Source code for

"""This file is part of DING0, the DIstribution Network GeneratOr.
DING0 is a tool to generate synthetic medium and low voltage power
distribution grids based on open data.

It is developed in the project open_eGo:

DING0 lives at github:
The documentation is available on RTD:"""

__copyright__  = "Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH"
__license__    = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__url__        = ""
__author__     = "nesnoj, gplssm"

import os
from geopy.distance import geodesic
from pyproj import Transformer

from import config as cfg_ding0
import logging

if not 'READTHEDOCS' in os.environ:
    from shapely.geometry import LineString
    from shapely.ops import transform

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def calc_geo_branches_in_polygon(mv_grid, polygon, mode, proj, srid=3035): """ NEW PARAM srid=3035 to calculate calc_geo_branches_in_buffer. Before srid=4326 was assumed. Calculate geographical branches in polygon. For a given `mv_grid` all branches (edges in the graph of the grid) are tested if they are in the given `polygon`. You can choose different modes and projections for this operation. Parameters ---------- mv_grid : :class:`` MV Grid object. Edges contained in `mv_grid.graph_edges()` are taken for the test. polygon : :shapely:`Shapely Point object<points>` Polygon that contains edges. mode : :obj:`str` Choose between 'intersects' or 'contains'. proj : :obj:`int` EPSG code to specify projection Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :any:`BranchDing0` objects List of branches """ if srid == 3035: branches = [] for branch in mv_grid.graph_edges(): branch_shp = branch['branch'].geometry # check if branches intersect with polygon if mode = 'intersects' if mode == 'intersects': if polygon.intersects(branch_shp): branches.append(branch) # check if polygon contains branches if mode = 'contains' elif mode == 'contains': if polygon.contains(branch_shp): branches.append(branch) # error else: raise ValueError('Mode is invalid!') else: branches = [] polygon_shp = transform(proj, polygon) for branch in mv_grid.graph_edges(): branch_shp = transform(proj, branch['branch'].geometry) # check if branches intersect with polygon if mode = 'intersects' if mode == 'intersects': if polygon_shp.intersects(branch_shp): branches.append(branch) # check if polygon contains branches if mode = 'contains' elif mode == 'contains': if polygon_shp.contains(branch_shp): branches.append(branch) # error else: raise ValueError('Mode is invalid!') return branches
[docs]def calc_geo_branches_in_buffer(node, mv_grid, radius, radius_inc, proj, srid=3035): """ NEW PARAM srid=3035 to calculate calc_geo_branches_in_buffer. Before srid=4326 was assumed. Determines branches in nodes' associated graph that are at least partly within buffer of `radius` from `node`. If there are no nodes, the buffer is successively extended by `radius_inc` until nodes are found. Parameters ---------- node : LVStationDing0, GeneratorDing0, or CableDistributorDing0 origin node (e.g. LVStationDing0 object) with associated shapely object (attribute `geo_data`) in any CRS (e.g. WGS84) radius : float buffer radius in m radius_inc : float radius increment in m proj : :obj:`int` pyproj projection object: nodes' CRS to equidistant CRS (e.g. WGS84 -> ETRS) Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :networkx:`NetworkX Graph Obj< >` List of branches (NetworkX branch objects) """ if srid == 3035: branches = [] while not branches: node_shp = node.geo_data buffer_zone_shp = node_shp.buffer(radius) for branch in mv_grid.graph_edges(): branch_shp = branch['branch'].geometry if buffer_zone_shp.intersects(branch_shp): branches.append(branch) radius += radius_inc else: branches = [] while not branches: node_shp = transform(proj, node.geo_data) buffer_zone_shp = node_shp.buffer(radius) for branch in mv_grid.graph_edges(): branch_shp = transform(proj, branch['branch'].geometry) if buffer_zone_shp.intersects(branch_shp): branches.append(branch) radius += radius_inc return branches
