Source code for ding0.grid.mv_grid.models.models

"""This file is part of DING0, the DIstribution Network GeneratOr.
DING0 is a tool to generate synthetic medium and low voltage power
distribution grids based on open data.

It is developed in the project open_eGo:

DING0 lives at github:
The documentation is available on RTD:

Based on code by Romulo Oliveira copyright (C) 2015,
Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may obtain a
copy of the license at

__copyright__  = "Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH"
__license__    = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__url__        = ""
__author__     = "nesnoj, gplssm"

from import config as cfg_ding0
from import q_sign

from math import pi, tan, acos

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Route(object): # TODO: check docstring """CVRP route, consists of consecutive nodes Parameters ---------- cvrp_problem : type Descr """ def __init__(self, cvrp_problem): """Class constructor Initialize route Parameters: """ self._problem = cvrp_problem self._demand = 0 self._nodes = []
[docs] def clone(self): """Returns a deep copy of self Function clones: * allocation * nodes Returns ------- type Deep copy of self """ new_route = self.__class__(self._problem) for node in self.nodes(): # Insere new node on new route new_node = node.__class__(node._name, node._demand) new_route.allocate([new_node]) return new_route
[docs] def demand(self): """Returns the current route demand Returns ------- type Current route demand. """ return self._demand
[docs] def nodes(self): """Returns a generator for iterating over nodes Yields ------ type Generator for iterating over nodes """ for node in self._nodes: yield node
[docs] def length(self): """Returns the route length (cost) Returns ------- int Route length (cost). """ cost = 0 depot = self._problem.depot() last = depot for i in self._nodes: a, b = last, i if > a, b = b, a cost = cost + self._problem.distance(a, b) last = i cost = cost + self._problem.distance(depot, last) return cost
[docs] def length_from_nodelist(self, nodelist): """Returns the route length (cost) from the first to the last node in nodelist""" cost = 0 for n1, n2 in zip(nodelist[0:len(nodelist) - 1], nodelist[1:len(nodelist)]): cost += self._problem.distance(n1, n2) return cost
[docs] def can_allocate(self, nodes, pos=None): # TODO: check docstring """Returns True if this route can allocate nodes in `nodes` list Parameters ---------- nodes : type Desc pos : type, defaults to None Desc Returns ------- bool True if this route can allocate nodes in `nodes` list """ # clone route and nodes new_route = self.clone() new_nodes = [node.clone() for node in nodes] if pos is None: pos = len(self._nodes) new_route._nodes = new_route._nodes[:pos] + new_nodes + new_route._nodes[pos:] new_route._demand = sum([node.demand() for node in new_route._nodes]) if new_route.tech_constraints_satisfied(): return True return False
[docs] def allocate(self, nodes, append=True): # TODO: check docstring """Allocates all nodes from `nodes` list in this route Parameters ---------- nodes : type Desc append : bool, defaults to True Desc """ nodes_demand = 0 for node in [node for node in nodes]: if node._allocation: node._allocation.deallocate([node]) node._allocation = self nodes_demand = nodes_demand + node.demand() if append: self._nodes.append(node) else: self._nodes.insert(0, node) self._demand = self._demand + nodes_demand
[docs] def deallocate(self, nodes): # TODO: check docstring """Deallocates all nodes from `nodes` list from this route Parameters ---------- nodes : type Desc """ nodes_demand = 0 for node in nodes: self._nodes.remove(node) node._allocation = None nodes_demand = nodes_demand + node.demand() self._demand = self._demand - nodes_demand if self._demand < 0: raise Exception('Trying to deallocate more than previously allocated')
[docs] def insert(self, nodes, pos): # TODO: check docstring """Inserts all nodes from `nodes` list into this route at position `pos` Parameters ---------- nodes : type Desc pos : type Desc """ node_list = [] nodes_demand = 0 for node in [node for node in nodes]: if node._allocation: node._allocation.deallocate([node]) node_list.append(node) node._allocation = self nodes_demand = nodes_demand + node.demand() self._nodes = self._nodes[:pos] + node_list + self._nodes[pos:] self._demand += nodes_demand
