Source code for

"""This file is part of DING0, the DIstribution Network GeneratOr.
DING0 is a tool to generate synthetic medium and low voltage power
distribution grids based on open data.

It is developed in the project open_eGo:

DING0 lives at github:
The documentation is available on RTD:"""

__copyright__  = "Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH"
__license__    = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__url__        = ""
__author__     = "nesnoj, gplssm"

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx

from ding0.core.structure.regions import LVLoadAreaDing0, LVLoadAreaCentreDing0
import as tl

[docs]class GridDing0: """ The fundamental abstract class used to encapsulate the networkx graph and the relevant attributes of a power grid irrespective of voltage level. By design, this class is not expected to be instantiated directly. This class was designed to be inherited by :class:`` or by :class:``. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`~.ding0.core.NetworkDing0` The overarching :class:`` object that this object is connected to. id_db : :obj:`str` id according to database table grid_district : :shapely:`Shapely Polygon object<polygons>` class, area that is covered by the lv grid v_level: :obj:`int` The integer value of the voltage level of the Grid in kV. Typically, either 10 or 20. Attributes ---------- cable_distributors: :obj:`list` List of :class:`` Objects loads : :obj:`list` List of of :class:`` Objects. These are objects meant to be considered as MV-Level loads generators : :obj:`list` :obj:`list` of :class:`` or :class:`` Objects. These are objects meant to be considered as MV-Level Generators. graph : :networkx:`networkx.Graph` The networkx graph of the network. Initially this is an empty graph which gets populated differently depending upon which child class inherits this class, either :class:`` or :class:``. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): = kwargs.get('network', None) self.id_db = kwargs.get('id_db', None) self.grid_district = kwargs.get('grid_district', None) self._cable_distributors = [] self._loads = [] self._generators = [] self.v_level = kwargs.get('v_level', None) self._graph = nx.Graph()
[docs] def cable_distributors(self): """ Provides access to the cable distributors in the grid. Returns ------- :obj:`list` List generator of :class:`` objects """ for cable_dist in self._cable_distributors: yield cable_dist
[docs] def cable_distributors_count(self): """ Returns the count of cable distributors in grid Returns ------- :obj:`int` Count of the :class:`` objects """ return len(self._cable_distributors)
[docs] def loads(self): """ Returns a generator for iterating over grid's loads Returns ------- :obj:`list` generator List Generator of :class:`` objects """ for load in self._loads: yield load
[docs] def loads_count(self): """ Returns the count of loads in grid Returns ------- :obj:`int` Count of the :class:`` objects """ return len(self._loads)
[docs] def generators(self): """ Returns a generator for iterating over grid's generators Returns ------- :obj:`list` generator List of :class:`` and :class:`` objects """ for generator in self._generators: yield generator
[docs] def add_generator(self, generator): """ Adds a generator to :attr:`` and grid graph if not already existing Parameters ---------- generator : |GridDing0_add_generator_generator_types| Ding0's generator object .. |GridDing0_add_generator_generator_types| replace:: :class:`` or :class:`` """ if generator not in self._generators and isinstance(generator, GeneratorDing0): self._generators.append(generator) self.graph_add_node(generator)
@property def graph(self): """Provide access to the graph""" return self._graph
[docs] def graph_add_node(self, node_object): """ Adds a station or cable distributor object to grid graph if not already existing Parameters ---------- node_object : |ding0_node_object_types| The ding0 node object to be added to the graph .. |ding0_node_object_types| replace:: :class:`` or :class:`` or :class:`` or :class:`` or :class:`` or :class:`` or :class:`` """ if ((node_object not in self.graph.nodes()) and (isinstance(node_object, (StationDing0, CableDistributorDing0, LVLoadAreaCentreDing0, CircuitBreakerDing0, GeneratorDing0, LoadDing0)))): self.graph.add_node(node_object)