[docs]def calc_geo_dist(node_source, node_target, srid=3035): """ Calculates the geodesic distance between `node_source` and `node_target` incorporating the detour factor specified in :file:`ding0/ding0/config/config_calc.cfg`. Parameters ---------- node_source: LVStationDing0, GeneratorDing0, or CableDistributorDing0 source node, member of GridDing0.graph node_target: LVStationDing0, GeneratorDing0, or CableDistributorDing0 target node, member of GridDing0.graph srid: defines crs. 4326 by default check config_misc.cfg Returns ------- :any:`float` Distance in m """ branch_detour_factor = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'branch_detour_factor') if srid == 4326: # notice: geodesic takes (lat,lon) branch_length = branch_detour_factor * geodesic((node_source.geo_data.y, node_source.geo_data.x), (node_target.geo_data.y, node_target.geo_data.x)).m elif srid == 3035: # NEU weil srid=4326 in config.misc.cfg branch_length = LineString([node_source.geo_data, node_target.geo_data]).length * branch_detour_factor # ========= BUG: LINE LENGTH=0 WHEN CONNECTING GENERATORS =========== # When importing generators, the geom_new field is used as position. If it is empty, EnergyMap's geom # is used and so there are a couple of generators at the same position => length of interconnecting # line is 0. See issue #76 if branch_length == 0: branch_length = 1 logger.warning('Geo distance is zero, check objects positions. Distance is set to 1m') # =================================================================== return branch_length
[docs]def calc_geo_dist_matrix(nodes_pos, srid=3035): """ Calculates the geodesic distance between all nodes in `nodes_pos` incorporating the detour factor in config_calc.cfg. For every two points/coord it uses geopy's geodesic function. As default ellipsoidal model of the earth WGS-84 is used. For more options see Parameters ---------- nodes_pos: dict dictionary of nodes with positions, with x=longitude, y=latitude, and the following format:: { 'node_1': (x_1, y_1), ..., 'node_n': (x_n, y_n) } Returns ------- :obj:`dict` dictionary with distances between all nodes (in km), with the following format:: { 'node_1': {'node_1': dist_11, ..., 'node_n': dist_1n}, ..., 'node_n': {'node_1': dist_n1, ..., 'node_n': dist_nn} } """ branch_detour_factor = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'branch_detour_factor') matrix = {} if srid == 3035: for i in nodes_pos: pos_origin = tuple(nodes_pos[i]) # pos_origin to pos_dest matrix[i] = {} for j in nodes_pos: pos_dest = tuple(nodes_pos[j]) distance = LineString([pos_origin, pos_dest]).length * branch_detour_factor / 1000 # km matrix[i][j] = distance else: # ding0 default old for i in nodes_pos: pos_origin = tuple(nodes_pos[i]) matrix[i] = {} for j in nodes_pos: pos_dest = tuple(nodes_pos[j]) # notice: geodesic takes (lat,lon), thus the (x,y)/(lon,lat) tuple is reversed distance = branch_detour_factor * geodesic(tuple(reversed(pos_origin)), tuple(reversed(pos_dest))).km matrix[i][j] = distance return matrix
[docs]def calc_geo_centre_point(node_source, node_target, srid=3035): """ Calculates the geodesic distance between `node_source` and `node_target` incorporating the detour factor specified in config_calc.cfg. Parameters ---------- node_source: LVStationDing0, GeneratorDing0, or CableDistributorDing0 source node, member of GridDing0.graph node_target: LVStationDing0, GeneratorDing0, or CableDistributorDing0 target node, member of GridDing0.graph Returns ------- :any:`float` Distance in m. """ if srid == 3035: # calc new approach branch_shp = LineString([node_source.geo_data, node_target.geo_data]) distance = branch_shp.length centre_point_shp = branch_shp.interpolate(distance/2) else: # WGS84 (conformal) to ETRS (equidistant) projection proj_source = Transformer.from_crs("epsg:4326", "epsg:3035", always_xy=True).transform # ETRS (equidistant) to WGS84 (conformal) projection proj_target = Transformer.from_crs("epsg:3035", "epsg:4326", always_xy=True).transform branch_shp = transform(proj_source, LineString([node_source.geo_data, node_target.geo_data])) distance = geodesic((node_source.geo_data.y, node_source.geo_data.x), (node_target.geo_data.y, node_target.geo_data.x)).m centre_point_shp = transform(proj_target, branch_shp.interpolate(distance/2)) return centre_point_shp
[docs]def calc_edge_geometry(node_source, node_target, srid=3035): """ returns straight edge geometry and related length between two nodes as LineString Parameters ---------- node_source: LVStationDing0, GeneratorDing0, or CableDistributorDing0 source node, member of GridDing0.graph node_target: LVStationDing0, GeneratorDing0, or CableDistributorDing0 target node, member of GridDing0.graph srid: defines crs. 4326 by default check config_misc.cfg Returns ------- geometry: LineString, :any:`float` Distance in m """ if srid == 3035: branch_geometry = LineString([node_source.geo_data, node_target.geo_data]) branch_length = branch_geometry.length # ========= BUG: LINE LENGTH=0 WHEN CONNECTING GENERATORS =========== # When importing generators, the geom_new field is used as position. If it is empty, EnergyMap's geom # is used and so there are a couple of generators at the same position => length of interconnecting # line is 0. See issue #76 if branch_length == 0: branch_length = 1 logger.warning('Geo distance is zero, check objects positions. Distance is set to 1m') # =================================================================== return branch_geometry, branch_length