Source code for ding0.grid.lv_grid.lv_connect

"""This file is part of DING0, the DIstribution Network GeneratOr.
DING0 is a tool to generate synthetic medium and low voltage power
distribution grids based on open data.

It is developed in the project open_eGo:

DING0 lives at github:
The documentation is available on RTD:"""

__copyright__  = "Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH"
__license__    = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__url__        = ""
__author__     = "nesnoj, gplssm"

import pandas as pd

from import BranchDing0
from import LVCableDistributorDing0
from import LVLoadDing0

from import config as cfg_ding0
from import calc_geo_dist, calc_edge_geometry
from import cable_type
import logging
import random

from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
import numpy as np

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def lv_connect_generators(mv_grid, graph, debug=False): """ Connect LV generators to LV grid Args ---- lv_grid_district: LVGridDistrictDing0 LVGridDistrictDing0 object for which the connection process has to be done graph: :networkx:`NetworkX Graph Obj< >` NetworkX graph object with nodes debug: bool, defaults to False If True, information is printed during process Returns ------- :networkx:`NetworkX Graph Obj< >` NetworkX graph object with nodes and newly created branches """ cable_lf = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'load_factor_lv_cable_fc_normal') cos_phi_gen = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'cos_phi_gen') v_nom = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'lv_nominal_voltage') / 1e3 # v_nom in kV seed = int(cfg_ding0.get('random', 'seed')) random.seed(a=seed) # Get positions of all LV nodes lv_nodes_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["node", "type", "building_id", "x", "y"]) for mv_grid_district in for load_area in mv_grid_district.lv_load_areas(): for lv_grid_district in load_area.lv_grid_districts(): for node in lv_grid_district.lv_grid.graph.nodes(): lv_nodes_df.loc[str(node)] = [ node, type(node).__name__, node.building_id if isinstance(node, LVLoadDing0) else None, node.geo_data.x, node.geo_data.y ] lv_stations_df = lv_nodes_df[lv_nodes_df["type"] == "LVStationDing0"] lv_loads_df = lv_nodes_df[lv_nodes_df["type"] == "LVLoadDing0"] def add_generator_to_station(generator, station): grid = station.grid graph = grid.graph branch_shp, branch_length = calc_edge_geometry(generator, station) # Calculate length with detour factor branch_length = calc_geo_dist(generator, station) branch_type = cable_type( generator.capacity / (cable_lf * cos_phi_gen), v_nom,['LV_cables']) branch = BranchDing0(length=branch_length, kind='cable', grid=grid, type=branch_type, geometry=branch_shp) generator.lv_grid = grid generator.lv_load_area = grid.grid_district.lv_load_area graph.add_edge(generator, station, branch=branch) grid.add_generator(generator) def add_generator_to_node(generator, node_to_connect): grid = node_to_connect.grid graph = grid.graph # Add helper cable branch = BranchDing0( grid=grid, id_db=f"helper_{generator}", helper_component=True, ) if isinstance(node_to_connect, LVLoadDing0): cable_distributor = list(graph.neighbors(node_to_connect))[0] elif isinstance(node_to_connect, LVCableDistributorDing0): cable_distributor = node_to_connect else: raise ValueError("False node as connection target!") generator.lv_grid = grid generator.lv_load_area = grid.grid_district.lv_load_area generator.geo_data = cable_distributor.geo_data grid.add_generator(generator) graph.add_edge(cable_distributor, generator, branch=branch) def get_nearest_nodes_of_generator(nearest_node, generator): distance = cdist( nearest_node.loc[:, ["x", "y"]], [(generator.geo_data.x, generator.geo_data.y)], 'euclidean' ) nearest_node = nearest_node.iloc[np.where(distance == distance.min())[0][0]]["node"] return nearest_node for generator in sorted(mv_grid.lv_generators_to_connect, key=lambda x: repr(x)): if generator.v_level == 6: nearest_station = get_nearest_nodes_of_generator(lv_stations_df, generator) add_generator_to_station(generator, nearest_station) elif generator.v_level == 7: if ( generator.building_id and not lv_loads_df[lv_loads_df["building_id"] == generator.building_id].empty ): node_to_connect = lv_loads_df[lv_loads_df["building_id"] == generator.building_id]["node"].values[0] else: node_to_connect = get_nearest_nodes_of_generator(lv_loads_df, generator) add_generator_to_node(generator, node_to_connect) else: raise ValueError("False Voltage Level!")