[docs] def graph_draw(self, mode): """ Draws grid graph using networkx This method is for debugging purposes only. Use :meth:`` for advanced plotting. Parameters ---------- mode : :obj:`str` Mode selection 'MV' or 'LV'. Note ----- The geo coords (for used crs see database import in class `NetworkDing0`) are used as positions for drawing but networkx uses cartesian crs. Since no coordinate transformation is performed, the drawn graph representation is falsified! """ g = self.graph if mode == 'MV': # get draw params from nodes and edges (coordinates, colors, demands, etc.) nodes_pos = {}; demands = {}; demands_pos = {} nodes_color = [] for node in g.nodes(): if isinstance(node, (StationDing0, LVLoadAreaCentreDing0, CableDistributorDing0, GeneratorDing0, CircuitBreakerDing0)): nodes_pos[node] = (node.geo_data.x, node.geo_data.y) # TODO: MOVE draw/color settings to config if node == self.station(): nodes_color.append((1, 0.5, 0.5)) else: #demands[node] = 'd=' + '{:.3f}'.format(node.grid.region.peak_load_sum) #demands_pos[node] = tuple([a+b for a, b in zip(nodes_pos[node], [0.003]*len(nodes_pos[node]))]) nodes_color.append((0.5, 0.5, 1)) edges_color = [] for edge in self.graph_edges(): if edge['branch'].critical: edges_color.append((1, 0, 0)) else: edges_color.append((0, 0, 0)) plt.figure() nx.draw_networkx(g, nodes_pos, node_color=nodes_color, edge_color=edges_color, font_size=8) #nx.draw_networkx_labels(g, demands_pos, labels=demands, font_size=8) elif mode == 'LV': nodes_pos = {} nodes_color = [] for node in g.nodes(): # get neighbors of station (=first node of each branch) station_neighbors = sorted( g.neighbors(self.station()), key=lambda _: repr(_)) # set x-offset according to count of branches if len(station_neighbors) % 2 == 0: x_pos_start = -(len(station_neighbors) // 2 - 0.5) else: x_pos_start = -(len(station_neighbors) // 2) # set positions if isinstance(node, CableDistributorDing0): if node.in_building: nodes_pos[node] = (x_pos_start + node.branch_no - 1 + 0.25, -node.load_no - 2) nodes_color.append((0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) else: nodes_pos[node] = (x_pos_start + node.branch_no - 1, -node.load_no - 2) nodes_color.append((0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) elif isinstance(node, LoadDing0): nodes_pos[node] = (x_pos_start + node.branch_no - 1 + 0.5, -node.load_no - 2 - 0.25) nodes_color.append((0.5, 0.5, 1)) elif isinstance(node, GeneratorDing0): # get neighbor of geno neighbor = list(g.neighbors(node))[0] # neighbor is cable distributor of building if isinstance(neighbor, CableDistributorDing0): nodes_pos[node] = (x_pos_start + neighbor.branch_no - 1 + 0.5, -neighbor.load_no - 2 + 0.25) else: nodes_pos[node] = (1,1) nodes_color.append((0.5, 1, 0.5)) elif isinstance(node, StationDing0): nodes_pos[node] = (0, 0) nodes_color.append((1, 0.5, 0.5)) plt.figure() nx.draw_networkx(g, nodes_pos, node_color=nodes_color, font_size=8, node_size=100)
[docs] def graph_nodes_sorted(self): """ Returns an sorted list of graph's nodes. The nodes are arranged based on the name in ascending order. Returns ------- :obj:`list` List of |ding0_node_object_types| """ return sorted(self.graph.nodes(), key=lambda _: repr(_))
[docs] def graph_nodes_from_branch(self, branch): """ Returns nodes that are connected by `branch` i.e. a :class:`` object. Parameters ---------- branch: :class:`` Returns ------- :obj:`tuple` Tuple of node objects in ding0. 2-tuple of Ding0 node objects i.e. |ding0_node_object_types| """ edges = nx.get_edge_attributes(self.graph, 'branch') nodes = list(edges.keys())[list(edges.values()).index(branch)] return nodes
[docs] def graph_branches_from_node(self, node): """ Returns branches that are connected to `node` Parameters ---------- node: |ding0_node_object_types| Ding0 node object (member of graph) Returns ------- :obj:`list` List of :obj:`tuple` objects i.e. List of tuples (node, branch in :obj:`BranchDing0`) :: (node , branch_0 ), ..., (node , branch_N ), node in ding0 is either |ding0_node_object_types| """ # TODO: This method can be replaced and speed up by using NetworkX' neighbors() branches = [] branches_dict = self.graph.adj[node] for branch in branches_dict.items(): branches.append(branch) return sorted(branches, key=lambda _: repr(_))
