Source code for ding0.flexopt.check_tech_constraints

"""This file is part of DING0, the DIstribution Network GeneratOr.
DING0 is a tool to generate synthetic medium and low voltage power
distribution grids based on open data.

It is developed in the project open_eGo:

DING0 lives at github:
The documentation is available on RTD:"""

__copyright__  = "Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH"
__license__    = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__url__        = ""
__author__     = "nesnoj, gplssm"

# check technical constraints of distribution grids (shared lib)

from import config as cfg_ding0
import logging
from import LVLoadDing0
from import GeneratorDing0
from import LVCableDistributorDing0
from import LVStationDing0
from ding0.core.powerflow import q_sign
import networkx as nx
import math

logger = logging.getLogger('ding0')

[docs]def check_load(grid, mode): """ Checks for over-loading of branches and transformers for MV or LV grid. Parameters ---------- grid : :class:`~.ding0.core.GridDing0` Grid identifier. mode : :obj:`str` Kind of grid ('MV' or 'LV'). Returns ------- :obj:`dict` Dict of critical branches with max. relative overloading, and the following format:: { branch_1: rel_overloading_1, ..., branch_n: rel_overloading_n } :obj:`list` of :class:`` objects List of critical transformers with the following format:: [trafo_1, ..., trafo_m] Note ----- Lines'/cables' max. capacity (load case and feed-in case) are taken from [#]_. References ---------- .. [#] dena VNS See Also -------- ding0.flexopt.reinforce_measures.reinforce_branches_current : ding0.flexopt.reinforce_measures.reinforce_branches_voltage : """ crit_branches = {} crit_stations = [] if mode == 'MV': # load load factors (conditions) for cables, lines and trafos for load- and feedin case # load_factor_mv_trans_lc_normal = float(cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', # 'load_factor_mv_trans_lc_normal')) load_factor_mv_line_lc_normal = float(cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'load_factor_mv_line_lc_normal')) load_factor_mv_cable_lc_normal = float(cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'load_factor_mv_cable_lc_normal')) #load_factor_mv_trans_fc_normal = float(cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', # 'load_factor_mv_trans_fc_normal')) load_factor_mv_line_fc_normal = float(cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'load_factor_mv_line_fc_normal')) load_factor_mv_cable_fc_normal = float(cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'load_factor_mv_cable_fc_normal')) mw2kw = 1e3 kw2mw = 1e-3 # STEP 1: check branches' loads for branch in grid.graph_edges(): s_max_th = 3**0.5 * branch['branch'].type['U_n'] * branch['branch'].type['I_max_th'] if branch['branch'].kind == 'line': s_max_th_lcfc = [s_max_th * load_factor_mv_line_lc_normal, s_max_th * load_factor_mv_line_fc_normal] elif branch['branch'].kind == 'cable': s_max_th_lcfc = [s_max_th * load_factor_mv_cable_lc_normal, s_max_th * load_factor_mv_cable_fc_normal] else: raise ValueError('Branch kind is invalid!') # check loads only for non-aggregated Load Areas (aggregated ones are skipped raising except) try: # check if s_res exceeds allowed values for laod and feedin case # CAUTION: The order of values is fix! (1. load case, 2. feedin case) if any([s_res * mw2kw > _ for s_res, _ in zip(branch['branch'].s_res, s_max_th_lcfc)]): # save max. relative overloading crit_branches[branch] = max(branch['branch'].s_res) * mw2kw / s_max_th except: pass # STEP 2: check HV-MV station's load # NOTE: HV-MV station reinforcement is not required for status-quo # scenario since HV-MV trafos already sufficient for load+generation # case as done in MVStationDing0.choose_transformers() # OLD snippet: # cum_peak_load = grid.grid_district.peak_load # cum_peak_generation = grid.station().peak_generation(mode='MVLV') # # # reinforcement necessary only if generation > load # if cum_peak_generation > cum_peak_load: # grid.station().choose_transformers # # cum_trafo_capacity = sum((_.s_max_a for _ in grid.station().transformers())) # # max_trafo = max((_.s_max_a for _ in grid.station().transformers())) # # # determine number and size of required transformers # kw2mw = 1e-3 # residual_apparent_power = cum_generation_sum * kw2mw - \ # cum_trafo_capacity elif mode == 'LV': raise NotImplementedError if crit_branches:'==> {} branches have load issues.'.format( len(crit_branches))) if crit_stations:'==> {} stations have load issues.'.format( len(crit_stations))) return crit_branches, crit_stations
