subtype, 'v_level': node.v_level, 'nominal_capacity': node.capacity, 'run_id': run_id, } # LVcd elif isinstance(node, LVCableDistributorDing0): lvcd_idx += 1 lv_cd_dict[lvcd_idx] = { 'id_db': '_'.join( [str(node.__class__.__name__), 'LV', str(lv_grid_id), str(node.id_db)]), 'LV_grid_id_db': lv_grid_id_db, 'geom': None, # wkt_dumps(lv_district.geo_data),#wkt_dumps(node.geo_data), Todo: why no geo_data? 'run_id': run_id, } # LVload elif isinstance(node, LVLoadDing0): consumption_dict = {} for k in ['residential', 'retail', 'agricultural', 'industrial']: if k in node.consumption.keys(): consumption_dict[k] = node.consumption[k] else: consumption_dict[k] = None lvloads_idx += 1 lv_loads_dict[lvloads_idx] = { 'id_db': '_'.join( [str(node.__class__.__name__), 'LV', str(lv_grid_id), str(node.id_db)]), 'LV_grid_id_db': lv_grid_id_db, 'geom': None,#wkt_dumps(lv_district.geo_data),#wkt_dumps(node.geo_data), Todo: why no geo_data? # 'consumption': json.dumps(node.consumption), 'consumption_residential': consumption_dict['residential'], 'consumption_retail': consumption_dict['retail'], 'consumption_agricultural': consumption_dict['agricultural'], 'consumption_industrial': consumption_dict['industrial'], 'run_id': run_id, } del consumption_dict else: type = 'Unknown' # LVedges for branch in lv_district.lv_grid.graph_edges(): # geom = from_shape( # LineString([branch['adj_nodes'][0].geo_data, branch['adj_nodes'][1].geo_data]), srid=srid) if not any([isinstance(branch['adj_nodes'][0], LVLoadAreaCentreDing0), isinstance(branch['adj_nodes'][1], LVLoadAreaCentreDing0)]): lines_idx += 1 lines_dict[lines_idx] = { 'edge_name': branch['branch'].id_db, 'grid_id_db': lv_grid_id_db, 'type_name': branch['branch'].type.to_frame().columns[0], 'type_kind': branch['branch'].kind, 'length': branch['branch'].length / 1e3, # length in km 'U_n': branch['branch'].type['U_n'] / 1e3, # U_n in kV 'I_max_th': branch['branch'].type['I_max_th'], 'R_per_km': branch['branch'].type['R_per_km'], 'L_per_km': branch['branch'].type['L_per_km'], 'node1': '_'.join( [str(branch['adj_nodes'][0].__class__.__name__), 'LV', str(lv_grid_id), str(branch['adj_nodes'][0].id_db)]) if not isinstance(branch['adj_nodes'][0], LVStationDing0) else '_'.join( [str(branch['adj_nodes'][0].__class__.__name__), 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(branch['adj_nodes'][0].id_db)]), 'node2': '_'.join( [str(branch['adj_nodes'][1].__class__.__name__), 'LV', str(lv_grid_id), str(branch['adj_nodes'][1].id_db)]) if not isinstance(branch['adj_nodes'][1], LVStationDing0) else '_'.join( [str(branch['adj_nodes'][1].__class__.__name__), 'MV', str(mv_grid_id), str(branch['adj_nodes'][1].id_db)]), 'run_id': run_id, } lv_grid = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lv_grid_dict, orient='index') lv_gen = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lv_gen_dict, orient='index') lv_cd = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lv_cd_dict, orient='index') mvlv_stations = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mvlv_stations_dict, orient='index') mvlv_trafos = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mvlv_trafos_dict, orient='index') lv_loads = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lv_loads_dict, orient='index') mv_grid = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mv_grid_dict, orient='index') mv_gen = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mv_gen_dict, orient='index') # mv_cb = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mvcb_dict, orient='index') mv_cd = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mv_cd_dict, orient='index') hvmv_stations = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(hvmv_stations_dict, orient='index') # mv_areacenter= pd.DataFrame.from_dict(areacenter_dict, orient='index') hvmv_trafos = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(hvmv_trafos_dict, orient='index') mv_loads = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mv_loads_dict, orient='index') lines = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lines_dict, orient='index') mvlv_mapping = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mvlv_mapping_dict, orient='index') lines = lines[sorted(lines.columns.tolist())] return run_id, lv_grid, lv_gen, lv_cd, mvlv_stations, mvlv_trafos, lv_loads, mv_grid, mv_gen, mv_cd, \ hvmv_stations, hvmv_trafos, mv_loads, lines, mvlv_mapping # mv_areacenter,