[docs] def graph_edges(self): """ Returns a generator for iterating over graph edges The edge of a graph is described by the two adjacent node and the branch object itself. Whereas the branch object is used to hold all relevant power system parameters. Returns ------ :obj:`dict` generator Dictionary generator with the keys: * `adj_nodes` paired to the Ding0 node object i.e. |ding0_node_object_types| * `branch` paried with the Ding0 branch object :class:`` Note ---- There are generator functions for nodes (`Graph.nodes()`) and edges (`Graph.edges()`) in NetworkX but unlike graph nodes, which can be represented by objects, branch objects can only be accessed by using an edge attribute ('branch' is used here) To make access to attributes of the branch objects simpler and more intuitive for the user, this generator yields a dictionary for each edge that contains information about adjacent nodes and the branch object. Note, the construction of the dictionary highly depends on the structure of the in-going tuple (which is defined by the needs of networkX). If this changes, the code will break. """ # get edges with attributes edges = nx.get_edge_attributes(self.graph, 'branch').items() # sort them according to connected nodes edges_sorted = sorted(list(edges), key=lambda _: (''.join(sorted([repr(_[0][0]),repr(_[0][1])])))) for edge in edges_sorted: yield {'adj_nodes': edge[0], 'branch': edge[1]}
[docs] def find_path(self, node_source, node_target, type='nodes'): """ Determines shortest path Determines the shortest path from `node_source` to `node_target` in _graph using networkx' shortest path algorithm. Parameters ---------- node_source: |ding0_node_object_types| source node, member of _graph, ding0 node object node_target: |ding0_node_object_types| target node, member of _graph, ding0 node object type : :obj:`str` Specify if nodes or edges should be returned. Default is `nodes` Returns ------- :obj:`list` List of ding0 node object i.e. |ding0_node_object_types| path: shortest path from `node_source` to `node_target` (list of nodes in _graph) Note ----- WARNING: The shortest path is calculated using the count of hops, not the actual line lengths! As long as the circuit breakers are open, this works fine since there's only one path. But if they are closed, there are 2 possible paths. The result is a path which have min. count of hops but might have a longer total path length than the second sone. See networkx' function shortest_path() function for details on how the path is calculated. """ if (node_source in self.graph.nodes()) and (node_target in self.graph.nodes()): path = nx.shortest_path(self.graph, node_source, node_target) else: raise Exception('At least one of the nodes is not a member of graph.') if type == 'nodes': return path elif type == 'edges': return [_ for _ in self.graph.edges(nbunch=path, data=True) if (_[0] in path and _[1] in path)] else: raise ValueError('Please specify type as nodes or edges')
[docs] def find_and_union_paths(self, node_source, nodes_target): """ Determines shortest paths from `node_source` to all nodes in `node_target` in _graph using find_path(). The branches of all paths are stored in a set - the result is a list of unique branches. Parameters ---------- node_source: |ding0_node_object_types| source node, member of _graph, ding0 node object node_target: |ding0_node_object_types| target node, member of _graph, ding0 node object Returns ------- :obj:`list` List of :class:`` objects """ branches = set() for node_target in nodes_target: path = self.find_path(node_source, node_target) node_pairs = list(zip(path[0:len(path) - 1], path[1:len(path)])) for n1, n2 in node_pairs: branches.add(self.graph.adj[n1][n2]['branch']) return list(branches)
[docs] def graph_path_length(self, node_source, node_target): """ Calculates the absolute distance between `node_source` and `node_target` in meters using find_path() and branches' length attribute. node_source: |ding0_node_object_types| source node, member of _graph, ding0 node object node_target: |ding0_node_object_types| target node, member of _graph, ding0 node object Returns ------- :obj:`float` path length in meters """ length = 0 path = self.find_path(node_source, node_target) node_pairs = list(zip(path[0:len(path)-1], path[1:len(path)])) for n1, n2 in node_pairs: length += self.graph.adj[n1][n2]['branch'].length return length
