Source code for

"""This file is part of DINGO, the DIstribution Network GeneratOr.
DINGO is a tool to generate synthetic medium and low voltage power
distribution grids based on open data.

It is developed in the project open_eGo:

DING0 lives at github:
The documentation is available on RTD:"""

__copyright__  = "Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH"
__license__    = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__url__        = ""
__author__     = "nesnoj, gplssm"

import pickle
import os
import pandas as pd
import time
import numpy as np

from import db
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from import load_nd_from_pickle
from ding0.core import GeneratorDing0, LVLoadDing0, LVLoadAreaCentreDing0

[docs]def validate_generation(session, nw): '''Validate if total generation of a grid in a pkl file is what expected. Parameters ---------- session : sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session Database session nw: The network Returns ------- DataFrame compare_by_level DataFrame compare_by_type ''' #config network intern variables nw._config = nw.import_config() nw._pf_config = nw.import_pf_config() nw._static_data = nw.import_static_data() nw._orm = nw.import_orm() #rescue generation from input table generation_input = nw.list_generators(session) #make table of generators that are in the grid gen_idx = 0 gen_dict = {} for mv_district in nw.mv_grid_districts(): #search over MV grid for node in mv_district.mv_grid.graph_nodes_sorted(): if isinstance(node, GeneratorDing0): gen_idx+=1 subtype = node.subtype if subtype == None: subtype = 'other' type = node.type if type == None: type = 'other' gen_dict[gen_idx] = { 'v_level':node.v_level, 'type':type, 'subtype':subtype, 'GenCap':node.capacity, } #search over LV grids for LA in mv_district.lv_load_areas(): for lv_district in LA.lv_grid_districts(): # generation capacity for g in lv_district.lv_grid.generators(): gen_idx+=1 subtype = g.subtype if subtype == None: subtype = 'other' type = g.type if type == None: type = 'other' gen_dict[gen_idx] = { 'v_level':g.v_level, 'type':type, 'subtype':subtype, 'GenCap':g.capacity, } generation_effective = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(gen_dict, orient='index') #compare by voltage level input_by_level = generation_input.groupby('v_level').sum()['GenCap'].apply(lambda x: np.round(x,3)) effective_by_level = generation_effective.groupby('v_level').sum()['GenCap'].apply(lambda x: np.round(x,3)) compare_by_level = pd.concat([input_by_level,effective_by_level,input_by_level==effective_by_level],axis=1) compare_by_level.columns = ['table','ding0','equal?'] #compare by type/subtype generation_input['type'] =generation_input['type']+'/'+generation_input['subtype'] generation_effective['type'] =generation_effective['type']+'/'+generation_effective['subtype'] input_by_type = generation_input.groupby('type').sum()['GenCap'].apply(lambda x: np.round(x,3)) effective_by_type = generation_effective.groupby('type').sum()['GenCap'].apply(lambda x: np.round(x,3)) compare_by_type = pd.concat([input_by_type,effective_by_type,input_by_type==effective_by_type],axis=1) compare_by_type.columns = ['table','ding0','equal?'] compare_by_type.index.names = ['type/subtype'] return compare_by_level, compare_by_type
[docs]def validate_load_areas(session, nw): '''Validate if total load of a grid in a pkl file is what expected from load areas Parameters ---------- session : sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session Database session nw The network Returns ------- DataFrame compare_by_la Bool True if data base IDs of LAs are the same as the IDs in the grid ''' #config network intern variables nw._config = nw.import_config() nw._pf_config = nw.import_pf_config() nw._static_data = nw.import_static_data() nw._orm = nw.import_orm() #rescue peak load from input table load_input = nw.list_load_areas(session, nw.mv_grid_districts()) la_input = sorted(load_input.index) load_input = load_input.sum(axis=0).apply(lambda x: np.round(x,3)) load_input.sort_index(inplace=True) #search for LA in the grid la_idx = 0 la_dict = {} for mv_district in nw.mv_grid_districts(): for LA in mv_district.lv_load_areas(): la_idx +=1 la_dict[la_idx] = { 'id_db':LA.id_db, 'peak_load_residential':LA.peak_load_residential, 'peak_load_retail':LA.peak_load_retail, 'peak_load_industrial':LA.peak_load_industrial, 'peak_load_agricultural':LA.peak_load_agricultural, } #compare by LA load_effective = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(la_dict,orient='index').set_index('id_db') la_effective = sorted(load_effective.index) load_effective = load_effective.sum(axis=0).apply(lambda x: np.round(x,3)) load_effective.sort_index(inplace=True) compare_by_la = pd.concat([load_input,load_effective,load_input==load_effective],axis=1) compare_by_la.columns = ['table','ding0','equal?'] compare_by_la.index.names = ['sector'] return compare_by_la, la_input==la_effective
