Source code for

"""This file is part of DING0, the DIstribution Network GeneratOr.
DING0 is a tool to generate synthetic medium and low voltage power
distribution grids based on open data.

It is developed in the project open_eGo:

DING0 lives at github:
The documentation is available on RTD:"""

__copyright__  = "Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH"
__license__    = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__url__        = ""
__author__     = "nesnoj, gplssm"

from . import LoadDing0

[docs]class MVLoadDing0(LoadDing0): """ Load in MV grids Note ----- Currently not used, check later if still required """ # TODO: Currently not used, check later if still required def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.id_db = self.grid.mv_grid.loads_count() + 1 self.osmid_building = kwargs.get('osmid_building', None) self.osmid_nn = kwargs.get('osmid_nn', None) self.nn_coords = kwargs.get('nn_coords', None) self.lv_load_area = kwargs.get('lv_load_area', None) def __repr__(self): """ The Representative of the :class:`` object. Returns ------- :obj:`str` """ return '_'.join(['Load', 'mvgd', str(self.grid.id_db), str(self.id_db)]) @property def pypsa_bus_id(self): """ Creates a unique identification for the generator to export to pypsa using the id_db of the mv_grid and the current object Returns ------- :obj:`str` """ return '_'.join(['Bus', 'mvgd', str(self.grid.id_db), 'mvload', str(self.id_db)])
[docs]class LVLoadDing0(LoadDing0): """ Load in LV grids Note ----- Current attributes to fulfill requirements of typified model grids. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.string_id = kwargs.get('string_id', None) self.branch_no = kwargs.get('branch_no', None) self.load_no = kwargs.get('load_no', None) def __repr__(self): """ The Representative of the :class:`` object. Returns ------- :obj:`str` """ return '_'.join(['Load', 'mvgd', str( self.grid.grid_district.lv_load_area.mv_grid_district.mv_grid.\ id_db), 'lvgd', str(self.grid.id_db), str(self.id_db)]) @property def pypsa_bus_id(self): """ Creates a unique identification for the generator to export to pypsa using the id_db of the mv_grid and the current object Returns ------- :obj:`str` """ return '_'.join(['Bus', 'mvgd', str(self.grid.grid_district.lv_load_area.mv_grid_district.mv_grid.\ id_db), 'lvgd', str(self.grid.id_db), 'loa', str(self.id_db)])