[docs]def export_data_tocsv(path, run_id, lv_grid, lv_gen, lv_cd, lv_stations, mvlv_trafos, lv_loads, mv_grid, mv_gen, mv_cb, mv_cd, mv_stations, hvmv_trafos, mv_loads, lines, mapping): # Exports data to csv def export_network_tocsv(path, table, tablename): return table.to_csv(''.join([path, '/', run_id, '/', tablename, '.csv']), ';') export_network_tocsv(path, lv_grid, 'lv_grid') export_network_tocsv(path, lv_gen, 'lv_generator') export_network_tocsv(path, lv_cd, 'lv_branchtee') export_network_tocsv(path, lv_stations, 'lvmv_station') export_network_tocsv(path, mvlv_trafos, 'lv_transformer') export_network_tocsv(path, lv_loads, 'lv_load') export_network_tocsv(path, mv_grid, 'mv_grid') export_network_tocsv(path, mv_gen, 'mv_generator') export_network_tocsv(path, mv_cd, 'mv_branchtee') export_network_tocsv(path, mv_stations, 'mvhv_station') export_network_tocsv(path, hvmv_trafos, 'mv_transformer') export_network_tocsv(path, mv_cb, 'mv_circuitbreaker') export_network_tocsv(path, mv_loads, 'mv_load') export_network_tocsv(path, lines, 'line') export_network_tocsv(path, mapping, 'mvlv_mapping')
# export_network_tocsv(path, areacenter, 'areacenter') ######################################################## from sqlalchemy import create_engine from egoio.db_tables import model_draft as md
[docs]def export_network_to_oedb(session, table, tabletype, srid): dataset = [] engine = create_engine("sqlite:///myexample.db") print("Exporting table type : {}".format(tabletype)) if tabletype == 'lines': table.apply(lambda row: session.add(md.EgoGridDing0Line( run_id=row['run_id'], edge_name=row['edge_name'], grid_id_db=row['grid_id_db'], node1=row['node1'], node2=row['node2'], type_kind=row['type_kind'], type_name=row['type_name'], length=row['length'], U_n=row['U_n'], C_per_km=row['C_per_km'], L_per_km=row['L_per_km'], R_per_km=row['R_per_km'], I_max_th=row['I_max_th'], )) , axis=1) elif tabletype == 'lv_cd': table.apply(lambda row: session.add(md.EgoGridDing0LvBranchtee( run_id=row['run_id'], id_db=row['id_db'], lv_grid_id_db=row['LV_grid_id_db'], geom="SRID={};{}".format(srid, row['geom']) if row['geom'] else None, )) , axis=1) elif tabletype == 'lv_gen': table.apply(lambda row: session.add(md.EgoGridDing0LvGenerator( run_id=row['run_id'], id_db=row['id_db'], lv_grid_id_db=str(row['LV_grid_id_db']), geom="SRID={};{}".format(srid, row['geom']) if row['geom'] else None, type=row['type'], subtype=row['subtype'], v_level=row['v_level'], nominal_capacity=row['nominal_capacity'], )) , axis=1) elif tabletype == 'lv_loads': table.apply(lambda row: session.add(md.EgoGridDing0LvLoad( run_id=row['run_id'], id_db=row['id_db'], lv_grid_id_db=row['LV_grid_id_db'], geom="SRID={};{}".format(srid, row['geom']) if row['geom'] else None, consumption_residential=row['consumption_residential'], consumption_retail=row['consumption_retail'], consumption_agricultural=row['consumption_agricultural'], consumption_industrial=row['consumption_industrial'], )) , axis=1) elif tabletype == 'lv_grid': table.apply(lambda row: session.add(md.EgoGridDing0LvGrid( run_id=row['run_id'], id_db=row['id_db'], lv_grid_id=row['LV_grid_id'], geom="SRID={};{}".format(srid, row['geom']) if row['geom'] else None, population=row['population'], voltage_nom=row['voltage_nom'], )) , axis=1) elif tabletype == 'mvlv_stations': table.apply(lambda row: session.add(md.EgoGridDing0MvlvStation( run_id=row['run_id'], id_db=row['id_db'], lv_grid_id_db=row['LV_grid_id_db'], geom="SRID={};{}".format(srid, row['geom']) if row['geom'] else None, )) , axis=1) elif tabletype == 'mvlv_trafos': table.apply(lambda row: session.add(md.EgoGridDing0MvlvTransformer( run_id=row['run_id'], id_db=row['id_db'], lv_grid_id_db=row['LV_grid_id_db'], geom="SRID={};{}".format(srid, row['geom']) if row['geom'] else None, voltage_op=row['voltage_op'], S_nom=row['S_nom'], X=row['X'], R=row['R'], )) , axis=1) elif tabletype == 'mvlv_mapping': table.apply(lambda row: session.add(md.EgoGridDing0MvlvMapping( run_id=row['run_id'], lv_grid_id=row['LV_grid_id'], lv_grid_id_db=row['LV_grid_id_db'], mv_grid_id=row['MV_grid_id'], mv_grid_id_db=row['MV_grid_id_db'], )) , axis=1) elif tabletype == 'mv_cd': table.apply(lambda row: session.add(md.EgoGridDing0MvBranchtee( run_id=row['run_id'], id_db=row['id_db'], mv_grid_id_db=row['MV_grid_id_db'], geom="SRID={};{}".format(srid, row['geom']) if row['geom'] else None, )) , axis=1) elif tabletype == 'mv_gen': table.apply(lambda row: session.add(md.EgoGridDing0MvGenerator( run_id=row['run_id'], id_db=row['id_db'], mv_grid_id_db=row['MV_grid_id_db'], geom="SRID={};{}".format(srid, row['geom']) if row['geom'] else None, type=row['type'], subtype=row['subtype'], v_level=row['v_level'], nominal_capacity=row['nominal_capacity'], is_aggregated=row['is_aggregated'], )) , axis=1) elif tabletype == 'mv_loads': table.apply(lambda row: session.add(md.EgoGridDing0MvLoad( run_id=row['run_id'], id_db=row['id_db'], mv_grid_id_db=row['MV_grid_id_db'], geom="SRID={};{}".format(srid, row['geom']) if row['geom'] else None, is_aggregated=row['is_aggregated'], consumption_residential=row['consumption_residential'], consumption_retail=row['consumption_retail'], consumption_agricultural=row['consumption_agricultural'], consumption_industrial=row['consumption_industrial'], )) , axis=1) elif tabletype == 'mv_grid': table.apply(lambda row: session.add(md.EgoGridDing0MvGrid( run_id=row['run_id'], id_db=row['id_db'], mv_grid_id=row['MV_grid_id'], geom="SRID={};{}".format(srid, row['geom']) if row['geom'] else None, population=row['population'], voltage_nom=row['voltage_nom'], )) , axis=1) elif tabletype == 'hvmv_stations': table.apply(lambda row: session.add(md.EgoGridDing0HvmvStation( run_id=row['run_id'], id_db=row['id_db'], mv_grid_id_db=row['MV_grid_id_db'], geom="SRID={};{}".format(srid, row['geom']) if row['geom'] else None, )) , axis=1) elif tabletype == 'hvmv_trafos': table.apply(lambda row: session.add(md.EgoGridDing0HvmvTransformer( run_id=row['run_id'], id_db=row['id_db'], mv_grid_id_db=row['MV_grid_id_db'], geom="SRID={};{}".format(srid, row['geom']) if row['geom'] else None, voltage_op=row['voltage_op'], S_nom=row['S_nom'], X=row['X'], R=row['R'], )) , axis=1) # if not engine.dialect.has_table(engine, 'ego_grid_mv_transformer'): # print('helloworld') session.commit()
[docs]def export_data_to_oedb(session, srid, lv_grid, lv_gen, lv_cd, mvlv_stations, mvlv_trafos, lv_loads, mv_grid, mv_gen, mv_cd, hvmv_stations, hvmv_trafos, mv_loads, lines, mvlv_mapping): # only for testing # engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:') export_network_to_oedb(session, lv_grid, 'lv_grid', srid) export_network_to_oedb(session, lv_gen, 'lv_gen', srid) export_network_to_oedb(session, lv_cd, 'lv_cd', srid) export_network_to_oedb(session, mvlv_stations, 'mvlv_stations', srid) export_network_to_oedb(session, mvlv_trafos, 'mvlv_trafos', srid) export_network_to_oedb(session, lv_loads, 'lv_loads', srid) export_network_to_oedb(session, mv_grid, 'mv_grid', srid) export_network_to_oedb(session, mv_gen, 'mv_gen', srid) export_network_to_oedb(session, mv_cd, 'mv_cd', srid) export_network_to_oedb(session, hvmv_stations, 'hvmv_stations', srid) export_network_to_oedb(session, hvmv_trafos, 'hvmv_trafos', srid) export_network_to_oedb(session, mv_loads, 'mv_loads', srid) export_network_to_oedb(session, lines, 'lines', srid) export_network_to_oedb(session, mvlv_mapping, 'mvlv_mapping', srid)
[docs]def create_ding0_db_tables(engine): tables = [md.EgoGridDing0Line, md.EgoGridDing0LvBranchtee, md.EgoGridDing0LvGenerator, md.EgoGridDing0LvLoad, md.EgoGridDing0LvGrid, md.EgoGridDing0MvlvStation, md.EgoGridDing0MvlvTransformer, md.EgoGridDing0MvlvMapping, md.EgoGridDing0MvBranchtee, md.EgoGridDing0MvGenerator, md.EgoGridDing0MvLoad, md.EgoGridDing0MvGrid, md.EgoGridDing0HvmvStation, md.EgoGridDing0HvmvTransformer] for tab in tables: tab().__table__.create(bind=engine, checkfirst=True)