[docs] def graph_isolated_nodes(self): """ Finds isolated nodes = nodes with no neighbors (degree zero) Returns ------- :obj:`list` List of ding0 node objects i.e. |ding0_node_object_types| """ return sorted(nx.isolates(self.graph), key=lambda x: repr(x))
[docs] def control_generators(self, capacity_factor): """ Sets capacity factor of all generators of a grid. A capacity factor of 0.6 means that all generators are to provide a capacity of 60% of their nominal power. Parameters ---------- capacity_factor: :obj:`float` Value between 0 and 1. """ for generator in self.generators(): generator.capacity_factor = capacity_factor
[docs]class StationDing0: """ The abstract definition of a substation irrespective of voltage level. This object encapsulates the attributes that can appropriately represent a station in a networkx graph as a node. By design, this class is not expected to be instantiated directly. This class was designed to be inherited by :class:`` or by :class:``. Parameters ---------- id_db : :obj:`str` id according to database table v_level_operation: :obj:`float` operation voltage level in kilovolts (kV) at station (the station's voltage level differs from the nominal voltage level of the grid due to grid losses). It is usually set to a slightly higher value than the nominal voltage, e.g. 104% in MV grids. geo_data : :shapely:`Shapely Point object<points>` The geo-spatial point in the coordinate reference system with the SRID:4326 or epsg:4326, this is the project used by the ellipsoid WGS 84. grid : :class:`` Either a :class:`` or :class:`` object _transformers: :obj:`list` of :class:`` objects See Also -------- (see attribute `v_level` in class :class:``) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.id_db = kwargs.get('id_db', None) self.geo_data = kwargs.get('geo_data', None) self.grid = kwargs.get('grid', None) self._transformers = [] self.v_level_operation = kwargs.get('v_level_operation', None) @property def network(self): """ Getter for the overarching :class:`` object Returns ------- :class:`` """ return
[docs] def transformers(self): """ Returns a generator for iterating over transformers Returns ------- :obj:`list` generator List generator of :class:`` objects """ for trans in self._transformers: yield trans
[docs] def add_transformer(self, transformer): """ Adds a transformer to _transformers if not already existing Parameters ---------- transformer : :class:`` The :class:`` object to be added to the current :class:`` """ if transformer not in self.transformers() and isinstance(transformer, TransformerDing0): self._transformers.append(transformer)
@property def peak_load(self): """ Cumulative peak load of loads connected to underlying MV or LV grid (taken from MV or LV Grid District -> top-down) Returns ------- :obj:`float` Peak load of the current :class:`` object Note ----- This peak load includes all loads which are located within Grid District: When called from MV station, all loads of all Load Areas are considered (peak load was calculated in MVGridDistrictDing0.add_peak_demand()). When called from LV station, all loads of the LVGridDistrict are considered. """ return self.grid.grid_district.peak_load
[docs]class RingDing0: """ Represents a medium voltage Ring. Parameters ---------- grid : :class:`` The MV grid that this ring is to be a part of. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._grid = kwargs.get('grid', None) # get id from count of rings in associated MV grid self._id_db = self._grid.rings_count() + 1 # add circ breaker to grid and graph self._grid.add_ring(self) #PAUL new add ring demand, cum. demand from nodes part of respective ring self._demand = kwargs.get('demand', None) @property def network(self): """ Getter for the overarching :class:`` object. Returns ------- :class:`` """ return
[docs] def branches(self): """ Getter for the branches in the :class:`` object. Returns ------- :obj:`list` generator List generator of :class:`` objects """ for branch in self._grid.graph_edges(): if branch['branch'].ring == self: yield branch
[docs] def lv_load_areas(self): """ Getter for the LV Load Areas that this Ring covers. Returns ------- :obj:`list` generator List generator of :class:`~.ding0.core.structure.regions.LVLoadAreaDing0` objects """ for lv_load_area in self._grid.graph.nodes(): if isinstance(lv_load_area, LVLoadAreaDing0): if lv_load_area.ring == self: yield lv_load_area
