ding0.flexopt package


ding0.flexopt.check_tech_constraints module

ding0.flexopt.check_tech_constraints.check_load(grid, mode)[source]

Checks for over-loading of branches and transformers for MV or LV grid.

  • grid (GridDing0) – Grid identifier.
  • mode (str) – Kind of grid (‘MV’ or ‘LV’).

  • dict – Dict of critical branches with max. relative overloading, and the following format:

    branch_1: rel_overloading_1,
    branch_n: rel_overloading_n
  • list of TransformerDing0 objects –

    List of critical transformers with the following format:

    [trafo_1, ..., trafo_m]


Lines’/cables’ max. capacity (load case and feed-in case) are taken from [1].


[1]dena VNS
ding0.flexopt.check_tech_constraints.check_voltage(grid, mode)[source]

Checks for voltage stability issues at all nodes for MV or LV grid

  • grid (GridDing0) – Grid identifier.
  • mode (str) – Kind of grid (‘MV’ or ‘LV’).

list of Ding0 node object (member of graph) either –

List of critical nodes, sorted descending by voltage difference.


The examination is done in two steps, according to [2] :

  1. It is checked #TODO: what?
  2. #TODO: what’s next?


[2]dena VNS

Assign line loading to each branch determined by peak load and peak generation of descendant branches

The attribute s_res is a list of two elements 1. apparent power in load case 2. apparent power in feed-in case

Parameters:grid (LVGridDing0) – Ding0 LV grid object
  • list – List of critical branches incl. its line loading
  • list – List of critical stations incl. its transformer loading

Estimate voltage drop/increase induced by loads/generators connected to the grid.

Based on voltage level at each node of the grid critical nodes in terms of exceed tolerable voltage drop/increase are determined. The tolerable voltage drop/increase is defined by [3] a adds up to 3 % of nominal voltage. The longitudinal voltage drop at each line segment is estimated by a simplified approach (neglecting the transverse voltage drop) described in [3].

Two equations are available for assessing voltage drop/ voltage increase.

The first is used to assess a voltage drop in the load case

\\Delta u = \\frac{S_{Amax} \cdot ( R_{kV} \cdot cos(\phi) + X_{kV} \cdot sin(\phi) )}{U_{nom}}

The second equation can be used to assess the voltage increase in case of feedin. The only difference is the negative sign before X. This is related to consider a voltage drop due to inductive operation of generators.

\\Delta u = \\frac{S_{Amax} \cdot ( R_{kV} \cdot cos(\phi) - X_{kV} \cdot sin(\phi) )}{U_{nom}}

Symbol Description
\Delta u Voltage drop/increase at node
S_{Amax} Apparent power
R_{kV} Short-circuit resistance
X_{kV} Short-circuit reactance
cos(\phi) Power factor
U_{nom} Nominal voltage
Parameters:grid (LVGridDing0) – Ding0 LV grid object


The implementation highly depends on topology of LV grid. This must not change its topology from radial grid with stubs branching from radial branches. In general, the approach of [3] is only applicable to grids of radial topology.

We consider the transverse voltage drop/increase by applying the same methodology successively on results of main branch. The voltage drop/increase at each house connection branch (aka. stub branch or grid connection point) is estimated by superposition based on voltage level in the main branch cable distributor.


[3](1, 2, 3) VDE Anwenderrichtlinie: Erzeugungsanlagen am Niederspannungsnetz – Technische Mindestanforderungen für Anschluss und Parallelbetrieb von Erzeugungsanlagen am Niederspannungsnetz, 2011
ding0.flexopt.check_tech_constraints.get_cumulated_conn_gen_load(graph, node)[source]

Get generation capacity/ peak load of all descending nodes

  • graph (NetworkX Graph Obj) – Directed graph
  • node (graph node) – Node of the main branch of LV grid

list – A list containing two items

# cumulated peak load of connected loads at descending nodes of node # cumulated generation capacity of connected generators at descending nodes of node

ding0.flexopt.check_tech_constraints.get_delta_voltage_preceding_line(grid, tree, node)[source]

float – Voltage drop over preceding line of node

ding0.flexopt.check_tech_constraints.get_mv_impedance_at_voltage_level(grid, voltage_level)[source]

Determine MV grid impedance (resistance and reactance separately)

  • grid (LVGridDing0) –
  • voltage_level (float) – voltage level to which impedance is rescaled (normally 0.4 kV for LV)

list – List containing resistance and reactance of MV grid

ding0.flexopt.check_tech_constraints.get_voltage_at_bus_bar(grid, tree)[source]

Determine voltage level at bus bar of MV-LV substation


list – Voltage at bus bar. First item refers to load case, second item refers to voltage in feedin (generation) case

ding0.flexopt.check_tech_constraints.get_voltage_delta_branch(tree, node, r, x)[source]

Determine voltage for a branch with impedance r + jx

  • tree (NetworkX Graph Obj) – Tree of grid topology
  • node (graph node) – Node to determine voltage level at
  • r (float) – Resistance of preceeding branch
  • x (float) – Reactance of preceeding branch

float – Delta voltage for branch


Get maximum occuring load and generation at a certain node

Summarizes peak loads and nominal generation power of descendant nodes of a branch

Parameters:nodes (list) – Any LV grid Ding0 node object that is part of the grid topology
  • float – peak_load : Sum of peak loads of descendant nodes
  • float – peak_generation : Sum of nominal power of generation at descendant nodes
ding0.flexopt.check_tech_constraints.voltage_delta_vde(v_nom, s_max, r, x, cos_phi)[source]

Estimate voltrage drop/increase

The VDE [4] proposes a simplified method to estimate voltage drop or increase in radial grids.