[docs]def validate_lv_districts(session, nw): '''Validate if total load of a grid in a pkl file is what expected from LV districts Parameters ---------- session : sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session Database session nw: The network Returns ------- DataFrame compare_by_district DataFrame compare_by_loads ''' # config network intern variables nw._config = nw.import_config() nw._pf_config = nw.import_pf_config() nw._static_data = nw.import_static_data() nw._orm = nw.import_orm() # rescue peak load from input table lv_ditricts = [dist.id_db for mv in nw.mv_grid_districts() for la in mv.lv_load_areas() for dist in la.lv_grid_districts()] load_input = nw.list_lv_grid_districts(session, lv_ditricts) load_input = load_input.sum(axis=0).apply(lambda x: np.round(x, 3)) load_input.sort_index(inplace=True) load_input.index.names = ['id_db'] load_input['peak_load_retind']=load_input['peak_load_retail']+load_input['peak_load_industrial'] # search for lv_district in the grid lv_dist_idx = 0 lv_dist_dict = {} lv_load_idx = 0 lv_load_dict = {} for mv_district in nw.mv_grid_districts(): for LA in mv_district.lv_load_areas(): for lv_district in LA.lv_grid_districts(): lv_dist_idx += 1 lv_dist_dict[lv_dist_idx] = { 'id_db':lv_district.id_db, 'peak_load_residential':lv_district.peak_load_residential, 'peak_load_retail':lv_district.peak_load_retail, 'peak_load_industrial':lv_district.peak_load_industrial, 'peak_load_agricultural':lv_district.peak_load_agricultural, 'peak_load_retind': lv_district.peak_load_industrial + lv_district.peak_load_retail, } for node in lv_district.lv_grid.graph_nodes_sorted(): if isinstance(node,LVLoadDing0): lv_load_idx +=1 peak_load_agricultural = 0 peak_load_residential = 0 peak_load_retail = 0 peak_load_industrial = 0 peak_load_retind = 0 if 'agricultural' in node.consumption: tipo = 'agricultural' peak_load_agricultural = node.peak_load elif 'industrial' in node.consumption: if node.consumption['retail']==0: tipo = 'industrial' peak_load_industrial = node.peak_load elif node.consumption['industrial']==0: tipo = 'retail' peak_load_retail = node.peak_load else: tipo = 'ret_ind' peak_load_retind = node.peak_load elif 'residential' in node.consumption: tipo = 'residential' peak_load_residential = node.peak_load else: tipo = 'none' print(node.consumption) lv_load_dict[lv_load_idx] = { 'id_db':node.id_db, 'peak_load_residential':peak_load_residential, 'peak_load_retail':peak_load_retail, 'peak_load_industrial':peak_load_industrial, 'peak_load_agricultural':peak_load_agricultural, 'peak_load_retind':peak_load_retind, } for node in mv_district.mv_grid.graph_nodes_sorted(): if isinstance(node,LVLoadAreaCentreDing0): lv_load_idx +=1 lv_load_dict[lv_load_idx] = { 'id_db': node.id_db, 'peak_load_residential': node.lv_load_area.peak_load_residential, 'peak_load_retail': node.lv_load_area.peak_load_retail, 'peak_load_industrial': node.lv_load_area.peak_load_industrial, 'peak_load_agricultural': node.lv_load_area.peak_load_agricultural, 'peak_load_retind':0, } #compare by LV district load_effective_lv_distr = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lv_dist_dict,orient='index').set_index('id_db').sum(axis=0).apply(lambda x: np.round(x,3)) load_effective_lv_distr.sort_index(inplace=True) compare_by_district = pd.concat([load_input,load_effective_lv_distr,load_input==load_effective_lv_distr],axis=1) compare_by_district.columns = ['table','ding0','equal?'] compare_by_district.index.names = ['sector'] #compare by LV Loads load_effective_lv_load = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lv_load_dict,orient='index').set_index('id_db') load_effective_lv_load = load_effective_lv_load.sum(axis=0).apply(lambda x: np.round(x,3)) load_effective_lv_load.sort_index(inplace=True) load_effective_lv_load['peak_load_retind'] = load_effective_lv_load['peak_load_retail'] + \ load_effective_lv_load['peak_load_industrial'] + \ load_effective_lv_load['peak_load_retind'] compare_by_load = pd.concat([load_input,load_effective_lv_load,load_input==load_effective_lv_load],axis=1) compare_by_load.columns = ['table','ding0','equal?'] compare_by_load.index.names = ['sector'] return compare_by_district, compare_by_load