def __repr__(self): """ The Representative of the :class:`` object. Returns ------- :obj:`str` """ return 'mv_ring_' + str(self._id_db)
[docs]class BranchDing0: """ When a network has a set of connections that don't form into rings but remain as open stubs, these are designated as branches. Typically Branches at the MV level branch out of Rings. Attributes ---------- length : :obj:`float` Length of line given in m type : :pandas:`pandas.DataFrame<dataframe>` Association to pandas Series. DataFrame with attributes of line/cable. id_db : :obj:`int` id according to database table ring : :class:`` The associated :class:`` object kind : :obj:`str` 'line' or 'cable' connects_aggregated : :obj`bool` A boolean True or False to mark if branch is connecting an aggregated Load Area or not. Defaults to False. circuit_breaker : :class:`:class:`` The circuit breaker that opens or closes this Branch. critical : :obj:`bool` This a designation of if the branch is critical or not, defaults to False. Note ----- Important: id_db is not set until whole grid is finished (setting at the end). ADDED FOR NEW LV GRID APPROACH: geometry : shapely.LineString due to for lv grids the coordinates of nodes and edges are known coordinates are stored as LineString to enable visualisation of the right course of the road. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.id_db = kwargs.get('id_db', None) self.ring = kwargs.get('ring', None) # MV ring allocation self.feeder = kwargs.get('feeder', None) # LV feeder allocation self.grid = kwargs.get('grid', None) self.length = kwargs.get('length', None) # branch (line/cable) length in m self.kind = kwargs.get('kind', None) # 'line' or 'cable' self.type = kwargs.get('type', None) # DataFrame with attributes of line/cable self.connects_aggregated = kwargs.get('connects_aggregated', False) self.circuit_breaker = kwargs.get('circuit_breaker', None) self.geometry = kwargs.get('geometry', None) # branch coordinates self.num_parallel = 1 # number of parallel lines, initially one self.critical = False # workaround for connecting more than one component to a bus self.helper_component = kwargs.get('helper_component', None) @property def network(self): """ Getter for the overarching :class:`` object. Returns ------- :class:`` """ return def __repr__(self): """ The Representative of the :class:`` object. Returns ------- :obj:`str` """ nodes = sorted(self.grid.graph_nodes_from_branch(self), key=lambda _:repr(_)) return '_'.join(['Branch', repr(nodes[0]), repr(nodes[1])])
[docs]class TransformerDing0: """ Transformers are essentially voltage converters, which enable to change between voltage levels based on the usage. Attributes ---------- id_db : :obj:`int` id according to database table grid : :class:`` The MV grid that this ring is to be a part of. v_level : :obj:`float` voltage level [kV] s_max_a : :obj:`float` rated power (long term) [kVA] s_max_b : :obj:`float` rated power (short term) s_max_c : :obj:`float` rated power (emergency) phase_angle : :obj:`float` phase shift angle tap_ratio: :obj:`float` off nominal turns ratio """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.id_db = kwargs.get('id_db', None) self.grid = kwargs.get('grid', None) self.v_level = kwargs.get('v_level', None) self.s_max_a = kwargs.get('s_max_longterm', None) self.s_max_b = kwargs.get('s_max_shortterm', None) self.s_max_c = kwargs.get('s_max_emergency', None) self.phase_angle = kwargs.get('phase_angle', None) self.tap_ratio = kwargs.get('tap_ratio', None) self.r_pu = kwargs.get('r_pu', None) self.x_pu = kwargs.get('x_pu', None) @property def network(self): """ Getter for the overarching :class:`` object. Returns ------- :class:`` """ return
[docs] def z(self,voltage_level=None): ''' Calculates the complex impedance in Ohm related to voltage_level. If voltage_level is not inserted, the secondary voltage of the transformer is chosen as a default. :param voltage_level: voltage in [kV] :return: Z_tr in [Ohm] ''' if voltage_level is None: voltage_level = self.v_level # calculates z in Ohm with Z = z_pu * Z_nom and Z_nom = U_nom^2 / S_nom Z_tr = (self.r_pu + self.x_pu * 1j) * voltage_level**2 / self.s_max_a *1000 return Z_tr
def __repr__(self): # Todo: Change in a way that grid is seperated to mv and lv return '_'.join(['Transformer', repr(self.grid), str(self.id_db)])