[docs] def is_interior(self, node): # TODO: check docstring """Returns True if node is interior to the route, i.e., not adjascent to depot Parameters ---------- nodes : type Desc Returns ------- bool True if node is interior to the route """ return self._nodes.index(node) != 0 and self._nodes.index(node) != len(self._nodes) - 1
[docs] def last(self, node): # TODO: check docstring """Returns True if node is the last node in the route Parameters ---------- nodes : type Desc Returns ------- bool True if node is the last node in the route """ return self._nodes.index(node) == len(self._nodes) - 1
[docs] def calc_circuit_breaker_position(self, debug=False): """ Calculates the optimal position of a circuit breaker on route. Parameters ---------- debug: bool, defaults to False If True, prints process information. Returns ------- int position of circuit breaker on route (index of last node on 1st half-ring preceding the circuit breaker) Note ----- According to planning principles of MV grids, a MV ring is run as two strings (half-rings) separated by a circuit breaker which is open at normal operation. Assuming a ring (route which is connected to the root node at either sides), the optimal position of a circuit breaker is defined as the position (virtual cable) between two nodes where the conveyed current is minimal on the route. Instead of the peak current, the peak load is used here (assuming a constant voltage). The circuit breakers are used here for checking tech. constraints only and will be re-located after connection of satellites and stations in References ---------- See Also -------- """ # TODO: add references (Tao) # set init value demand_diff_min = 10e6 # check possible positions in route for ctr in range(len(self._nodes)): # split route and calc demand difference route_demand_part1 = sum([node.demand() for node in self._nodes[0:ctr]]) route_demand_part2 = sum([node.demand() for node in self._nodes[ctr:len(self._nodes)]]) demand_diff = abs(route_demand_part1 - route_demand_part2) if demand_diff < demand_diff_min: demand_diff_min = demand_diff position = ctr if debug: logger.debug('sum 1={}'.format( sum([node.demand() for node in self._nodes[0:position]]))) logger.debug('sum 2={}'.format(sum([node.demand() for node in self._nodes[ position:len(self._nodes)]]))) logger.debug( 'Position of circuit breaker: {0}-{1} (sumdiff={2})'.format( self._nodes[position - 1], self._nodes[position], demand_diff_min)) return position
[docs] def tech_constraints_satisfied(self): """ Check route validity according to technical constraints (voltage and current rating) It considers constraints as * current rating of cable/line * voltage stability at all nodes Note ----- The validation is done for every tested MV grid configuration during CVRP algorithm. The current rating is checked using load factors from [#]_. Due to the high amount of steps the voltage rating cannot be checked using load flow calculation. Therefore we use a simple method which determines the voltage change between two consecutive nodes according to [#]_. Furthermore it is checked if new route has got more nodes than allowed (typ. 2*10 according to [#]_). References ---------- .. [#] Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena), "dena-Verteilnetzstudie. Ausbau- und Innovationsbedarf der Stromverteilnetze in Deutschland bis 2030.", 2012 .. [#] M. Sakulin, W. Hipp, "Netzaspekte von dezentralen Erzeugungseinheiten, Studie im Auftrag der E-Control GmbH", TU Graz, 2004 .. [#] Klaus Heuck et al., "Elektrische Energieversorgung", Vieweg+Teubner, Wiesbaden, 2007 .. [#] FGH e.V.: "Technischer Bericht 302: Ein Werkzeug zur Optimierung der Störungsbeseitigung für Planung und Betrieb von Mittelspannungsnetzen", Tech. rep., 2008 """ # load parameters load_area_count_per_ring = float(cfg_ding0.get('mv_routing', 'load_area_count_per_ring')) max_half_ring_length = float(cfg_ding0.get('mv_routing', 'max_half_ring_length')) if self._problem._branch_kind == 'line': load_factor_normal = float(cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'load_factor_mv_line_lc_normal')) load_factor_malfunc = float(cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'load_factor_mv_line_lc_malfunc')) elif self._problem._branch_kind == 'cable': load_factor_normal = float(cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'load_factor_mv_cable_lc_normal')) load_factor_malfunc = float(cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'load_factor_mv_cable_lc_malfunc')) else: raise ValueError('Grid\'s _branch_kind is invalid, could not use branch parameters.') mv_max_v_level_lc_diff_normal = float(cfg_ding0.get('mv_routing_tech_constraints', 'mv_max_v_level_lc_diff_normal')) mv_max_v_level_lc_diff_malfunc = float(cfg_ding0.get('mv_routing_tech_constraints', 'mv_max_v_level_lc_diff_malfunc')) cos_phi_load = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'cos_phi_load') cos_phi_load_mode = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'cos_phi_load_mode') # step 0: check if route has got more nodes than allowed if len(self._nodes) > load_area_count_per_ring: return False # step 1: calc circuit breaker position position = self.calc_circuit_breaker_position() # step 2: calc required values for checking current & voltage # get nodes of half-rings nodes_hring1 = [self._problem._depot] + self._nodes[0:position] nodes_hring2 = list(reversed(self._nodes[position:len(self._nodes)] + [self._problem._depot])) # get all nodes of full ring for both directions nodes_ring1 = [self._problem._depot] + self._nodes nodes_ring2 = list(reversed(self._nodes + [self._problem._depot])) # factor to calc reactive from active power Q_factor = q_sign(cos_phi_load_mode, 'load') * tan(acos(cos_phi_load)) # line/cable params per km r_per_km = self._problem._branch_type['R_per_km'] # unit for r_per_km: ohm/km x_per_km = self._problem._branch_type['L_per_km'] * 2*pi * 50 / 1e3 # unit for x_per_km: ohm/km # step 3: check if total lengths of half-rings exceed max. allowed distance if (self.length_from_nodelist(nodes_hring1) > max_half_ring_length or self.length_from_nodelist(nodes_hring2) > max_half_ring_length): return False # step 4a: check if current rating of default cable/line is violated # (for every of the 2 half-rings using load factor for normal operation) demand_hring_1 = sum([node.demand() for node in self._nodes[0:position]]) demand_hring_2 = sum([node.demand() for node in self._nodes[position:len(self._nodes)]]) peak_current_sum_hring1 = demand_hring_1 / (3**0.5) / self._problem._v_level # units: kVA / kV = A peak_current_sum_hring2 = demand_hring_2 / (3**0.5) / self._problem._v_level # units: kVA / kV = A if (peak_current_sum_hring1 > (self._problem._branch_type['I_max_th'] * load_factor_normal) or peak_current_sum_hring2 > (self._problem._branch_type['I_max_th'] * load_factor_normal)): return False # step 4b: check if current rating of default cable/line is violated # (for full ring using load factor for malfunction operation) peak_current_sum_ring = self._demand / (3**0.5) / self._problem._v_level # units: kVA / kV = A if peak_current_sum_ring > (self._problem._branch_type['I_max_th'] * load_factor_malfunc): return False # step 5a: check voltage stability at all nodes # (for every of the 2 half-rings using max. voltage difference for normal operation) # get operation voltage level from station v_level_hring1 =\ v_level_hring2 =\ v_level_ring_dir1 =\ v_level_ring_dir2 =\ v_level_op =\ self._problem._v_level * 1e3 # set initial r_per_km and x_per_km r_hring1 =\ r_hring2 =\ x_hring1 =\ x_hring2 =\ r_ring_dir1 =\ r_ring_dir2 =\ x_ring_dir1 =\ x_ring_dir2 = 0 for n1, n2 in zip(nodes_hring1[0:len(nodes_hring1)-1], nodes_hring1[1:len(nodes_hring1)]): r_hring1 += self._problem.distance(n1, n2) * r_per_km x_hring1 += self._problem.distance(n1, n2) * x_per_km v_level_hring1 -= n2.demand() * 1e3 * (r_hring1 + x_hring1*Q_factor) / v_level_op if (v_level_op - v_level_hring1) > (v_level_op * mv_max_v_level_lc_diff_normal): return False for n1, n2 in zip(nodes_hring2[0:len(nodes_hring2)-1], nodes_hring2[1:len(nodes_hring2)]): r_hring2 += self._problem.distance(n1, n2) * r_per_km x_hring2 += self._problem.distance(n1, n2) * x_per_km v_level_hring2 -= n2.demand() * 1e3 * (r_hring2 + x_hring2 * Q_factor) / v_level_op if (v_level_op - v_level_hring2) > (v_level_op * mv_max_v_level_lc_diff_normal): return False # step 5b: check voltage stability at all nodes # (for full ring calculating both directions simultaneously using max. voltage diff. for malfunction operation) for (n1, n2), (n3, n4) in zip(zip(nodes_ring1[0:len(nodes_ring1)-1], nodes_ring1[1:len(nodes_ring1)]), zip(nodes_ring2[0:len(nodes_ring2)-1], nodes_ring2[1:len(nodes_ring2)])): r_ring_dir1 += self._problem.distance(n1, n2) * r_per_km r_ring_dir2 += self._problem.distance(n3, n4) * r_per_km x_ring_dir1 += self._problem.distance(n1, n2) * x_per_km x_ring_dir2 += self._problem.distance(n3, n4) * x_per_km v_level_ring_dir1 -= (n2.demand() * 1e3 * (r_ring_dir1 + x_ring_dir1 * Q_factor) / v_level_op) v_level_ring_dir2 -= (n4.demand() * 1e3 * (r_ring_dir2 + x_ring_dir2 * Q_factor) / v_level_op) if ((v_level_op - v_level_ring_dir1) > (v_level_op * mv_max_v_level_lc_diff_malfunc) or (v_level_op - v_level_ring_dir2) > (v_level_op * mv_max_v_level_lc_diff_malfunc)): return False return True
def __str__(self): return str(self._nodes) def __repr__(self): return str(self._nodes)
[docs]class Node(object): # TODO: check docstring """CVRP node (MV transformer/customer) Parameters ---------- name: Node name demand: Node demand """ def __init__(self, name, demand): """Class constructor Initialize demand Parameters: name: Node name demand: Node demand """ self._name = name self._demand = demand self._allocation = None
[docs] def clone(self): # TODO: check docstring """Returns a deep copy of self Function clones: * allocation * nodes Returns ------- type Deep copy of self """ new_node = self.__class__(self._name, self._demand) return new_node
[docs] def name(self): # TODO: check docstring """Returns node name Returns ------- str Node's name """ return self._name
[docs] def demand(self): # TODO: check docstring """Returns the node demand Returns ------- float Node's demand """ return self._demand
[docs] def route_allocation(self): # TODO: check docstring """Returns the route which node is allocated Returns ------- type Node's route """ return self._allocation
def __str__(self): return str(self._name) def __repr__(self): return str(self._name) def __cmp__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Node): return self._name - other._name return self._name - other def __hash__(self): return self._name.__hash__()
[docs]class Graph(object): # TODO: check docstring """Class for modelling a CVRP problem data Parameters ---------- data: type TSPLIB parsed data """ def __init__(self, data): """Class constructor Initialize all nodes, edges and depot Parameters: data: TSPLIB parsed data """ self._coord = data['NODE_COORD_SECTION'] self._nodes = {i: Node(i, data['DEMAND'][i]) for i in data['MATRIX']} self._matrix = {} self._depot = None self._branch_kind = data['BRANCH_KIND'] self._branch_type = data['BRANCH_TYPE'] self._v_level = data['V_LEVEL'] self._is_aggregated = data['IS_AGGREGATED'] for i in data['MATRIX']: x = self._nodes[i] self._matrix[x] = {} if i == data['DEPOT']: self._depot = x # x, not i!! for j in data['MATRIX']: y = self._nodes[j] self._matrix[x][y] = data['MATRIX'][i][j] if self._depot is None: raise Exception('Depot not found')
[docs] def nodes(self): # TODO: check docstring """Returns a generator for iterating over nodes. Yields ------ type Generator for iterating over nodes. """ for i in sorted(self._nodes): yield self._nodes[i]
[docs] def edges(self): # TODO: check docstring """Returns a generator for iterating over edges Yields ------ type Generator for iterating over edges. """ for i in sorted(self._matrix.keys(), key=lambda for j in sorted(self._matrix[i].keys(), key=lambda if i != j: yield (i, j)
[docs] def depot(self): # TODO: check docstring """Returns the depot node. Returns ------- type Depot node """ return self._depot
[docs] def distance(self, i, j): # TODO: check docstring """Returns the distance between node i and node j Parameters ---------- i : type Descr j : type Desc Returns ------- float Distance between node i and node j. """ a, b = i, j if > a, b = b, a return self._matrix[self._nodes[]][self._nodes[]]