Source code for ding0.flexopt.reinforce_grid

"""This file is part of DING0, the DIstribution Network GeneratOr.
DING0 is a tool to generate synthetic medium and low voltage power
distribution grids based on open data.

It is developed in the project open_eGo:

DING0 lives at github:
The documentation is available on RTD:"""

__copyright__  = "Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH"
__license__    = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__url__        = ""
__author__     = "nesnoj, gplssm"

from .check_tech_constraints import check_load, check_voltage, \
    get_critical_line_loading, get_critical_voltage_at_nodes
from .reinforce_measures import reinforce_branches_current, \
    reinforce_branches_voltage, reinforce_lv_branches_overloading, \
    extend_substation, extend_substation_voltage
from import LVStationDing0
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger('ding0')

[docs]def reinforce_grid(grid, mode): #TODO: finish docstring """ Evaluates grid reinforcement needs and performs measures Grid reinforcement according to methods described in [VNSRP]_ supplemented by [DENA]_. Parameters ---------- grid: :class:`~.ding0.core.GridDing0` Grid instance mode: :obj:`str` Choose of: 'MV' or 'LV' Note ----- Currently only MV branch reinforcement is implemented. HV-MV stations are not reinforced since not required for status-quo scenario. References ---------- .. [DENA] Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena), "dena-Verteilnetzstudie. Ausbau- und Innovationsbedarf der Stromverteilnetze in Deutschland bis 2030.", 2012 .. [VNSRP] Ackermann, T., Untsch, S., Koch, M., & Rothfuchs, H. (2014). Verteilnetzstudie Rheinland-Pfalz. Hg. v. Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Klimaschutz, Energie und Landesplanung Rheinland-Pfalz (MWKEL). energynautics GmbH. """ # kind of grid to be evaluated (MV or LV) if mode == 'MV': crit_branches, crit_stations = check_load(grid, mode) # STEP 1: reinforce branches # do reinforcement reinforce_branches_current(grid, crit_branches) # if branches or stations have been reinforced: run PF again to check for voltage issues if crit_branches or crit_stations:'onthefly') crit_nodes = check_voltage(grid, mode) crit_nodes_count_prev_step = len(crit_nodes) # as long as there are voltage issues, do reinforcement while crit_nodes: # determine all branches on the way from HV-MV substation to crit. nodes crit_branches_v = grid.find_and_union_paths(grid.station(), crit_nodes) # do reinforcement reinforce_branches_voltage(grid, crit_branches_v) # run PF, method='onthefly') crit_nodes = check_voltage(grid, mode) # if there are critical nodes left but no larger cable available, stop reinforcement if len(crit_nodes) == crit_nodes_count_prev_step: logger.warning('==> There are {0} branches that cannot be ' 'reinforced (no appropriate cable ' 'available).'.format( len(grid.find_and_union_paths(grid.station(), crit_nodes)))) break crit_nodes_count_prev_step = len(crit_nodes) if not crit_nodes:'==> All voltage issues in {mode} grid could be ' 'solved using reinforcement.'.format(mode=mode)) # STEP 2: reinforce HV-MV station # NOTE: HV-MV station reinforcement is not required for status-quo # scenario since HV-MV trafos already sufficient for load+generation # case as done in MVStationDing0.choose_transformers() elif mode == 'LV': # get overloaded branches # overloading issues critical_branches, critical_stations = get_critical_line_loading(grid) no_crit_branches = len(critical_branches) # reinforce overloaded lines by increasing size unresolved = reinforce_lv_branches_overloading(grid, critical_branches) "Out of {crit_branches} with overloading {unresolved} remain " "with unresolved issues due to line overloading. " "LV grid: {grid}".format( crit_branches=no_crit_branches, unresolved=len(unresolved), grid=grid)) # reinforce substations extend_substation(grid, critical_stations, mode) # get node with over-voltage crit_nodes = get_critical_voltage_at_nodes(grid) #over-voltage issues # reinforcement of LV stations on voltage issues crit_stations_voltage = [_ for _ in crit_nodes # Is this ever reached? if isinstance(_['node'], LVStationDing0)] if crit_stations_voltage: extend_substation_voltage(crit_stations_voltage, grid_level='LV') for station in crit_stations_voltage: crit_nodes.remove(station) crit_nodes_count_prev_step = len(crit_nodes)'{cnt_crit_branches} in {grid} have voltage issues'.format( cnt_crit_branches=crit_nodes_count_prev_step, grid=grid)) # as long as there are voltage issues, do reinforcement while crit_nodes: # determine all branches on the way from HV-MV substation to crit. nodes crit_branches_v = grid.find_and_union_paths( grid.station(), [_['node'] for _ in crit_nodes]) # do reinforcement reinforce_branches_voltage(grid, crit_branches_v, mode) # get node with over-voltage crit_nodes = get_critical_voltage_at_nodes(grid) # if there are critical nodes left but no larger cable available, stop reinforcement if len(crit_nodes) == crit_nodes_count_prev_step: logger.warning('==> There are {0} branches that cannot be ' 'reinforced (no appropriate cable ' 'available).'.format( len(crit_branches_v))) break crit_nodes_count_prev_step = len(crit_nodes) if not crit_nodes:'==> All voltage issues in {mode} grid could be ' 'solved using reinforcement.'.format(mode=mode))