[docs]class GeneratorDing0: """ Generators (power plants of any kind) Attributes ---------- id_db : :obj:`int` id according to database table name : :obj:`str` This is a name that can be given by the user. This defaults to a name automatically generated. v_level : :obj:`float` voltage level geo_data : :shapely:`Shapely Point object<points>` The geo-spatial point in the coordinate reference system with the SRID:4326 or epsg:4326, this is the project used by the ellipsoid WGS 84. mv_grid : :class:`` The MV grid that this ring is to be a part of. lv_load_area : :class:`~.ding0.core.structure.regions.LVLoadAreaDing0` The LV Load Area the the generator is a part of. lv_grid : :class:`` The LV Grid that the Generator is a part of. capacity : :obj:`float` The generator's rated power output in kilowatts. capacity_factor : :obj:`float` The generators capacity factor i.e. the ratio of the average power generated by the generator versus the generator capacity. type : :obj:`str` The generator's type, an option amongst: * solar * wind * geothermal * reservoir * pumped_storage * run_of_river * gas * biomass * coal * lignite * gas * gas_mine * oil * waste * uranium * other_non_renewable subtype : :obj:`str` The generator's subtype, an option amongst: * solar_roof_mounted * solar_ground_mounted * wind_onshore * wind_offshore * hydro * geothermal * biogas_from_grid * biomass * biogas * biofuel * biogas_dry_fermentation * gas_mine * gas_sewage * gas_landfill * gas * waste_wood * wood """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.id_db = kwargs.get('id_db', None) = kwargs.get('name', None) self.geo_data = kwargs.get('geo_data', None) self.mv_grid = kwargs.get('mv_grid', None) self.lv_load_area = kwargs.get('lv_load_area', None) self.lv_grid = kwargs.get('lv_grid', None) self.capacity = kwargs.get('capacity', None) self.capacity_factor = kwargs.get('capacity_factor', 1) self.type = kwargs.get('type', None) self.subtype = kwargs.get('subtype', None) self.v_level = kwargs.get('v_level', None) self.building_id = kwargs.get('building_id', None) self.gens_id = kwargs.get('gens_id', None) @property def network(self): """ Getter for the overarching :class:`` object. Returns ------- :class:`` """ return @property def pypsa_bus_id(self): """ Creates a unique identification for the generator to export to pypsa using the id_db of the mv_grid and the current object Returns ------- :obj:`str` """ if self.lv_grid != None: return '_'.join(['Bus', 'mvgd', str(self.mv_grid.id_db), 'lvgd', str(self.lv_grid.id_db),'gen', str(self.id_db)]) else: return '_'.join(['Bus', 'mvgd',str(self.mv_grid.id_db), 'gen', str(self.id_db)]) def __repr__(self): """ The Representative of the :class:`` object. Returns ------- :obj:`str` """ if self.subtype not in [None, 'unknown']: type = self.subtype elif self.type != None: type = self.type else: type = '' if self.lv_grid != None: return '_'.join(['Generator', 'mvgd', str(self.mv_grid.grid_district.id_db), 'lvgd', str(self.lv_grid.id_db), type, str(self.id_db)]) else: return '_'.join(['Generator', 'mvgd', str(self.mv_grid.id_db),type, str(self.id_db)])
[docs]class GeneratorFluctuatingDing0(GeneratorDing0): """Generator object for fluctuating renewable energy sources Attributes ---------- _weather_cell_id : :obj:`str` ID of the weather cell used to generate feed-in time series """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._weather_cell_id = kwargs.get('weather_cell_id', None) @property def weather_cell_id(self): """ Get weather cell ID Returns ------- :obj:`str` See class definition for details. """ return self._weather_cell_id @weather_cell_id.setter def weather_cell_id(self, weather_cell): """ Set the weather cell ID Returns ------- :obj:`str` See class definition for details. """ self._weather_cell_id = weather_cell
[docs]class CableDistributorDing0: """ Cable distributor (connection point) Attributes ---------- id_db : :obj:`int` id according to database table geo_data : :shapely:`Shapely Point object<points>` The geo-spatial point in the coordinate reference system with the SRID:4326 or epsg:4326, this is the project used by the ellipsoid WGS 84. grid : :class:`` The MV grid that this ring is to be a part of. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.id_db = kwargs.get('id_db', None) self.geo_data = kwargs.get('geo_data', None) self.grid = kwargs.get('grid', None) # workaround for connecting more than one component to a bus self.helper_component = kwargs.get('helper_component', None) @property def network(self): """ Getter for the overarching :class:`` object. Returns ------- :class:`` """ return