[docs]def check_voltage(grid, mode): """ Checks for voltage stability issues at all nodes for MV or LV grid Parameters ---------- grid : :class:`~.ding0.core.GridDing0` Grid identifier. mode : :obj:`str` Kind of grid ('MV' or 'LV'). Returns ------- :obj:`list` of Ding0 node object (member of graph) either * :class:`` or * :class:`` or * :class:`` or * :class:`` or * :class:`` or * :class:`` List of critical nodes, sorted descending by voltage difference. Note ----- The examination is done in two steps, according to [#]_ : 1. It is checked #TODO: what? 2. #TODO: what's next? References ---------- .. [#] dena VNS """ crit_nodes = {} if mode == 'MV': # load max. voltage difference for load and feedin case mv_max_v_level_lc_diff_normal = float(cfg_ding0.get('mv_routing_tech_constraints', 'mv_max_v_level_lc_diff_normal')) mv_max_v_level_fc_diff_normal = float(cfg_ding0.get('mv_routing_tech_constraints', 'mv_max_v_level_fc_diff_normal')) # check nodes' voltages voltage_station = grid._station.voltage_res for node in grid.graph_nodes_sorted(): try: # compare node's voltage with max. allowed voltage difference for load and feedin case if (abs(voltage_station[0] - node.voltage_res[0]) > mv_max_v_level_lc_diff_normal) or\ (abs(voltage_station[1] - node.voltage_res[1]) > mv_max_v_level_fc_diff_normal): crit_nodes[node] = {'node': node, 'v_diff': max([abs(v2-v1) for v1, v2 in zip(node.voltage_res, voltage_station)])} except: pass elif mode == 'LV': raise NotImplementedError if crit_nodes:'==> {} nodes have voltage issues.'.format(len(crit_nodes))) return [_['node'] for _ in sorted(crit_nodes.values(), key=lambda _: _['v_diff'], reverse=True)]
[docs]def get_critical_line_loading(grid): """ Assign line loading to each branch determined by peak load and peak generation of descendant branches The attribute `s_res` is a list of two elements 1. apparent power in load case 2. apparent power in feed-in case Parameters ---------- grid : :class:`` Ding0 LV grid object Returns ------- :obj:`list` List of critical branches incl. its line loading :obj:`list` List of critical stations incl. its transformer loading """ cos_phi_load = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'cos_phi_load') cos_phi_feedin = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'cos_phi_gen') lf_trafo_load = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', "load_factor_lv_trans_lc_normal") lf_trafo_gen = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', "load_factor_lv_trans_fc_normal") critical_branches = [] critical_stations = [] # Convert grid to a tree (is a directed graph) # based on this tree, descendants of each node are accessible station = grid._station tree = nx.dfs_tree(grid.graph, station) for node in tree.nodes(): # list of descendant nodes including the node itself descendants = list(nx.descendants(tree, node)) descendants.append(node) if isinstance(node, LVStationDing0): # determine cumulative peak load at node and assign to branch peak_load, peak_gen = peak_load_generation_at_node(descendants) if grid.id_db == 61107: if isinstance(node, LVStationDing0): print(node) # get trafos cumulative apparent power s_max_trafos = sum([_.s_max_a for _ in node._transformers]) # compare with load and generation connected to if (((peak_load / cos_phi_load) > s_max_trafos * lf_trafo_load) or ((peak_gen / cos_phi_feedin) > s_max_trafos * lf_trafo_gen)): critical_stations.append( {'station': node, 's_max': [ peak_load / cos_phi_load, peak_gen / cos_phi_feedin]}) else: # preceeding node of node predecessors = list(tree.predecessors(node)) # a non-meshed grid topology returns a list with only 1 item predecessor = predecessors[0] # get preceeding branches = grid.graph_branches_from_node(node) preceeding_branch = [branch for branch in branches if branch[0] is predecessor][0] # determine cumulative peak load at node and assign to branch peak_load, peak_gen = peak_load_generation_at_node(descendants) s_max_th = 3 ** 0.5 * preceeding_branch[1]['branch'].type['U_n'] * \ preceeding_branch[1]['branch'].type['I_max_th'] / 1e3 if (((peak_load / cos_phi_load) > s_max_th) or ((peak_gen / cos_phi_feedin) > s_max_th)): critical_branches.append( {'branch': preceeding_branch[1]['branch'], 's_max': [ peak_load / cos_phi_load, peak_gen / cos_phi_feedin]}) return critical_branches, critical_stations
