Source code for ding0.grid.mv_grid.solvers.savings

"""This file is part of DING0, the DIstribution Network GeneratOr.
DING0 is a tool to generate synthetic medium and low voltage power
distribution grids based on open data.

It is developed in the project open_eGo:

DING0 lives at github:
The documentation is available on RTD:

Based on code by Romulo Oliveira copyright (C) 2015,
Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may obtain a
copy of the license at

__copyright__  = "Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH"
__license__    = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__url__        = ""
__author__     = "nesnoj, gplssm"

import operator
import time

from ding0.grid.mv_grid.models import models
from ding0.grid.mv_grid.solvers.base import BaseSolution, BaseSolver

[docs]class SavingsSolution(BaseSolution): """Solution class for a Clarke and Wright Savings parallel algorithm""" def __init__(self, cvrp_problem): super(SavingsSolution, self).__init__(cvrp_problem) self._nodes = { models.Node(, x.demand()) for x in cvrp_problem.nodes()} self._routes = [models.Route(cvrp_problem) for _ in range(len(self._nodes) - 1)] for i, node in enumerate([node for node in list(self._nodes.values()) if != cvrp_problem.depot().name()]): self._routes[i].allocate([node])
[docs] def clone(self): """Returns a deep copy of self Function clones: * routes * allocation * nodes Returns ------- SavingsSolution A clone (deepcopy) of the instance itself """ new_solution = self.__class__(self._problem) # Clone routes for index, r in enumerate(self._routes): new_route = new_solution._routes[index] = models.Route(self._problem) for node in r.nodes(): # Insert new node on new route new_node = new_solution._nodes[] new_route.allocate([new_node]) # remove empty routes from new solution new_solution._routes = [route for route in new_solution._routes if route._nodes] return new_solution
[docs] def is_complete(self): """Returns True if this is a complete solution, i.e, all nodes are allocated Todo ---- TO BE REVIEWED Returns ------- bool True if this is a complete solution. """ allocated = all( [node.route_allocation() is not None for node in list(self._nodes.values()) if != self._problem.depot().name()] ) valid_routes = len(self._routes) == 1 #workaround: try to use only one route (otherwise process will stop if no of vehicles is reached) return allocated and valid_routes
[docs] def process(self, pair): # TODO: check docstring """Processes a pair of nodes into the current solution MUST CREATE A NEW INSTANCE, NOT CHANGE ANY INSTANCE ATTRIBUTES Returns a new instance (deep copy) of self object Parameters ---------- pair : type description Returns ------- type Description (Copy of self?) """ a, b = pair new_solution = self.clone() i, j = new_solution.get_pair((a, b)) route_i = i.route_allocation() route_j = j.route_allocation() inserted = False if ((route_i is not None and route_j is not None) and (route_i != route_j)): if route_i._nodes.index(i) == 0 and route_j._nodes.index(j) == len(route_j._nodes) - 1: if route_j.can_allocate(route_i._nodes): route_j.allocate(route_i._nodes) if i.route_allocation() != j.route_allocation(): raise Exception('wtf') inserted = True elif route_j._nodes.index(j) == 0 and route_i._nodes.index(i) == len(route_i._nodes) - 1: if route_i.can_allocate(route_j._nodes): route_i.allocate(route_j._nodes) if i.route_allocation() != j.route_allocation(): raise Exception('wtf j') inserted = True new_solution._routes = [route for route in new_solution._routes if route._nodes] return new_solution, inserted
[docs] def can_process(self, pairs): """Returns True if this solution can process `pairs` Parameters ---------- pairs: :obj:`list` of pairs of Route List of pairs Returns ------- bool True if this solution can process `pairs`. """ i, j = pairs # Neither points are in a route if i.route_allocation() is None or j.route_allocation() is None: return True if self._allocated == len(list(self._problem.nodes())) - 1: # All nodes in a route return False return False
[docs]class ClarkeWrightSolver(BaseSolver): """Clark and Wright Savings algorithm solver class"""
[docs] def compute_savings_list(self, graph): """Compute Clarke and Wright savings list A saving list is a matrix containing the saving amount S between i and j S is calculated by S = d(0,i) + d(0,j) - d(i,j) (CLARKE; WRIGHT, 1964) Parameters ---------- graph: :networkx:`NetworkX Graph Obj< >` A NetworkX graaph is used. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of `Node` List of nodes sorted by its savings """ savings_list = {} for i, j in graph.edges(): # t = (i, j) if repr(i) < repr(j): t = (i, j) else: t = (j, i) if i == graph.depot() or j == graph.depot(): continue savings_list[t] = graph.distance(graph.depot(), i) + graph.distance(graph.depot(), j) - graph.distance(i, j) sorted_savings_list = sorted(list(savings_list.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) return [nodes for nodes, saving in sorted_savings_list]
[docs] def solve(self, graph, timeout, debug=False, anim=None): """Solves the CVRP problem using Clarke and Wright Savings methods Parameters ---------- graph: :networkx:`NetworkX Graph Obj< >` A NetworkX graaph is used. timeout: :obj:`int` max processing time in seconds debug: bool, defaults to False If True, information is printed while routing anim: AnimationDing0 Returns ------- SavingsSolution A solution """ savings_list = self.compute_savings_list(graph) solution = SavingsSolution(graph) start = time.time() for i, j in savings_list[:]: if solution.is_complete(): break if solution.can_process((i, j)): solution, inserted = solution.process((i, j)) if inserted: savings_list.remove((i, j)) if anim: solution.draw_network(anim) if time.time() - start > timeout: break return solution