  • v_nom (int) – Nominal voltage
  • s_max (float) – Apparent power
  • r (float) – Short-circuit resistance from node to HV/MV substation (in ohm)
  • x (float) – Short-circuit reactance from node to HV/MV substation (in ohm). Must be a signed number indicating (+) inductive reactive consumer (load case) or (-) inductive reactive supplier (generation case)
  • cos_phi (float) – The cosine phi of the connected generator or load that induces the voltage change

float – Voltage drop or increase


[4]VDE Anwenderrichtlinie: Erzeugungsanlagen am Niederspannungsnetz – Technische Mindestanforderungen für Anschluss und Parallelbetrieb von Erzeugungsanlagen am Niederspannungsnetz, 2011

ding0.flexopt.reinforce_grid module

ding0.flexopt.reinforce_grid.reinforce_grid(grid, mode)[source]

Evaluates grid reinforcement needs and performs measures

Grid reinforcement according to methods described in [VNSRP] supplemented by [DENA].

  • grid (GridDing0) – Grid instance
  • mode (str) – Choose of: ‘MV’ or ‘LV’


Currently only MV branch reinforcement is implemented. HV-MV stations are not reinforced since not required for status-quo scenario.


[DENA]Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena), “dena-Verteilnetzstudie. Ausbau- und Innovationsbedarf der Stromverteilnetze in Deutschland bis 2030.”, 2012
[VNSRP]Ackermann, T., Untsch, S., Koch, M., & Rothfuchs, H. (2014). Verteilnetzstudie Rheinland-Pfalz. Hg. v. Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Klimaschutz, Energie und Landesplanung Rheinland-Pfalz (MWKEL). energynautics GmbH.

ding0.flexopt.reinforce_measures module

ding0.flexopt.reinforce_measures.extend_substation(grid, critical_stations, grid_level)[source]

Reinforce MV or LV substation by exchanging the existing trafo and installing a parallel one if necessary.

First, all available transformers in a critical_stations are extended to maximum power. If this does not solve all present issues, additional transformers are build.

  • grid (GridDing0) – Ding0 grid container
  • critical_stations (list) – List of stations with overloading
  • grid_level (str) – Either “LV” or “MV”. Basis to select right equipment.


Curently straight forward implemented for LV stations

Returns:type – #TODO: Description of return. Change type in the previous line accordingly
ding0.flexopt.reinforce_measures.extend_substation_voltage(crit_stations, grid_level='LV')[source]

Extend substation if voltage issues at the substation occur

Follows a two-step procedure:

  1. Existing transformers are extended by replacement with large nominal apparent power
  2. New additional transformers added to substation (see ‘Note’)
  • crit_stations (list) – List of stations with overloading or voltage issues.
  • grid_level (str) – Specifiy grid level: ‘MV’ or ‘LV’


At maximum 2 new of largest (currently 630 kVA) transformer are additionally built to resolve voltage issues at MV-LV substation bus bar.

ding0.flexopt.reinforce_measures.extend_trafo_power(extendable_trafos, trafo_params)[source]

Extend power of first trafo in list of extendable trafos

  • extendable_trafos (list) – Trafos with rated power below maximum size available trafo
  • trafo_params (pandas.DataFrame) – Transformer parameters

Reinforce MV grid by installing a new primary substation opposite to the existing one

Parameters:grid (MVGridDing0) – MV Grid identifier.
ding0.flexopt.reinforce_measures.reinforce_branches_current(grid, crit_branches)[source]

Reinforce MV or LV grid by installing a new branch/line type

  • grid (GridDing0) – Grid identifier.
  • crit_branches (dict) – Dict of critical branches with max. relative overloading.


The branch type to be installed is determined per branch using the rel. overloading. According to [5] only cables are installed.


[5]Ackermann et al. (RP VNS)
ding0.flexopt.reinforce_measures.reinforce_branches_voltage(grid, crit_branches, grid_level='MV')[source]

Reinforce MV or LV grid by installing a new branch/line type

  • grid (GridDing0) – Grid identifier.
  • crit_branches (list of int) – List of critical branches. #TODO: check if a list or a dictionary
  • grid_level (str) – Specifying either ‘MV’ for medium-voltage grid or ‘LV’ for low-voltage grid level.


The branch type to be installed is determined per branch - the next larger cable available is used. According to Ackermann only cables are installed.

ding0.flexopt.reinforce_measures.reinforce_lv_branches_overloading(grid, crit_branches)[source]

Choose appropriate cable type for branches with line overloading

  • grid (LVGridDing0) – Ding0 LV grid object
  • crit_branches (list) – List of critical branches incl. its line loading


If maximum size cable is not capable to resolve issue due to line overloading largest available cable type is assigned to branch.

Returns:list – unsolved_branches : List of braches no suitable cable could be found

ding0.flexopt.reinforce_measures_dena module


Reinforce MV or LV substation by exchanging the existing trafo and installing a parallel one if necessary with according to dena

Parameters:grid (GridDing0) – Grid identifier.
Returns:type – #TODO: Description of return. Change type in the previous line accordingly

Reinforce MV grid by installing a new primary substation opposite to the existing one according to dena

Parameters:grid (MVGridDing0) – Grid identifier.
Returns:type – #TODO: Description of return. Change type in the previous line accordingly
ding0.flexopt.reinforce_measures_dena.parallel_branch(grid, node_target)[source]

Reinforce MV or LV grid by installing a new parallel branch according to dena

  • grid (GridDing0) – Grid identifier.
  • node_target (int) – node where the parallel cable (starting from HV/MV substation) is connected to (used when grid is a MV grid)

type – #TODO: Description of return. Change type in the previous line accordingly


Reinforce MV grid by splitting a critical ring into two new rings according to dena

Parameters:grid (MVGridDing0) – Grid identifier.
Returns:type – #TODO: Description of return. Change type in the previous line accordingly

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