[docs]def peak_load_generation_at_node(nodes): """ Get maximum occuring load and generation at a certain node Summarizes peak loads and nominal generation power of descendant nodes of a branch Parameters ---------- nodes : :obj:`list` Any LV grid Ding0 node object that is part of the grid topology Return ------ :any:`float` peak_load : Sum of peak loads of descendant nodes :any:`float` peak_generation : Sum of nominal power of generation at descendant nodes """ loads = [node.peak_load for node in nodes if isinstance(node, LVLoadDing0)] peak_load = sum(loads) generation = [node.capacity for node in nodes if isinstance(node, GeneratorDing0)] peak_generation = sum(generation) return peak_load, peak_generation
[docs]def get_critical_voltage_at_nodes(grid): r""" Estimate voltage drop/increase induced by loads/generators connected to the grid. Based on voltage level at each node of the grid critical nodes in terms of exceed tolerable voltage drop/increase are determined. The tolerable voltage drop/increase is defined by [#VDE]_ a adds up to 3 % of nominal voltage. The longitudinal voltage drop at each line segment is estimated by a simplified approach (neglecting the transverse voltage drop) described in [#VDE]_. Two equations are available for assessing voltage drop/ voltage increase. The first is used to assess a voltage drop in the load case .. math:: \\Delta u = \\frac{S_{Amax} \cdot ( R_{kV} \cdot cos(\phi) + X_{kV} \cdot sin(\phi) )}{U_{nom}} The second equation can be used to assess the voltage increase in case of feedin. The only difference is the negative sign before X. This is related to consider a voltage drop due to inductive operation of generators. .. math:: \\Delta u = \\frac{S_{Amax} \cdot ( R_{kV} \cdot cos(\phi) - X_{kV} \cdot sin(\phi) )}{U_{nom}} ================= ============================= Symbol Description ================= ============================= :math:`\Delta u` Voltage drop/increase at node :math:`S_{Amax}` Apparent power :math:`R_{kV}` Short-circuit resistance :math:`X_{kV}` Short-circuit reactance :math:`cos(\phi)` Power factor :math:`U_{nom}` Nominal voltage ================= ============================= Parameters ---------- grid : :class:`` Ding0 LV grid object Note ----- The implementation highly depends on topology of LV grid. This must not change its topology from radial grid with stubs branching from radial branches. In general, the approach of [#VDE]_ is only applicable to grids of radial topology. We consider the transverse voltage drop/increase by applying the same methodology successively on results of main branch. The voltage drop/increase at each house connection branch (aka. stub branch or grid connection point) is estimated by superposition based on voltage level in the main branch cable distributor. References ---------- .. [#VDE] VDE Anwenderrichtlinie: Erzeugungsanlagen am Niederspannungsnetz – Technische Mindestanforderungen für Anschluss und Parallelbetrieb von Erzeugungsanlagen am Niederspannungsnetz, 2011 """ v_delta_tolerable_fc = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'lv_max_v_level_fc_diff_normal') v_delta_tolerable_lc = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'lv_max_v_level_lc_diff_normal') crit_nodes = [] # get list of nodes of main branch in right order tree = nx.dfs_tree(grid.graph, grid._station) # list for nodes of main branch main_branch = [] # list of stub cable distributors branching from main branch grid_conn_points = [] # fill two above lists for node in list(nx.descendants(tree, grid._station)): successors = list(tree.successors(node)) if successors and all(isinstance(successor, LVCableDistributorDing0) for successor in successors): main_branch.append(node) elif (isinstance(node, LVCableDistributorDing0) and all(isinstance(successor, (GeneratorDing0, LVLoadDing0)) for successor in successors)): grid_conn_points.append(node) v_delta_load_case_bus_bar, v_delta_gen_case_bus_bar = get_voltage_at_bus_bar(grid, tree) if (abs(v_delta_gen_case_bus_bar) > v_delta_tolerable_fc or abs(v_delta_load_case_bus_bar) > v_delta_tolerable_lc): crit_nodes.append({'node': grid._station, 'v_diff': [v_delta_load_case_bus_bar, v_delta_gen_case_bus_bar]}) # voltage at main route nodes for first_node in [b for b in tree.successors(grid._station) if b in main_branch]: # initiate loop over feeder successor = first_node # cumulative voltage drop/increase at substation bus bar v_delta_load_cum = v_delta_load_case_bus_bar v_delta_gen_cum = v_delta_gen_case_bus_bar # successively determine voltage levels for succeeding nodes while successor: # calculate voltage drop over preceding line voltage_delta_load, voltage_delta_gen = get_delta_voltage_preceding_line(grid, tree, successor) # add voltage drop over preceding line v_delta_load_cum += voltage_delta_load v_delta_gen_cum += voltage_delta_gen # roughly estimate transverse voltage drop stub_node = [_ for _ in tree.successors(successor) if _ not in main_branch][0] v_delta_load_stub, v_delta_gen_stub = get_delta_voltage_preceding_line(grid, tree, stub_node) # check if voltage drop at node exceeds tolerable voltage drop if (abs(v_delta_gen_cum) > (v_delta_tolerable_fc) or abs(v_delta_load_cum) > ( v_delta_tolerable_lc)): # add node and successing stub node to critical nodes crit_nodes.append({'node': successor, 'v_diff': [v_delta_load_cum, v_delta_gen_cum]}) crit_nodes.append({'node': stub_node, 'v_diff': [ v_delta_load_cum + v_delta_load_stub, v_delta_gen_cum + v_delta_gen_stub]}) # check if voltage drop at stub node exceeds tolerable voltage drop elif ((abs(v_delta_gen_cum + v_delta_gen_stub) > v_delta_tolerable_fc) or (abs(v_delta_load_cum + v_delta_load_stub) > v_delta_tolerable_lc)): # add stub node to critical nodes crit_nodes.append({'node': stub_node, 'v_diff': [ v_delta_load_cum + v_delta_load_stub, v_delta_gen_cum + v_delta_gen_stub]}) successor = [_ for _ in tree.successors(successor) if _ in main_branch] if successor: successor = successor[0] return crit_nodes
[docs]def get_voltage_at_bus_bar(grid, tree): """ Determine voltage level at bus bar of MV-LV substation Parameters ---------- grid : :class:`` Ding0 grid object tree : :networkx:`NetworkX Graph Obj< >` Tree of grid topology: Returns ------- :obj:`list` Voltage at bus bar. First item refers to load case, second item refers to voltage in feedin (generation) case """ # impedance of mv grid and transformer r_mv_grid, x_mv_grid = get_mv_impedance_at_voltage_level(grid, grid.v_level / 1e3) z_trafo = 1 / sum(1 / (tr.z(voltage_level=grid.v_level / 1e3)) for tr in grid._station._transformers) r_trafo = z_trafo.real x_trafo = z_trafo.imag # cumulative resistance/reactance at bus bar r_busbar = r_mv_grid + r_trafo x_busbar = x_mv_grid + x_trafo # get voltage drop at substation bus bar v_delta_load_case_bus_bar, \ v_delta_gen_case_bus_bar = get_voltage_delta_branch(tree, grid._station, r_busbar, x_busbar) return v_delta_load_case_bus_bar, v_delta_gen_case_bus_bar
[docs]def get_delta_voltage_preceding_line(grid, tree, node): """ Parameters ---------- grid : :class:`` Ding0 grid object tree: :networkx:`NetworkX Graph Obj< >` Tree of grid topology node: graph node Node at end of line Return ------ :any:`float` Voltage drop over preceding line of node """ # get impedance of preceding line freq = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'frequency') omega = 2 * math.pi * freq # choose preceding branch branch = [_ for _ in grid.graph_branches_from_node(node) if _[0] in list(tree.predecessors(node))][0][1] # calculate impedance of preceding branch r_line = (branch['branch'].type['R_per_km'] * branch['branch'].length/1e3) x_line = (branch['branch'].type['L_per_km'] / 1e3 * omega * branch['branch'].length/1e3) # get voltage drop over preceeding line voltage_delta_load, voltage_delta_gen = \ get_voltage_delta_branch(tree, node, r_line, x_line) return voltage_delta_load, voltage_delta_gen