[docs]class LoadDing0: """ Class for modelling a load Attributes ---------- id_db : :obj:`int` id according to database table geo_data : :shapely:`Shapely Point object<points>` The geo-spatial point in the coordinate reference system with the SRID:4326 or epsg:4326, this is the project used by the ellipsoid WGS 84. grid : :class:`` The MV or LV grid that this Load is to be a part of. peak_load : :obj:`float` Peak load of the current object building_id : :obj:`int` refers to OSM oder eGo^n ID, depending on chosen database """ #ToDo: Add consumption, type and sector to the documentation def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.id_db = kwargs.get('id_db', None) self.geo_data = kwargs.get('geo_data', None) self.grid = kwargs.get('grid', None) self.peak_load = kwargs.get('peak_load', None) self.peak_load_residential = kwargs.get('peak_load_residential', None) self.number_households = kwargs.get('number_households', None) self.peak_load_cts = kwargs.get('peak_load_cts', None) self.peak_load_industrial = kwargs.get('peak_load_industrial', None) self.consumption = kwargs.get('consumption', None) self.building_id = kwargs.get('building_id', None) self.sector = kwargs.get('sector', None) self.type = kwargs.get('type', None) @property def network(self): """ Getter for the overarching :class:`` object. Returns ------- :class:`` """ return # has to be shifted to LV / MV load because needs to be distinguished '''@property def pypsa_bus_id(self): """ Creates a unique identification for the generator to export to pypsa using the id_db of the mv_grid and the current object Returns ------- :obj:`str` """ return '_'.join(['Bus', 'mvgd', str(self.grid.grid_district.lv_load_area.mv_grid_district.mv_grid.\ id_db), 'lvgd', str(self.grid.id_db), 'loa', str(self.id_db)])'''
[docs]class CircuitBreakerDing0: """ Class for modelling a circuit breaker Attributes ---------- id_db : :obj:`int` id according to database table geo_data : :shapely:`Shapely Point object<points>` The geo-spatial point in the coordinate reference system with the SRID:4326 or epsg:4326, this is the project used by the ellipsoid WGS 84. grid : :class:`` The MV or LV grid that this Load is to be a part of. branch : :class:`` The branch to which the Cable Distributor belongs to branch_nodes : :obj:`tuple` A tuple containing a pair of ding0 node objects i.e. |ding0_node_object_types|. status: :obj:`str`, default 'closed' The ``open`` or ``closed`` state of the Circuit Breaker. Note ----- Circuit breakers are nodes of a graph, but are NOT connected via an edge. They are associated to a specific `branch` of a graph (and the branch refers to the circuit breaker via the attribute `circuit_breaker`) and its two `branch_nodes`. Via open() and close() the associated branch can be removed from or added to graph. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.id_db = kwargs.get('id_db', None) self.geo_data = kwargs.get('geo_data', None) self.grid = kwargs.get('grid', None) self.branch = kwargs.get('branch', None) self.branch_nodes = kwargs.get('branch_nodes', (None, None)) self.status = kwargs.get('status', 'closed') self.switch_node = kwargs.get('switch_node', None) # get id from count of cable distributors in associated MV grid self.id_db = self.grid.circuit_breakers_count() + 1 # add circ breaker to grid and graph self.grid.add_circuit_breaker(self) @property def network(self): """ Getter for the overarching :class:`` object. Returns ------- :class:`` """ return
[docs] def open(self): """ Open a Circuit Breaker """ if self.status == 'closed': self.branch_nodes = self.grid.graph_nodes_from_branch(self.branch) self.grid.graph.remove_edge(self.branch_nodes[0], self.branch_nodes[1]) self.status = 'open'
[docs] def close(self): """ Close a Circuit Breaker """ if self.status == 'open': self.grid.graph.add_edge(self.branch_nodes[0], self.branch_nodes[1], branch=self.branch) self.status = 'closed'
def __repr__(self): """ The Representative of the :class:`` object. Returns ------- :obj:`str` """ return 'circuit_breaker_' + str(self.id_db)