[docs]def drop_ding0_db_tables(engine): tables = [md.EgoGridDing0Line, md.EgoGridDing0LvBranchtee, md.EgoGridDing0LvGenerator, md.EgoGridDing0LvLoad, md.EgoGridDing0LvGrid, md.EgoGridDing0MvlvStation, md.EgoGridDing0MvlvTransformer, md.EgoGridDing0MvlvMapping, md.EgoGridDing0MvBranchtee, md.EgoGridDing0MvGenerator, md.EgoGridDing0MvLoad, md.EgoGridDing0MvGrid, md.EgoGridDing0HvmvStation, md.EgoGridDing0HvmvTransformer] print("Please confirm that you would like to drop the following tables:") for n, tab in enumerate(tables): print("{: 3d}. {}".format(n, tab)) print("Please confirm with either of the choices below:\n" + \ "- yes\n" +\ "- no\n" +\ "- the indexes to drop in the format 0, 2, 3, 5") confirmation = input("Please type the choice completely as there is no default choice.") if re.fullmatch('[Yy]es', confirmation): for tab in tables: tab().__table__.drop(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) elif re.fullmatch('[Nn]o', confirmation): print("Cancelled dropping of tables") else: try: indlist = confirmation.split(',') indlist = list(map(int, indlist)) print("Please confirm deletion of the following tables:") tablist = np.array(tables)[indlist].tolist() for n, tab in enumerate(tablist): print("{: 3d}. {}".format(n, tab)) con2 = input("Please confirm with either of the choices below:\n" + \ "- yes\n" + \ "- no") if re.fullmatch('[Yy]es', con2): for tab in tablist: tab().__table__.drop(bind=engine, checkfirst=True) elif re.fullmatch('[Nn]o', con2): print("Cancelled dropping of tables") else: print("The input is unclear, no action taken") except ValueError: print("Confirmation unclear, no action taken")
######################################################## if __name__ == "__main__": # nw = init_mv_grid(mv_grid_districts=[3544, 3545]) # init_mv_grid(mv_grid_districts=list(range(1, 4500, 200)),filename='ding0_tests_grids_1_4500_200.pkl') # nw = load_nd_from_pickle(filename='ding0_tests_grids_1.pkl') # nw = load_nd_from_pickle(filename='ding0_tests_grids_SevenDistricts.pkl') # nw = load_nd_from_pickle(filename='ding0_tests_grids_1_4500_200.pkl') # nw = init_mv_grid(mv_grid_districts=[2370],filename=False) # stats = calculate_mvgd_stats(nw) # print(stats) # print(stats.T) # stats.to_csv('stats_1_4500_200.csv') ############################################# # generate stats in parallel mv_grid_districts = list(range(1728, 1755)) n_of_processes = mp.cpu_count() # number of parallel threaths n_of_districts = 1 # n° of districts in each cluster mv_stats = parallel_running_stats(districts_list=mv_grid_districts, n_of_processes=n_of_processes, n_of_districts=n_of_districts, source='pkl', # 'ding0', # mode='', critical=True, save_csv=True) print('#################\nMV STATS:') print(mv_stats[0].T) # print('#################\nLV STATS:') # print(mv_stats[1].T) # print('#################\nMV Crit Nodes STATS:') # print(mv_stats[2].T) # print('#################\nMV Crit Edges STATS:') # print(mv_stats[3].T) # print('#################\nLV Crit Nodes STATS:') # print(mv_stats[4].T) # print('#################\nLV Crit Edges STATS:') # print(mv_stats[5].T) ############################################# # nw = load_nd_from_pickle(filename='ding0_tests_grids_1567_567.pkl') # nw = load_nd_from_pickle(filename='ding0_grids_1729.pkl') # nw = init_mv_grid(mv_grid_districts=[1567, 567],filename='ding0_tests_grids_1567_567.pkl') # stats = calculate_lvgd_stats(nw) # print(stats.iloc[1:3].T) # print(stats[stats['Load Area is Aggregated']].T) # stats = calculate_mvgd_stats(nw) # print(stats.T) # print(stats.iloc[1:3].T) # stats = calculate_lvgd_voltage_current_stats(nw) # print(stats) # print(stats[0][1:3].T) # print(stats[1].T) # stats = calculate_mvgd_voltage_current_stats(nw) # print(stats[0])#.index.tolist())#[1:3].T)#nodes # print(stats[1][1:20])#edges