Source code for

"""This file is part of DING0, the DIstribution Network GeneratOr.
DING0 is a tool to generate synthetic medium and low voltage power
distribution grids based on open data.

It is developed in the project open_eGo:

DING0 lives at github:
The documentation is available on RTD:"""

__copyright__  = "Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH"
__license__    = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__url__        = ""
__author__     = "nesnoj, gplssm"

from import config as cfg_ding0
from import get_default_home_dir

import os

[docs]class AnimationDing0: """ Class for visual animation of the routing process (solving CVRP). (basically a central place to store information about output file and count of saved images). Use argument 'animation=True' of method 'NetworkDing0.mv_routing()' to enable image export. The images are exported to ding0's home dir which is usually ~/.ding0/ . Subsequently, FFMPEG can be used to convert images to animation, e.g. ffmpeg -r 5 -i mv-routing_ani_%04d.png -vframes 200 -r 15 -vcodec libx264 -y -an mv-routing_ani.mp4 -s 640x480 See Also -------- ding0.core.NetworkDing0.mv_routing() : """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): output_animation_file_prefix = cfg_ding0.get('output', 'animation_file_prefix') self.file_path = os.path.join(get_default_home_dir(), 'animation/') self.file_prefix = output_animation_file_prefix self.counter = 1