[docs]def get_voltage_delta_branch(tree, node, r, x): """ Determine voltage for a branch with impedance r + jx Parameters ---------- tree : :networkx:`NetworkX Graph Obj< >` Tree of grid topology node : graph node Node to determine voltage level at r : float Resistance of preceeding branch x : float Reactance of preceeding branch Return ------ :any:`float` Delta voltage for branch """ cos_phi_load = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'cos_phi_load') cos_phi_feedin = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'cos_phi_gen') cos_phi_load_mode = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'cos_phi_load_mode') cos_phi_feedin_mode = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'cos_phi_gen_mode') #ToDo: Check if this is true. Why would generator run in a way that aggravates voltage issues? v_nom = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'lv_nominal_voltage') # get apparent power for load and generation case peak_load, gen_capacity = get_cumulated_conn_gen_load(tree, node) s_max_load = peak_load/cos_phi_load s_max_feedin = gen_capacity/cos_phi_feedin # determine voltage increase/ drop a node x_sign_load = q_sign(cos_phi_load_mode, 'load') voltage_delta_load = voltage_delta_vde(v_nom, s_max_load, r, x_sign_load * x, cos_phi_load) x_sign_gen = q_sign(cos_phi_feedin_mode, 'load') voltage_delta_gen = voltage_delta_vde(v_nom, s_max_feedin, r, x_sign_gen * x, cos_phi_feedin) return [voltage_delta_load, voltage_delta_gen]
[docs]def get_cumulated_conn_gen_load(graph, node): """ Get generation capacity/ peak load of all descending nodes Parameters ---------- graph : :networkx:`NetworkX Graph Obj< >` Directed graph node : graph node Node of the main branch of LV grid Returns ------- :obj:`list` A list containing two items # cumulated peak load of connected loads at descending nodes of node # cumulated generation capacity of connected generators at descending nodes of node """ # loads and generators connected to descending nodes peak_load = sum( [node.peak_load for node in nx.descendants(graph, node) if isinstance(node, LVLoadDing0)]) generation = sum( [node.capacity for node in nx.descendants(graph, node) if isinstance(node, GeneratorDing0)]) return [peak_load, generation]
[docs]def get_mv_impedance_at_voltage_level(grid, voltage_level): """ Determine MV grid impedance (resistance and reactance separately) Parameters ---------- grid : :class:`` voltage_level: float voltage level to which impedance is rescaled (normally 0.4 kV for LV) Returns ------- :obj:`list` List containing resistance and reactance of MV grid """ freq = cfg_ding0.get('assumptions', 'frequency') omega = 2 * math.pi * freq mv_grid = grid.grid_district.lv_load_area.mv_grid_district.mv_grid edges = mv_grid.find_path(grid._station, mv_grid._station, type='edges') r_mv_grid = sum([e[2]['branch'].type['R_per_km'] * e[2]['branch'].length / 1e3 for e in edges]) x_mv_grid = sum([e[2]['branch'].type['L_per_km'] / 1e3 * omega * e[2][ 'branch'].length / 1e3 for e in edges]) # rescale to voltage level r_mv_grid_vl = r_mv_grid * (voltage_level / mv_grid.v_level) ** 2 x_mv_grid_vl = x_mv_grid * (voltage_level / mv_grid.v_level) ** 2 return [r_mv_grid_vl, x_mv_grid_vl]
[docs]def voltage_delta_vde(v_nom, s_max, r, x, cos_phi): """ Estimate voltrage drop/increase The VDE [#]_ proposes a simplified method to estimate voltage drop or increase in radial grids. Parameters ---------- v_nom : :obj:`int` Nominal voltage s_max : :obj:`float` Apparent power r : :obj:`float` Short-circuit resistance from node to HV/MV substation (in ohm) x : :obj:`float` Short-circuit reactance from node to HV/MV substation (in ohm). Must be a signed number indicating (+) inductive reactive consumer (load case) or (-) inductive reactive supplier (generation case) cos_phi : :obj:`float` The cosine phi of the connected generator or load that induces the voltage change Returns ------- :obj:`float` Voltage drop or increase References ---------- .. [#] VDE Anwenderrichtlinie: Erzeugungsanlagen am Niederspannungsnetz – Technische Mindestanforderungen für Anschluss und Parallelbetrieb von Erzeugungsanlagen am Niederspannungsnetz, 2011 """ delta_v = (s_max * 1e3 * ( r * cos_phi - x * math.sin(math.acos(cos_phi)))) / v_nom ** 2 return delta_v