[docs]def compare_grid_impedances(nw1, nw2): '''Compare if two grids have the same impedances. Parameters ---------- nw1: Network 1 nw2: Network 2 Returns ------- Bool True if network elements have same impedances. ''' # get dictionaries with all branches in mv and lv grids of nw1 and nw2 branches_dict_1, lv_branches_dict_1, lv_transformer_dict_1 = get_line_and_trafo_dict(nw1) branches_dict_2, lv_branches_dict_2, lv_transformer_dict_2 = get_line_and_trafo_dict(nw2) # Check if all entries of dicts are the same # region LINES # MV Lines same = True for branch in branches_dict_1: for var in branches_dict_1[branch]: try: if branches_dict_1[branch][var]!=branches_dict_2[branch][var]: print("Variable ", var, " of MV line ", branch, " is not the same: ", \ branches_dict_1[branch][var], " and ", branches_dict_2[branch][var]) same = False except: print("Either MV branch ", branch, " does not exist in second nw or ", var, " does not exist in branch.") same = False # LV Lines for branch in lv_branches_dict_1: for var in lv_branches_dict_1[branch]: try: if lv_branches_dict_1[branch][var] != lv_branches_dict_2[branch][var]: print("Variable ", var, " of LV line ", branch, " is not the same: ", \ lv_branches_dict_1[branch][var], " and ", lv_branches_dict_2[branch][var]) same = False except: print("Either LV branch ", branch, " does not exist in second nw or ", var, " does not exist in branch.") same = False #endregion #region TRANSFORMERS for trafo in lv_transformer_dict_1: for var in lv_transformer_dict_1[trafo]: try: if lv_transformer_dict_1[trafo][var] != lv_transformer_dict_2[trafo][var]: print("Variable ", var, " of LV transformer ", trafo, " is not the same: ", \ lv_transformer_dict_1[trafo][var], " and ", lv_transformer_dict_2[trafo][var]) same = False except: print("Either LV transformer ", trafo, " does not exist in second nw or ", var, " does not exist in transformer.") same = False #endregion return same
[docs]def get_line_and_trafo_dict(nw): ''' Get dictionaries of line and transformer data (in order to compare two networks) Parameters ---------- nw: Network Returns ------- Dictionary mv_branches_dict Dictionary lv_branches_dict Dictionary lv_transformer_dict ''' mv_branches_dict = {} lv_branches_dict = {} lv_transformer_dict = {} for mv_district in nw._mv_grid_districts: for branch in mv_district.mv_grid.graph_edges(): mv_branches_dict[branch['branch'].id_db] = { 'limiting current': branch['branch'].type['I_max_th'], 'length': branch['branch'].length / 1e3, 'type': branch['branch'].type['name'], 'resistance': branch['branch'].type['R_per_km'], 'inductance': branch['branch'].type['L_per_km']} for LA in mv_district.lv_load_areas(): for lv_district in LA.lv_grid_districts(): for branch in lv_district.lv_grid.graph_edges(): lv_branches_dict[branch['branch'].id_db] = { 'limiting current': branch['branch'].type['I_max_th'], 'length': branch['branch'].length / 1e3, 'type': branch['branch'], 'resistance': branch['branch'].type['R_per_km'], 'inductance': branch['branch'].type['L_per_km'] } trafo_count = 0 for trafo in lv_district.lv_grid._station._transformers: lv_transformer_dict[str(lv_district.lv_grid._station.id_db)+ "_"+ str(trafo_count)] = { 'power': trafo.s_max_a, 'resistance': trafo.r_pu, 'ractance': trafo.x_pu } return mv_branches_dict, lv_branches_dict,lv_transformer_dict
######################################################## if __name__ == "__main__": # database connection/ session engine = db.connection(readonly=True) session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)() nw = load_nd_from_pickle(filename='ding0_tests_grids_1.pkl') compare_by_level, compare_by_type = validate_generation(session, nw) print('\nCompare Generation by Level') print(compare_by_level) print('\nCompare Generation by Type/Subtype') print(compare_by_type) compare_by_la, compare_la_ids = validate_load_areas(session,nw) print('\nCompare Load by Load Areas') print(compare_by_la) #print(compare_la_ids) compare_by_district, compare_by_load = validate_lv_districts(session,nw) print('\nCompare Load by LV Districts') print(compare_by_district) print('\nCompare Load by LV Districts in Table and LV Loads from Ding0') print(compare_by_load)